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Everything posted by smpetty

  1. Strange - last night I enabled RDTSC and XAudio in my Cemu settings. This morning BOTW boots just fine from LB/BB. The changes that I made were from here: http://compat.cemu.info/wiki/Serfrosts_Cemu_Setup_Guide The BOTW game profile lists as: # TLoZ: Breath of the Wild (USA) [Graphics] disableGPUFence = false extendedTextureReadback = true accurateShaderMul = true GPUBufferCacheAccuracy = 2 disablePrecompiledShaders = true [CPU] cpuMode = Triplecore-Recompiler [General] useRDTSC = false
  2. I'm having the same problem with BOTW and Cemu v1.13.2d. Works perfectly outside of LB/BB (v9.0 b1), but when launched from LB/BB it crashes back to LB/BB after compiling the shader cache. The other WiiU games hat I play work fine from LB/BB. I've checked all f the paths and settings and am stumped. Anyone figure this out? Thanks, Scott
  3. Thanks so much! I took all of the platforms out of the root folder and am good to go! Scott
  4. As of the update to LaunchBox v8.8 beta 3, the Platform Categories view (in LaunchBox and in BigBox) is listing the Platform Categories AND all of the Platforms together in one big list. How can I get back to the Platform Categories view with the Platforms nested under each category? Thanks, Scott
  5. Thanks Spycat! Huge help, much appreciated!
  6. CriticalCid wrote up a great guide on MAME updates here: https://goo.gl/Z3DQ2a
  7. I finally figured it out! When things act strangely on Windows 10, it's often related to security, permissions, or administrator issues. I checked the Cemu.exe properties and found that Cemu.exe was set to run in administrator mode. I vaguely remember changing this months ago after someone suggested this for running Cemu optimally. I unticked administrator mode and I was able to go from fullscreen to windowed mode with my controller automation combo. After adding $Esc:: { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} } to the AHK Script tab for Cemu (in LB Emulator Setup section) it all worked perfectly! Thanks to all for the help and suggestions!
  8. I finally figured it out! When things act strangely on Windows 10, it's often related to security, permissions, or administrator issues. I checked the Cemu.exe properties and found that Cemu.exe was set to run in administrator mode. I vaguely remember changing this months ago after someone suggested this for running Cemu optimally. I unticked administrator mode and I was able to go from fullscreen to windowed mode with my controller automation combo. After adding $Esc:: { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} } to the AHK Script tab for Cemu (in LB Emulator Setup section) it all worked perfectly! Thanks to all for the help and suggestions!
  9. Joel, that doesn't work for me either. Thanks for the help.
  10. Ckp - do you have any AHK script in the Cemu emulator setup AutoHotKey Script tab?
  11. Thanks ckp - the same AHK script doesn't work for me. I actually appended my original question to a thread in the Noobs section that has been more active and has more detail: My part starts towards the end. Any more ideas? Thanks again, Scott
  12. I do have those parameters in the default command line parameters field. Thanks, Scott
  13. I should add that I tried Crush's suggestion and got no response. The emulator stayed fullscreen and kept on going...
  14. No, that AHK doesn't work either. It seems that ALT-F4 won't work once a game has loaded. The only keypress that gives me any response is ESC, which takes the emulator from fullscreen to windowed mode. Thanks for the suggestion...
  15. Thanks LordMonkus - I have tried that AHK script and the same with "Cemu.exe" substituted for {{{StartupEXE}}} In both cases, I get no response at all in full screen or windowed. I can exit full screen by pressing ESC. No keypresses, even ALT-F4, shut the program down (windowed or fullscreen). I have to use the Cemu menu or close the window with the mouse. If I run Cemu, I can close the program with ALT-F4 if I haven't yet loaded a game. Once a game is loaded, however, ALT-F4 is ignored and the emulator can only be shutdown by the Cemu menu or closing the window. I'm running 11 other emulators (about 25 systems), and all of those shutdown with ESC in LB or my controller automation combo in BB. Frustrating! Any other ideas?
