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Everything posted by eatkinola

  1. Awesome, I'll check it out. Thanks!
  2. In the platforms list. I hadn't thought of checking the type of the ActivePlatform -- thanks! I'll give it a try.
  3. Thanks, Jason. I agree plugins should really use their own translation files. My question really came about because in Platform views I'd like to know if it's a PLAYLIST, CATEGORY, or PLATFORM view. I'm using the ViewTitle binding for this, but the bound strings are language-dependent which is causing a bit of trouble. If there were a language-independent binding for this info that would be great. Maybe I'm overlooking something?
  4. Does anyone know how to determine if TextGamesView is in the "game list" or "game details" mode? I have a plugin I'd like to behave differently depending on this. I looked and looked and couldn't find a flag for this info. I currently have a kluge in place, but it does not always work. @Jason Carr -- unless I'm just overlooking it, is this something you would consider adding to the plugin framework, or exposing as a bindable property in TextGamesView.
  5. LB/BB includes a collection of language resources (packaged in assemblies) in the Metadata subfolder. I'd like to apply these to plugin development. Has anyone used these files? I tried to figure out how to access strings in the files but could not; I'm sure there's a way to do it. @Jason Carr - I hope you don't mind me pinging you; I suspect there is something simple I'm missing here.
  6. I see ... that is a problem, and I'm able to reproduce it on my setup. Thanks for mentioning it. I'll have to look for a solution but it will probably take a while. In the meantime, you could comment out the section in the XAML that displays the title and resize some of the grid rows; look for PlatformSelectorHeader, e.g.: <!-- <RowDefinition Height="40*" /> <RowDefinition Height="320*" /> <RowDefinition Height="1740*"/> --> <RowDefinition Height="50*" /> <RowDefinition Height="0*" /> <RowDefinition Height="2050*"/> <RowDefinition Height="60*" /> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <!-- <Grid Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1" Style="{StaticResource NostGridCachedCompo}"> <aop:PlatformSelectorHeader Style="{StaticResource NostSelectorHeader_PLAT}" ViewTitle="{Binding Path=Title}" /> </Grid> -->
  7. Nothing like a little trial and error ... glad it's fixed now. Want to change the "PLATFORMS" string? Hmm ... there's not an easy way to do that -- it's currently buried in the code.
  8. @EduInmigrante: This version is nicer than the one originally posted: TextFiltersView.xaml
  9. Just posted an example above. You can use that info to tweak the specific views you want.
  10. Are you talking about removing what's within this red box and making the text list wider? You can make it look like as follows if you make the changes as in this example: TextFiltersView.xaml -- Do NOT just copy this xaml file into your theme folder, as it contains some other things that will break the view. But you can make these same changes in your XAML file. You could also make these changes in other views, though with some it might get more complicated. Basically you can adjust the grid row/column sizes and remove elements you don't need.
  11. You should be able to comment that our pretty easily in the XAML files using a text editor like notepad. I'm not in front of my computer now, but look for something like VertReleaseYear in the views you want to modify. Let me know if you have trouble making that change.
  12. Looks like I've figured out all the pieces needed to do this. It's too early for me to post the dll, but I will need some help testing especially for Win 8/10; I use 7. The plugin will be a simple dropin, with minimal-to-no config required. The plan is to facilitate overlays for emulators that do not support them, and also to have a pause menu to facilitate a universal way to save and load states, as well as to display game manuals. Ideally, it will also have fade screen on emu start and stop, but I've run into some snags with that. Any advice is welcome.
    Clean and easy on the eyes. Really nice work as always, Grila.
  13. Nostalgia uses a custom video engine, to which I added a fix for that issue. Only themes which use this video engine would see the fix; unfortunately it's not something that it easily changed via a Bigbox setting. Have you tried the most recent version of Bigbox? If you have and this problem still persists, perhaps it's still on Jason's todo list (he's been very busy with LB.Next, which turned out very nice indeed).
  14. Should be in the PDF bundled with the download. It's a simple change in the Nostalgia.xaml styles file. Check it out and let me know if you have any problems.
  15. Updated to v1.5, including bugfixes wrapped up in themer v3.8, as well as some theme-specific additions. Most notably, you can now easily hide the details sidebar if you want to keep the selector (e.g., wheel) visible at all times. You can also now more easily show/hide the platform and game notes overlays. See change log for more info.
  16. Updated to v5.4, please see change log on download page for details. Bugfixes include those wrapped up in themer v3.8, which is included in this theme update.
  17. I have a plugin which I can likely modify to expose this value to XAML, but you would need to edit the XAML a little to use it. Let me know if you're still interested and I'll take a crack at it.
  18. Glad you like it. Lots of blood and sweat into it. You got it -- I'll include this with the next update.
  19. With help from @DragoonDemon4 this bug is squashed -- I'll roll it out with the next release. Please let me know if y'all notice anything else. Also let me know if you have any feature requests, and I'll look into it if it can be done in the next few weeks.
  20. Thanks, wanted to make sure it wasn't due to a video plugin I put in my themes. I've never seen this before and don't have any other suggestions. Perhaps @Jason Carr could weigh in on this.
  21. Okay, if it occurs with the Default theme it's unlikely a custom theme issues. Next time you see the popup please take a screenshot and post, in case that provides some helpful info.
  22. Please clarify which theme you are using in BigBox.
  23. Thanks for reporting the bug -- I suspect it's happening because in Europe you use commas instead of periods for decimal points, so it's a problem with how I'm parsing the @INDEX files used to configure the theme. I can fix the code to account for that. If you want a workaround in the meantime, you could look for the line that says VideoSimulateCRT and change the value from True to False. <Setter Property="VideoSimulateCRT" Value="False" /> If you want to remove the scrolling text from the videos, look here:
  24. Updated to v1.2 -- please see changelog for details
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