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Everything posted by andyco47

  1. i do have another set of these wheels but only 309 and i think there the same as the one i uploaded.
  2. what systems mate i may have sum.
  3. any chance of doing a PSP Minis mate.
  4. there up in game media mate.
  5. WiiWare Wheeles View File around 416 wiiware Wheels Minted. Submitter andyco47 Submitted 11/10/16 Category Game Media  
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  6. Version 1.0.0


    around 416 wiiware Wheels Minted.
  7. gives us a few mins mate.
  8. no probs will upload in downloads mate.
  9. any chance of doing one for arcade instead of saying mame mate.
  10. i have around 420.
  11. can anyone tell me why my arcade/mame wheel moves up and down slow and sometimes freezes till i let go of up and down key thanks.
  12. one question y do u av to pick an emulator cant u skip that.
  13. it wos after ready to import but seems to be working now.
  14. got the new one now it wont get any of the info for any of the movies it just sits at 0%.
  15. i get error in xml so launchbox wont run.
  16. ok thank found WheelGamesView.xaml in the other theme and thats ClearLogo with no space.
  17. hi mate which xml is the typo in mate cus want to change it in my other theme cus thats doin the same thanks.
  18. ok thanks for looking in to it. i have also Metallic theme and thats the same banners r ok wheels aint i use different wheels for different themes so at the moment stuck with default for all themes lol.
  19. no probs glad to help. yes i refreshed the image cache and still didnt work it still uses the default the banners are ok there working.
  20. i have another problem when i put clear logos in ur theme is still use the default ones, iv put banners in ur theme and there ok but the clear logos still us the default ones is there owt i need to change to make it read the ones in ur theme.
  21. ok that works on my upto date LB not tryed on my other machine but it only works with VLC, it dont work with WMP for looping mate.
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