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Everything posted by floodie

  1. Hmm - ok, i was thinking thats probably my only way. If i do this, and because it is in an arcade cab I want no sign of windows at all.. So i guess i can easily hide taskbar, black the screen, hide the bin etc... Cheers mate
  2. hi Guys - I have Shelled win10 so it goes straight into Bigbox... I am using an iPac and shifted JoyUP and JoyDOWN to volume controls... Joy Left is Back and Joy Right is Pause.... both Joy Left and Right work, however Up and Down (Volume up and Down) doesnt... If i taskmanager > Explorer so my start bar etc all loads up then works... I assume something related to controling volume is stopped when i shelled to go straight to Bigbox.. How do i get bigbox AND whatever this volume program is to start? thank you
  3. Ahhh ok mate thanks. Youre probably right. Only keen on pal and usa if not a duplicate perhaps
  4. Hey proghodet. So. On this channel there is a video saying 4200 ps2 games... This seems waaayyyyy too many. A quick search brings back about 1200-1500 is the more accurate figure?
  5. Ah ok. This seems spot on. I will take a look. Thank you for this. All the sources i have seen so far seems very all over the place... Im trying to see how close i can get to these silly systems offering 40/50/60/100k games.... Or how to argue against them
  6. Put my speed rebuttal to one side actually.. my main point is you pick 10 snes users back in the day and 90% used pal games. (Edit: id say back at school 1 guy had one, so ill change this to 95%) Anyway, this is distracting sorry.. if anyone has any idea or comments on the list that would be appreciated. Some people must have thoughts on 1 or 2 of them
  7. Absolutely... But surely for that reason alone it can put timings out if youve been used to PAL sft against ntsc sft. Most will be used to PAL systems too, only a very small percentage of die hards had converters with 2 cartridges instered. So, for the UK crowd PAL is perfect
  8. Hi guys Can anyone advise if this seems kinda close/correct/way off please?. I am based in the uk so idea want PAL / euro however for region free such as master system then anything goes. Snes 544 PAL Megadrive 900 Arcade 2684 Nes 351 PAL Gameboy 953 PAL Gameboy colour 660 Gameboy advance 921 Gamecube 453 Nin DS 2139 PAL N64 248 Master system 360 (region free) Game gear 300 Neo geo aes 148 Neo geo cd 97 Atari 2600 ??? 32x ??? Saturn ??? Ps1 ??? Ps2 ??? 3do ??? Any thoughts on the above much appreciated thank you
  9. Guys, i thought the number of arcade games were between 2500-3500 max. Could someone confirm please. I know mame is under 3000. Take out all crap and mahjong etc. Megadrive 900, PAL snes 550 etc. Youd struggle to pass the 20,000 games mark at this rate
  10. Ah ok. Well it would save 1 button, the need to cut a hole in the control panel and poly plus wiring. However a dedicated back/exit button is better i think. So i use an ipac which is a keyboard translator device. Whats the difference between an ipac and joy2key? Not familer with it
