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Everything posted by ckp

  1. Lots of BB crashing on my work PC (win 10 1703, 32GB ram, i7). (Inner Exception) The Application object is being shut down. App: Big Box Version: 7.12 Type: System.InvalidOperationException Site: System.IO.Packaging.Package GetResourcePackage(System.Uri) Source: PresentationFramework at System.Windows.Application.GetResourcePackage(Uri packageUri) at System.Windows.Application.GetResourceOrContentPart(Uri uri) at System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(Object component, Uri resourceLocator) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Wpf.BigBox.Views.MarqueeView.InitializeComponent() at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Wpf.BigBox.Views.MarqueeView..ctor() (Outer Exception) Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. App: Big Box Version: 7.12 Type: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException Site: System.Object CreateInstance(System.RuntimeType, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean ByRef, System.RuntimeMethodHandleInternal ByRef, Boolean ByRef) Source: mscorlib at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstance(RuntimeType type, Boolean publicOnly, Boolean noCheck, Boolean& canBeCached, RuntimeMethodHandleInternal& ctor, Boolean& bNeedSecurityCheck) at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceSlow(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean skipCheckThis, Boolean fillCache, StackCrawlMark& stackMark) at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic) at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type) at Caliburn.Micro.BootstrapperBase.GetAllInstances(Type service) at (Type ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Wpf.BigBox.Bootstrapper.GetOrCreateViewType(Type viewType) at Caliburn.Micro.ViewLocator.<>c.<.cctor>b__10_8(Object model, DependencyObject displayLocation, Object context) at Caliburn.Micro.WindowManager.CreateWindow(Object rootModel, Boolean isDialog, Object context, IDictionary`2 settings) at Caliburn.Micro.WindowManager.ShowWindow(Object rootModel, Object context, IDictionary`2 settings) at (Bootstrapper , Object , StartupEventArgs ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Wpf.BigBox.Bootstrapper.OnStartup(Object sender, StartupEventArgs e) at System.Windows.Application.OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e) at System.Windows.Application.<.ctor>b__1_0(Object unused) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler) Recent Log: 12:57:22 PM Music.Pause Start 12:57:22 PM Music.Resume Start 12:57:28 PM Music.Initialize Start 12:57:28 PM Music.Kill Start 12:57:28 PM Music.Kill Finished 1:16:18 PM Exception
  2. yeah, this happens to me all the time after adding a lot of new games or setting up a new LB install. the only way i've seen to get ALL the game images cached to the images\cache folder so they don't appear in LB as empty tiles, is to manually scroll up and down over and over again (inside every platform or the ALL platform) or very slowly until image files are no longer being written to the images\cache folder. if you have a large number of games and images, this can take quite a lot of work.
  3. but i have ZERO files in any of my box 3d folders . i only have files in my box front folder.
  4. many people have posted on the forum about having a hard time getting fully cached buy having to scroll forever. can you tell me at last how i could have tens of thousands more files in the image cache folder than number of files exists in ALL my launchbox\images folder combined?
  5. i just noticed that LB "image type" setting in NES was set to 3d boxes instead of "boxes". when i looked in resource monitor it is writing image cache files with names starting with ".3d boxes". then i switched the image type drop down selection to just boxes like i wanted. so, the art didn't change because i have only box art. i dont even have any images at all in LB "Box 3d" folders for my platforms. everything is in box front folders. i hope LB isn't creating a full cached set of files for the same images when i switch "image type" for the LB view of a platform. maybe that's also why i have mega thousands more cached image files in the cache folder than all of my actual images combined? my image priorities for box front are set with box front first and 3d box second in box front priority and 3d box first with box front second in 3d box priority. don't think that should matter.
