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Posts posted by Klopjero

  1. 1 minute ago, Retro808 said:

    He is talking about the marquee image on a second screen. What you are showing changes the box art image. Right now the default for a marquee image is the marquee folder. In the absence of an image there it defaults to box art folder. There is not image priority option for marquee like there is for boxart and background image priorities. 

    *picks up jaw* okay...  that's what I get for not thinking... I can just make a dynamic link to to the clear logo folder and that would take care of the immediate issue....thanks @Retro808 

  2. 1 hour ago, Retro808 said:

    It would be possible to add, but likely will not happen anytime soon. Upgrades to marquee support just missed the cut off line from the last poll. So we may have to be patient on this. I am hoping soon enough we can get some additional upgrades to marquee support as it is something I use on each of my setups. I would love if marquees could display gifs or videos. 

    I'd settle for being able to choose clear logo's 

  3. Over at hyperspin Zerojay Introduced the Ultimate Doom Single player collection. A Collection that includes all of the Annual Cacoward Community award winner mods/wads  of the past 15 years. I've helped him update the collection up till 2016. I'm working off and on to make the collection Launchbox friendly. @Nielk1 even built a doomworld scraper to help me with this. The collection at this point is 19GB worth(screen shots, logos  and videos) of media and mods/wads... the collection does not include doom3 / doom 4 or heretic/hexen stuff just Doom 1/2 community mods. It's awesome. just my 2 cents worth of input

    • Like 1
  4. Hi,

    would it be possible to implement a Marquee image priority setting ?
    Currently for systems it looks at banners, and for games it looks for boxes. and there is no way to change that.

    Background images in BB looks for fanbackground and then clear logos (or maybe that's per theme, I'm not sure) so it prioritizes images in the background folder and if it doesnt find any it looks for images in the clear logo folder.
    Could something similar be programmed so that marquees are looked for in the banner or clear logo folder instead of the box - front folder? and as a bonus, currently the background color of the marquee is set to black and the box is displayed on top of that. could it be possible to have a custom marquee background image that the user could specify.

    • Like 1
  5. Hello,

    I thought I'd report this. I have an issue with the launchbox and marquee screen.

    I have a 23"screen and 7" screen hooked up.
    Both are identified in Windows 10 (1803)
    Big screen is 1
    Small screen is 2

    I open up big box and in options I activate marquee and it should display on screen 2. and imagine my surprise when My big screen shows the marquee and the small screen shows bigbox..
    I have to tell big box to display on screen 2,which windows identified as screen 1 (big screen) and marquee on screen 1 which windows identified as screen 2.

    what does launchbox base the screen numbers on ?

    is this an undocumented puzzle easter egg ?

  6. 10 hours ago, Jason Carr said:

    I may take a look at that here at some point, though it's also fairly low priority. Last I checked though it was fairly well optimized (though I do see some overlapping links in the header). What are you running into?

    I've had a an error when the site was retrieving my moderation que, but as of this morning that seems to have been fixed. and the overlap of options is bothersome but with some squinting that can be worked around..

    Thanks for the reply :)

    • Like 1
  7. I figured it would be quite low prio, any chance on getting the web interface moblile friendly ? I'm on public transport a couple of times for like an hour.. so I thought I'd get some moderation done.. 

  8. how about a mobile app so you can do some moderation while on the go? I understand that I can use the webbrowser for this, but it's kind of clunky and the site isn't optimised for mobile use.

    • Like 1
  9. Hi, 

    LB has this awesome feature that splits the arcade playlist into a wide range of systems and classics playlists.. I was wondering if a same principle could be applied to gameboy. so when you're adding gameboy as a system the wizards gives a suggestion if you'd like to make a super gameboy playlist. 

    Just a thought

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