  11. Is that so? Hmm.. never used j2k before. Is it simple and for just one key?
  12. This was of course a REALLY funny joke by the way
  13. No probs. Could you quickly log into the main frame today and add it please?
  14. Really? Ill try this when ive put the kids down later... So the option must totally dissapear when locked down then
  15. Is it possible in big box to say Tap the 1p button to "enter / start game" etc. But instead of having a dedicated "exit/back" button hold down the 1p button for a second or so and it sends the "exit/back" command? . Would really help clean up arcade cabs losing a button
  16. Few year bump
  17. +1 for point 2
  18. Ive read this, it doesnt explain where or how to tell each of the content directories (megadrive,gamegear,master system) to simply look at either of the 3 systems bezels folder and match the bezel to the rom name when loading. All i can do is load a game>go into overlays and pick ONE SPECIFIC GAME Its crazy, when you save that as a content directory it of course uses that one game bezel for ALL bezels! Which is ridiculous, I find it amazing only you have even tried to help spread over this and another thread. No one obviously knows. Simply, when megadrive loads a game i want the system to look in my bezels\megadrive folder and pick the bezel that matches the rom. Some kind of path structure, easy!..Just like the way the bezel project is meant to work. Cant see anywhere in any of the cfg files (both ra.cfg and the core_name/configs/contentdirector.cfgs) Perhaps ill just reinstall the bezel project pack and hope it rewrites everything correctly again
  19. Hi guys. How do i get my genesis plus gx core to point to all my individual bezels like it once did? So megadrive/master system/game gear to each of their respective bezel folders then it chooses the bezel according to the rom loaded... Like it did up until recently when i must have messed something up!! Why is there no way to simply set a path and tell retroarch to use that damn folder to pluck its overlay bezel from! Instead your only option in overlays is a specific game bezel. Anyway here is a video to explain clearer... Really dont wanna go through almost 1000 games and set the overlay bezel for each one!. Thank you
  20. one other thing Dragon to add to the mix..... Because this Sega core controls my Master system, and Game gear systems as well as Megadrive I am getting some mixed over bezels too... For instance, i just loaded Chuck rock on the megadrive, yet got the Chuck rock Master system bezel (Andre aggassi tennis did the same thing so there will be alot more). I have a Gamebezels / Megadrive folder, and a Gamebezels / master system folder.... Each bezel is different... I just want to know how i point my Megadrive Core to only read whats in the Megadrive bezels folder.. that would fix it all.. So frustrating I would usually use, say, the chuck rock bezel however it says "Master system" on it so its not right when playing on a Megadrive.
  21. - Ok so i set "Save on exit" to false, and then went into overrides and "saved the core". - So that is done. - Regarding the Retroarch.CFG, this is what i have in the input_overlay section - What is "Master of weapon"?, in terms of why is it there? I am not seeing that game bezel at all repeatidly.. Also note that there is NO Streets of rage2 bezel noted?! input_overlay = ":\overlays/GameBezels/Megadrive/Master of Weapon (Japan).cfg" input_overlay_enable = "true" input_overlay_enable_autopreferred = "true" input_overlay_hide_in_menu = "true" input_overlay_next = "nul" input_overlay_next_axis = "nul" input_overlay_next_btn = "nul" input_overlay_next_mbtn = "nul" input_overlay_opacity = "1.000000" input_overlay_scale = "1.050000"
  22. Yes it is save on exit im sure. Ok thank you for your help im going to look into it this morning and feed back to you. Thanks so much, fingers crossed
  23. Hey thanks Damageinc - yes its retroarch, sounds like a nightmare you had... Wow i really hope there is a way to solve this seemingly simple problem. All i need to do is to wipe clear it thinking to use Streets of Rage 2 as the overlay for every rom... There has to be a config file or Path structure somewhere.. :(:( really hoping someone can help me here
  24. hi guys - Within my Megadrive (Genesis) set for some reason most of my games load with Streets of Rage 2 as my overlay / Bezel. Its driving me mad!. Every time i load a game, i open retroarch and goto overlays, and it says under "Overlay Preset" "Streets of rage 2"!... I have 800 Megadrive roms, I have ALL of the overlays but for some reason it is insisting on showing this one most times. I dont want to have to go through every single game and change to the right one. I DOnt quite get why it isnt doing it EVERY time though. I would say its just over 50% of the time.. So pretty much most of the time. There must be a Path i can set where it looks in the overlay folder for a file with the same name as the Rom. Ive no idea where that is. I just want for megadrive overlays for it to look in my Overlays/Megadrive folder and match with the rom name, and thats it.. Please help! thanks
  25. Hi guys. So in my cabinet bigbox is locked down and doesnt show the game details screen. Ive noticed the Favorites Star icon at the beginning of the A-Z bar at the bottom. What is the short cut key to add /remove games from this i assume favorites list? Cheers
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