  6. @Jason Carr, any time I build a new LB or import a new platform with roms, it seems to be nearly impossible to force LB to build the image cache until 100%. The only way I've found to get it built is to constantly scroll slowly through ALL platforms category, but even that fails to fully cache. this becomes a super huge problem for my new LB "portable" setup on a "fast" usb 3.0 256GB high quality flash drive, which has reads up to 185MB/sec, although writes seem to be very slow for many small files like when LB is writing image cache files. i have 4758 games in my setup on flash drive and the games have a clear logo, a box art (except MAME), and a gameplay screenshot (some games have more than one gameplay screenshot). i have had my flash drive running LB for over 24 hours sitting on the ALL platforms. I have scrolled up and down for like 30 minutes. but still when i switch to other platforms, i have to wait forever for the box art and game titles to show in LB. i have no videos. when i go to platforms that have missing box art, i can see in win 10 resource monitor that LB is writing image cache files. this was after waiting for LB to totally stop caching image cache files as seen in resource monitor. so, basically, it seems nearly impossible to get LB to actually write out the entire image cache set. this totally impacts my flash drive performance overall, so trying to play games from LB as it is caching image files is very poor. i don't care how long it takes to cache the image files. i just want an option to tell LB to cache them 100%, including BB image cache. so, i can just wait it out until it's done and then enjoy my LB setup on my flash drive. i'm sitting here now just scrolling endlessly up and down to see if i can ever reach a 100% fully image cached state. it's the same for my PC internal drives, just not nearly as slow doing the writes. even with internal drives, you have to scroll up and down forever to get the image cache to fill up. to make matters even worse, now i've gone through the LB image cleanup feature to remove all the extra images i had (since i initially just copied in my full image sets for this new LB setup) and it did great cleaning up image files, but now i'm thinking maybe it has them in the image cache folder too, since my image cache folder seems to have way more files than the total number of image files inside the Images folder (minus the cache folder). so, now i feel like i need to manually delete all the cache folder to start from scratch for a clean image cache build and that will take another decade of scrolling up and down =/ i really hope you can give us something to help with this.
  7. oh no, i hope that doesn't happen for everyone.
  8. Nah, I did this many times and I checked for additional apps to make sure. You actually weren't using my exact data because this issue is happening on my brand new "portable" LB setup, which is totally different than the data folder I sent you. Anyway, it doesn't really matter because I just click No on the third question when deleting and all is well.
  9. but thats the bug. i have 0 additional apps on the games i'm deleting. i do not use combine roms either. edit: it's easy to try this and see. Edit2: to make it more clear, i have say 3 games of "game x", one is us one is japan one is europe. they are not combined and show as three separate games in LB with no additional apps on any of them. i select europe and japan cuz i only want us. then i delete. it still asks me on the third question if i want to delete additonal apps, well i say sure because if there are any addiotional apps on them i want those gone too. but in the end all 3 get deleted.
  10. i upgraded 3 of my 7.12 setups on two systems. all are working fine so far. i mean the BB wheel has always been a little jerky, but i see no new problems anyway. hey @Jason Carr , this isn't new but i noticed when i delete a game that has more than one file (like cue and bin), you only seem to be deleting the file in the rom file field (like the cue) but leaving other files, including big ones. i'm using the option to delete the actual game files, because i'm making a new "portable" LB setup and i want all extra image files and game files removed, so i only have what i need when all done setting up. well, maybe it's too hard to delete them all, i don't know... another weird thing with delete is that if you select more than one game at a time to delete it will ask you a third question about if you wan to delete the additional apps too, but if you say yes, it will delete more games than just the ones you selected, like all the region versions too that you didn't even select. and i don't have combine roms on either
  11. ckp

    ComixBox Theme

    This is a cool theme. But for me it doesn't show any of my gameplay screenshots for the games and it just shows a bunch of empty frames. I have my Screenshot priority in LB set with gameplay screenshots at the top so no idea why it doesnt just pull my gameplay screenshots to fill in all those empty frames. =/ Edit: I see that this theme wants a bunch of image types. I just don't get why it doesn't fill in the blanks with what you have if any of those are missing. Like I just have several gameplay screenshot and a box front, and videos. That's really all i need or want to see how the game is.