  16. With Cemu v1.10.0f, I am no longer able to exit the emulator in BigBox mode with controller automation. I've tried all of the suggestions above. Nothing happens when I press my typical controller buttons to close the active window. I have to use the keyboard, hit Esc to go from full screen to windowed Cemu, and exit the emulator with the mouse. Needless to say, this ruins the LB experience. Any ideas? Is anyone else running this version of Cemu and able to exit the full screen emulator with controller automation? Thanks in advance, Scott
  17. With Cemu v1.10.0f, I am no longer able to exit the emulator in BigBox mode with controller automation. I've tried all of the suggestions above. Nothing happens when I press my typical controller buttons to close the active window. I have to use the keyboard, hit Esc to go from full screen to windowed Cemu, and exit the emulator with the mouse. Needless to say, this ruins the LB experience. Any ideas? Is anyone else running this version of Cemu and able to exit the full screen emulator with controller automation? Thanks in advance, Scott
  18. Thanks for the replies. I fixed the issue (accidentally) by changing the Platform and Platform Category list views to text lists with details, and then changing back both settings to what I had originally. Don't know why it worked, but it did.
  19. I have two identical systems, one for my office and one for our family room TV. Both have i7 6770K CPUs, NVidia GTX 780 GPUs, and 16GB RAM. Both running Windows 10 64-bit and LB 7.11 beta 16. The TV system runs perfectly - BigBox is fast and the videos are smooth. Over the last few weeks, the office system has become much slower when running BigBox. I don't use the office system as much for emulation, and it has updated through several LB betas without having been used... so I'm not sure what exact version of LB began to exhibit his behavior. I rolled the office computer LB installation back to v7.10, but the problem persists. I also cloned the perfectly working installation from the TV computer to the office computer, but the office computer BigBox is still very slow. Scrolling through menus takes 3-7 seconds per item change and all videos play in a step-by-step, slow, very choppy manner. Weirdly the audio from the videos is normal - full speed and not choppy. BigBox on the office system is literally unusable, while the same cloned setup on the TV computer runs perfectly. When I run VLC outside of BigBox and play the same videos that are so slow and choppy in BigBox, the videos are smooth and normal speed. Force populating the images in LB made no difference. Any ideas on how to troubleshoot or fix this? Happy to post any logs or other data if it would be helpful. Many thanks in advance! Scott
  20. Found a good rundown on which games work with which emulators. They're testing Virtual Jaguar directly, not through Retroarch, but it likely applies to the VJ core in Retroarch as well. https://atariage.com/forums/topic/264464-virtual-jaguar-project-tempest-compatibility-list/
  21. Tempest 2000 works a lot better with the Retroarch Virtual Jaguar core when you enable the fast blitter (Quick menu --> Options --> Fast Blitter). You have to do this after loading the core and Jaguar content, otherwise it will say that "No core options available." Like lordmonkus said, Jaguar emulation is messy at best. I use Retroarch - Mame Jaguar drivers are improving release by release. I still have my old Jaguar console and kept it to play one game - Tempest 2000. IMHO, that's one of the best video games ever made. Anything by Jeff Minter is gold. Even his iPad games are a blast. The Yak rulez! Just tested Wolfenstein 3D - I thought that it worked on my setup, and it does. May want to check your ROM and make sure you have the latest Retroarch version and Virtual Jaguar core. Battlesphere won't start on RA or Mame.
  22. Found it - some of the lines in my platforms.xml file were pointing to the MAME directory. Don't know how that happened, but all fixed. Thanks again Brad!
  23. Thanks SentaiBrad. I will check the setup when I get home. Nothing unusual in my setup. I never changed folder locations or LB install location. The folder names are odd - they aren't the usual names for any folders in my LB/Images folder. Here's a more complete list of the empty folders that magically appear: SteamBanners snap bkground Discs wheels Cart3D CartBack CartFront Banners marquees ControlInfo Cpanel PCB cabinets flyers Box3D videos manuals BoxFront Music BoxBack Thanks again...
  24. When I run LaunchBox (7.10 beta 3), subdirectories are automatically created in my MAME directory, even if I don't use MAME. The added subdirectories are: manuals videos bkground Discs Cart3D SteamBanners CartFront Banners Box3D snap Music BoxBack BoxFront The directories may have region folders (North America, Japan, etc) but are otherwise empty. BigBox does NOT create these directories. It makes an already busy folder all the more difficult to navigate. Is there any way to prevent this?
  25. Ilhank - Thanks for this, so helpful and works great. As of Retroarch 1.5.0, I keep my Mayflash Dolphin Bar on all the time on Mode 4. I use real Wiimotes with continuous scanning in Dolphin. Driver Section: Input Driver - set to sdl2 Joypad Driver - set to xinput Input Section: Max Users - set to max number of players you'll use + 4 - I need 2 players max so I set this to 6 - allows for the 4 controllers automatically created by the Mayflash bar Input User (1 - ?) Binds - set User ? Device Index to the correct gamepad for each user per Ilhank's guide (below) Works like a champ, no need to unplug or disable the Mayflash Dolphin Bar.
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