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Posts posted by cleverest

  1. Could not reinstall directX, even following this guide didn't work Apparently there is no offiical stand alone installer for Windows 10 directX


    How can I force a full re-install of DirectX?

    Normally the DirectX installer will refuse to install if it detects that you already have the latest version of DirectX installed. This makes it a pain in the ass to fix a broken DirectX installation. Luckily, there is a small workaround to trick the DirectX installer into a full re-installation.

    Run the Registry Editor: Start -> Run -> regedit

    Navigate to this key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectX

    Change the value of version from '' to ''.

    Now run the DirectX installer.

  2. I understand and appreciate you trying to help....come to think of it, there was something else installed around this time of the creator update and I'm surprised I forgot about it....I guess cause I haven't used it much yet..followed some basic tutorial videos with it...I installed Visual Studio 2015 ...works fine, so I suppose that could have messed this up...but I'm not sure how...

  3. 1 hour ago, SentaiBrad said:

    Oh god no, our Database is far from complete. We had our data from Games DB about a year ago now, and since then we've had almost 3 million submission changes from our community. It's growing, fast, but it's far, FAR from complete.

     I haven't  tried the new plug in to help make the process easier for submission  to the Launchbox database , but assuming that it's working well, that should dramatically speed up the process I would think! 

  4. Nothing changed hardware/OS wise EXCEPT now I'm in Windows 10 latest update that some people are reporting causes issues....is there a way to fix this? It happens MOST of the time I have Launchbox open now, probably anytime it exceeds from 1min-30min it will almost always crash at least once...and it can happen if I walk away from the computer, or if I'm clicking through my game categories/lists....

    What do I need to provide to troubleshoot this more, and possibly get it fixed? Thanks everyone...bummed out, really want the stability back...

  5. 7 hours ago, Brian said:

    Sorry, I expressed myself terribly. I meant the .xml-file inside Data/Platforms that has "the name you gave to the movie platform".xml. So, if you called the platform Movies, I'd like to see Movies.xml.

    LOL I was wondering why, but I was like "what the hell do I know?" hahaha, I'll post it soon, thanks!

  6. 3 hours ago, Brian said:

    Sorry to hear this @cleverest. Could you send me the platform .xml from the data platforms folder? I must admit that it's been quite a while since I last looked into this, so I'm not sure if I'll try to resolve the issues, or try to create one of those fancy new plugins.

    Thanks Brian, I've attached it to this comment, let me know if you need anything else :-)


  7. After I run the process, and it fetches movie information from my collection....it says finish, I open launchbox and  my collection under the platform is created, says I have 72 (I have counts enabled in the options), but no movies show up in the window.....then LB freezes, not responding...I re-opened, now the movies seem to load fine, but I'm in there for a few seconds, and LB crashes again, not responding :-(

    just letting you know!

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