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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. You can't just favorite with a button press unfortunately, you have to do it from the game details screen. I have the game details screen switched off, but have it set to my select button on my controller, so when I want to favorite I just hit select then favorite it in that menu.
  2. You can set a button on your controller to show the game details screen. As for launching games from game list, go to options/general and check the skip game details screen checkbox.
  3. @Pacman56 Desktop_12_14.2016_-_22_11_10_17.mp4
  4. No I don't I have about 13000, I'm just curious about how that would load on your system.
  5. do you wanna try with my xml?
  6. do you wanna try with my xml?
  7. Silly question, but have you overwritten your install with a previous version? or more simply have you rolled back? at any point? I should probably read properly, but there is a lot of info there!!
  8. Yeah bear with me, just thinking out loud, as I say runs fine off usb. your specs are much higher than mine also so.
  9. Maybe @cammelspit can chime in here as well?
  10. Hey Pacman56, u may remember me from the live stream or that time when..... HDD or SSD should not make much of a difference, I have my entire 1.5tb launchbox collection on a external usb 3.0 drive.and its just fine from there.
  11. Scroll through the whole list, waiting for logos to catch up when they lag behind, until you get back to A, then keep going a little bit, say to C. then quit and reload.
  12. LOL, I was just going to ask about logo's 2 like minds!! thanks for your help, ill check out the updated version.
  13. @Brian, Thanks for the quick reply, here is my .xml. Thanks again. Movies.xml
  14. @Brian Hi there, this app looks great and is just what I was looking for, however I have a problem. The app itself seems to work fine it scans my folder finds all my movies, then downloads all the metadata and images, so far so good. However when I open launchbox or bigbox it throws a error and will not launch either program (see attached image). However when I remove the Movies .xml from the data folder launchbox and bigbox launch just fine. Any ideas what could be going on here? any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
  15. If you look in your lunchbox folder there should be a folder called updates, they should be in there. You may have to sort by date as they are not named with version numbers.
  16. No the big box shortcut should stick to the main controller.,
  17. or set ur exit to something you wont all press start and top trigger?
  18. BigBox will only accept single commands, or your previously setup buttons, as you say mame could be a nightmare. but you can also set your buttons in mame!!
  19. Please tell me to go away if I'm a problem, but in regards to video playback, until yesterday when Jason fixed vlc. I used to switch to wmp myself. All the audio volumes I had changed in the settings do not seem to apply when using wmp. Is that on purpose? cause I would sometimes switch out and get blasted. lol
  20. Yeah thats weird, I have a intel nuc really low powered with 4gb ram, which runs slower than my 8inch Toshiba tablet with 2gb.
  21. What he said!!! lol Just thinking out loud. Sorry Jason.
  22. I have quickly browsed back through this thread, what has everyone got as default cache size??
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