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Everything posted by Cauptain

  1. Hello Jason, 11.3 BETA translation is update. Language-pt-BR - LB_11.3 - BETA (06.08.2020).zip One question: the files OptionsForm / AddEditForm was missing? I saw in the files that I translate that it was removed. I inserted it back into my translation file. Its ok? Claudio
  2. Hi all, I can't get the fullscreen and exit script to work together. I used the one from Lordmokus and it only worked on the closing part. Sleep, 3000 SetKeyDelay, -1, 110 Send {F11} Return Sleep, 3000 SetKeyDelay, -1, 110 MouseMove, 0, 2160, 0, R $Esc:: { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} } Retro808's work, but not the 2 together. SetTitleMatchMode, 2 (work alone) WinWaitActive, Yuzu Send {f11} Exit (Work alone) Esc :: Send ^ q How to configure both and working at the same time? I am using the Early Access 794 version Thanks, Claudio
  3. OMG!! Perfect!! Finnaly!! I'm laughing from ear to ear. I can go back 35 years and relive that with my brothers. THANK YOU JoeViking245
  4. Thank u for great help and support Mr. @JoeViking245 Claudio
  5. Hi @JoeViking245 How to make a variable path for roms?? Launchbox paths: Emulator: D:\LaunchBox\Emulators\MAME Roms: D:\LaunchBox\Games\Nintendo Game & Watch MAME.ini: homepath . rompath "D:\LaunchBox\Games\Nintendo Game & Watch" I need put all LB in External HD but don't want to keep changing the paths on ini on every computer I go to when visit my brothers or cousins. Can u a help me? Thanks Claudio
  6. @JoeViking245 its a merged rom. Works like a charm!! Claudio
  7. Wow @JoeViking245 you killed the charade. ? It only works if it is in the "Roms folder". Since I don't use this folder for my systems, I would die without finding out. Thanks a lot for the help. Now make it work on Retroarch MAME. Claudio
  8. Hi @JoeViking245, after many tests, not work... Download 0.222 MAME roms - Not work Merge roms: Not work Get another emulator MAMe versions: Not work No more tips. Claudio
  9. OMG, have download separated roms...? Probably this my issue. will merge both and try. Thanks for reply, Claudio
  10. Thanks Joe. Im try yesterday using 3 MAME (Official, UI e Arcade). Have a full roms (artowrks inside zip) No way to work. Download old roms, same issue too. Incridible. Claudio
  11. Hi all, Does anyone know how to emulate Game & Watch by MAME? I see a lot of theory, but to date nothing functional. What bios is used? What is the name of the folder for Game & Watch games? Which command is used in MAME? Claudio
  12. Hello Retro808, how are you? I agree that there should be more control over the images you upload. I have done a huge job collecting most of the front covers in better resolution, as I always try to improve the quality. It could veto the size of certain arts. Covers with a resolution below 350x350 are practically unused. I prefer to limit it to a minimum of 400x400, as I can recover them. Same thing in size. One, the cover with a lot of information in 350x350 of 10k doesn't help. I know that the community is contributing, but filling up with so much bad image is sad for us. About GB / GBA / GBC I had to recover almost 900 covers. Almost 50% of the total. Think about whether you can do something that improves the image database. Will release tomorrow on my FB group a full collection 1G1R for GB/GBC/GBA with full medias, all covers in 960p. Claudio
  13. Brazilian translation for LB 11.0 (29.06.2020 - FINAL) No more changes @Jason Carr!!! ? Language-pt-BR_LB 11.0 - 29.06.2020 (FINAL).zip Claudio
  14. @Jason Carr Im found 4 erros, wait for my new translation in some minutes for official version.
  15. Brazilian translation for LB 11.0 (27.06.2020 - FINAL) Language-pt-BR_LB 11.0 - 27.06.2020.zip Claudio
  16. Hi @Jason Carr, how do u do mate? Brazilian translation for LB 11.0 "Beta 3" is online. Language-pt-BR_LB 11.0 BETA 3 - 26.06.2020.zip Claudio
  17. Nice!! For me just need 1 second fade in/out + SD/HD (16:9 & 4:3) profile to convert. Perfect for intent. Claudio
  18. Thank you very much for sharing @Robin55. They were perfect for upscale. I'm redoing all my covers. Claudio
  19. CORRECT - LB 10.14 WRONG - LB 10.15 LB 10.15 LB 10.14 Atari 5200 - LB 10.14.xlsx Atari 5200 - LB 10.15.xlsx Claudio Atari 5200 - LB 10.14.xlsx Atari 5200 - LB 10.15.xlsx
  20. @Jason Carr after the tip from my german brother @Opak , I'm sure it's not safe to use ??? Thanks Opak!!! Claudio
  21. Hello @Jason Carr, The image get on Pinterest. No see copyright in anywhere. Original link: Jason, in the 10.15 last beta, Audit option is not properly work. Its not export default fields (Name rom, Video path, Clear logo images...All fields are gone) Claudio
  22. Brazilian translation for LB 10.15 (Final) Brazilian translation_LB 10.15 (17.05.2020).zip Claudio
  23. Hi @Jason Carr, Brazilian translation for LB 10.15 "Beta 9" is online. Brazilian translation_LB 10.15 (Beta 9).zip Claudio
  24. @ground7 720p upscale to 1080p is too easy using neural networks tech. Look for it. Claudio
  25. Hello @Jason Carr, Brazilian translation for LB 10.15 "Beta 5" is up. Language-pt-BR_LB 10.15 BETA 5 - 04.05.2020.zip Claudio
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