  12. I see no reason to switch to WMP if you are not having any issues or memory usage issues with evil VLC. But you might want to try WMP for comparison. You might find BB using much less memory with WMP.
  13. thanks i have that cuz i've always had to use WMP in LB since LB crashes intermittently when using VLC setting.
  14. Holy crap. I've been running my 8GB htpc with attract mode for 3 hours now and commit size is only 1.1 to 1.2GB!! This is with one single change - WMP!! It seems the root of all LB/BB evils on all my LB/BB systems is VLC! All good now! Just use WMP!
  15. that's probably best. i'd rather have a better experience. on my 8GB system, i'm running it now with WMP set to see if it helps at all. if not, just disable attract mode and hopefully that will keep usage down at while playing, and then just close/reopen BB before playing the next time
  16. yeah, i'm guessing this has been around all along. some people have posted about hitting it. yeah, i can send you my data folder. it's the same exact one i run on my main pc. my htpc has a new 1050ti video card. i have two usb xbox 360 wired controllers plugged in, one Logitech usb wireless keyboard/trackpad, video and audio to big Samsung TV via HDMI cable. attract mode set to traverse platform and game wheels. i just disabled attract mode and waited a few minutes, but memory did not go down. i started scrolling the platform wheel manually with controller. the cpu is hit pretty hard landing on 1080p NyNy platform videos. i never tried switching to WMP yet, but i will tomorrow.
  17. Win 10 Creators 1703. The HTPC is a pretty bare bones new Win 10 install with all the gaming stuff installed (all vc++ runtimes, directx, etc). Hardly any apps installed. No anti virus type software at all and Windows Defender disabled. The new Gaming and DVR mode is globally disabled.
  18. currently at 2.9GB working set and 2.2GB commit size yes, i would say a leak is pretty certain at this point. will probably disable attract mode before going to bed, restart BB and just make sure it's ok in the morning without attract mode.
  19. ok, it's been 3 hours on my 8GB htpc. it has grown a lot and is currently at 2.4GB working set and 1.8GB commit size. if it's noticeably higher after another hour, i will probably close BB. i think it's probably still leaking in attract mode with tv/audio off. Edit: i also see it's using one full cpu core (from i5 2500k) while running in attract mode. so i don't think it's good to keep BB running over long periods of time with attract mode on. i'll probably disable attract mode. Edit2: ok, to be fair about cpu, after eyeballing task mgr a while, it's more like 10-25% cpu (which is about half a core to a full core).
  20. it's medium already. i don't want ugliness. the whole point of BB on my htpc with big screen tv is to show it off to guests. haha
  21. ok, well does some ram free up when you launch and play games? how much?
  22. i upgraded my main pc (i7700k with 16gb ram) and my htpc (8gb ram) to the latest Beta just now. my main pc is running BB with attract mode. it is currently using >2GB ram commit size. i have never seen my main pc use that much memory before while running BB and attract mode. it was always under 1.5GB before. i will go check my htpc in a while. Edit1: it's looking like my main 16GB ram system is staying between 1.7-2.0GB. To my surprise, my htpc 8GB ram system was about 1.3GB last time I looked. Hoping it stays in that area. @Jason Carr, did you do something to make lower RAM systems use less AND make systems with more memory actually use more than before? I will keep monitoring my htpc until tomorrow.
  23. Yes, I hope so Jason. If I see it's no longer an issue on my system after letting it run 24 hours, then I won't need to use the script. Edit: In case I do need to use the script, I suppose I will also have it make a copy of the data folder before executing the close.
  24. Ok, but don't you think running out of system resources can also corrupt BigBox? I won't post the script then. But I'm not forcefully closing BB, I"m gracefully closing it so it should be fine. Edit: by the way, the script is simply sending the escape key to BB which is how i have my keyboard set to exit BB. i assume that is totally safe. i also had it terminate the process if it still exists a while after sending escape, but now i think i'll remove that part.
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