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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. Nah, I thought that at first as well, you just need to register on the site and ask for one.
  2. Well here I am what 20 minutes later? and attract mode is still doing its thing, so all good here it seems @jasoncarr.
  3. Cool, another possible bug SMASHED.
  4. Seems like, had to download another beta after I ctrl alt dl. Loaded up just fine, its now running attract mode, seems ok.
  5. Ok complete freeze for me, didn't load platform videos, couldn't move up or down in menu, had to ctrl, alt delete
  6. Lol to be fair by the time this download is finished we will be on 9.0!!!
  7. OK I'm downloading to check myself, see if I get any/all crashes
  8. Never really had any issues with any 7.0 + but will of course smash this thread with, oh my god you broke it Jason, if I find any!! lol
  9. But saying that I'm I am always here if peeps need help, just as much as on another thread, just may take a lot more narrowing down is all. Sorry about that @jasoncarr, never occurred to me about the traffic and subs. Apologies.
  10. OH, Good point!? Never crossed my mind that. Point still stands though Jason, a lots changed and maybe incorrect info now, compared to 6.8.
  11. Lol I agree, but no one would follow Neil's 7.0 beta thread!! It needs to be vaguely endorsed by the man himself! Or stickied after the fact
  12. Its awesome as well, just saying, a solution to a problem a few pages back, may not be right as a solution now., so much has changed. Anyway it was only a thought @Jason Carr.
  13. You missed my point entirely!!! Yes as you say this thread will stay here forever cause its 6.8 plus. My point is so much has changed that a lot of information on this thread no longer applies.
  14. For example there are 66 pages to trawl through, If they have just jumped into launchbox, say over the Christmas period, 60 pages of that is garbage to them! Just a thought though.
  15. Yeah I get that, but so much has changed from 6.8 to 7.3 behind the scenes, that newcomers might be a bit lost?
  16. Hey @jasoncarr, just a thought but should we start a new thread, 7.0 or above? Just a thought. Lots of changes that no longer apply to previous versions is all. Keep this one obviously but...
  17. I can if needed but probably didn't explain to well, just need a way to zero controller buttons that are pre configured in big box. I can setup any button I want, but cant clear any because that has to be done with "escape" and of course no escape button on a controller. So a keyboard is required to set up a controller properly, even though the controller works for everything else "out of the box".
  18. This by the way ,http://www.argos.co.uk/product/4552925
  19. @Jason Carr, sorry just a quick one for you I think its a easy fix, but what do I no? I picked up this awesome little tablet today, which comes with a massive xbox controller dock, u slide the tablet in and its good for in home streaming. However when its docked its a xbox controller, when its not docked its a tablet. I had a nightmare trying to set controller buttons, because I didn't have a escape button! I use the escape button to clear buttons in bigbox to assign myself. Problem I had is once the xbox dock is docked I cant plug in a keyboard and mouse, its either or. It would be nice if after you go through the gamepad setup in bigbox you could select a button, or button combo to clear the selected button. I had to download a intel app on my phone to hit escape!!
  20. Wow that was bad timing!!! I hit submit, and a new beta is out!!
  21. Wow!! just done catching up on yesterdays live stream. Had to stop myself shouting at the screen, aahh so many random bug reports, with no information!!!
  22. Thanks @Pacman56, Wasn't on yesterday, I was suffering from a monumental hangover!!! Missed the live stream also, I'm gonna catch up on that this evening. Oh by the way I'm on a 40 Mbit/sec connection, and it was slow for me, but as I said it is what it is, I'm happy to wait for it because @Jason Carr is iterating and improving it at such a rapid pace that I'm amazed the download size is still so small.
  23. Id love to help you, but I just let it go, until it closed and reinstalled.
  24. That's an interesting question.........
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