mine too! I've never understood how the N64 was considered serious competition for it. I mean, look at the sheer amount of games in each genre the PSX has compared to N64 then look how many of them were best sellers and still considered must plays today. You've got final fantasy 7-9, metal gear solid, tekken, tomb raider, resident evil 1-survivor, wipeout, suikoden, star ocean,soul reaver and dozens more. N64 has ocarina of time, majoras mask, mario 64, mario kart and golden eye lol.
300 physical? bloody hell! i probably have about 30 or so haha.
i'll recommend Koudelka, It's a 4 disc survival horror with a final fantasy style battle system set in an abandoned monastery in the 1800's. It's also a precursor to the Shadowhearts series on PS2. My only complaint is that the battle system could do with a few tweaks,other than that it's pretty damn good. There's some gorgeous pre-rendered backgrounds, the voice actings excellent for the time, characters are solid and believable (Koudelka hersef is a qt) Enemies are varied and pretty horrific looking, the soundtrack is good but not Nobuo Uematsu good and the story is really good.
Fans of the original resident evils and final fantasy psx titles should check this out