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Everything posted by MatticusFinch1820

  2. I think this is dead.
  3. Awesome thanks!!
  4. This community truly is the best.
  5. This is fantastic!!
  6. Right on! I do use Kodi but I wanted to have everything together, I wasnt aware you could add LB to Kodi so i will do that. Thanks!
  7. One feature I wish would be added would be the ability to add movies and comic books/ gaming magazine pdfs to make LaunchBox the ultimate Retro Paradise!
  8. Awesome work!!!
  9. OMG this is great! can you make png overlays for Retroarch like this? Its basically the same thing, a bedroom png for each console with the TV being usable so i can resize retroarch to fit into it. I have something similar which I used from New Retro Theme and resized it. But I want something with a bigger TV and the cool posters and such. Does that make sense?
  10. Right on! Cant wait to see the final version. I wish I could help but I have no idea how xml works. Maybe one of these days I will look into it.
  11. Is there a release date for this?
  12. I agree with the above. this will be my permanent theme if its ever finished
  13. This community never ceases to amaze me. Fantastic work!!!
  14. Fantastic work! DL'ing this now!
  15. Still my most anticipated theme!!!
  16. Ok I figured it out. I took the png image out and cropped it and now it looks like the attached image. I did this for each system. Now, to get them to work in retroarch as overlays, you need to make a .cfg file (ive included one, just replace the name with each console you have a png image for). Just make sure the name of the png image is listed in the .cfg file and put them in a folder in the Retroarch root directory and then go into your retroarch menu, go to settings, overlays and chose the cfg for the console you want. Now you need to resize the screen in retroarch. Go to video settings menu and look for the "aspect ratio index" setting and put it on custom, then you can resize the screen using the four settings below that option. Its tedious to resize but once it fits in it looks great! I have included the N64 png i resized and a cfg file, you can copy this cfg file over and over and just replace the name of the png image. Thats it! If we could just get a slightly bigger TV in this, it would be amazing. Nintendo64.cfg
  17. I posted this in the Bedroom thread but it applies here too. Question for you (or anyone) though, I was experimenting with this style background from the New Retro Big Box theme by taking the TV and Desk PNG and making a CFG file so i can use it as a retroarch TV overlay and play the games through the TV with the system and desk in view. It worked!!! BUT the TV screen is small as hell for playing and the TV and desk are off to the side (because of the console wheel space.) so my question is, Would it be possible to make these TV pngs modified to be able to use as retroarch TV overlays? I would think the only thing to be done would be to make the TV slightly bigger and the desk and TV more towards the center. That way each system you play, you are playing it in the TV on the desk with the console right next to it! Ive included a PNG of the file from NRBB so you can see.
  18. This is INCREDIBLE work Vice!! Question for you (or anyone) though, I was experimenting with this style background from the New Retro Big Box theme by taking the TV and Desk PNG and making a CFG file so i can use it as a retroarch TV overlay and play the games through the TV with the system and desk in view. It worked!!! BUT the TV screen is small as hell for playing and the TV and desk are off to the side (because of the console wheel space.) so my question is, Would it be possible to make these TV pngs modified to be able to use as retroarch TV overlays? I would think the only thing to be done would be to make the TV slightly bigger and the desk and TV more towards the center. That way each system you play, you are playing it in the TV on the desk with the console right next to it! Ive included a PNG of the file from NRBB so you can see.
  19. Hey cool!!! Always good to get new themes!
  20. Oh. My. GOD. THIS is EXACTLY what I have always wanted!!! Each theme on here has a piece of what im looking for. Such as Vikings theme videos with the TV and Console, but I wasnt a fan of the blank backgrounds but your theme here is perfect. Each console with the TV and Room decorations of the decade so that it looks like you are in that room just like your mock up screen shots. Nailed it!! I wish I could be of some help but I have zero skills when it comes to these things. I am EXTREMELY interested in this. My bedroom still looks like this lol. I have a retro mancave and I keep it very close to these screenshots. I game exclusively on PC and my retro gaming is also exclusively on PC through Launchbox. Sometimes I miss having my physical media, so this def brings back memories. Fantastic work!
  21. This is awesome!!! I like the Bedroom theme much better! It would be cool to be able to have the arcade theme for the arcade systems and then have these bedroom themes for the consoles which each console having the TV of its era and posters of its era in there. What an amazing theme if that could be done like above!
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