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Your Friendly A.I Overlord

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Everything posted by Your Friendly A.I Overlord

  1. BTW. LaunchBox should know that you have RetroArch installed. So before importing roms, add RetroArch as an emulator to LaunchBox. Go to: LaunchBox > Tools > Manage Emulators > Add. In the "Emulator Name" field type: RetroArch. Then in the "Emulator Application Path" point to retroarch.exe in your RetroArch installation folder.
  2. First, and most important, get your game running in RetroArch before importing it into LaunchBox. Then, if you are sure it works, go to: LaunchBox > Tools > Import > Rom Files. Then: Next > Add file/Folder > Next. Then select your platform from the drop down menu. Remenber or make a note of the platform name. Then after the import process is finished go to: LaunchBox > Tools > Manage Emulators > RetroArch > Associated Platform tab and enter the "Associated Platform" name exactly like before. Then select the RetroArch core you are using.
  3. First of all you must keep in mind that Dosbox Pure isn't finished yet. From the Dosbox Pure Github https://github.com/schellingb/dosbox-pure#start-menu-with-auto-start : Mount ZIP as A or D drive "If you have a ZIP file you want to load as a fake floppy disk or fake CD-ROM, there are multiple options. The easiest is to rename the file from .ZIP to .D.ZIP (to use the D: drive). You can also edit the RetroArch .LPL playlist file to add a #D after the file like game.zip#D. A third option is available inside DOSBox Pure with a new remount command that can be called with REMOUNT C: D: to remount the C: drive to D:. This can for example be used in a startup batch file." But for me the easiest is using .zips from the eXoDOS set, where everything is contained in one zip, even iso's. If your .zip contains an .iso, Dosbox Pure automatically mounts the root folder to C: and the .iso to D:. When you run a game for the first time Dosbox Pure askes you to set the game's executable. But if the game must be configured first, run the setup .exe. After that go to RetroArch's menu and press: shift or L2 or R2 + Restart. Then set your main executable for the game.
  4. I had the same problem described in this comment: As I don't use video's in LaunchBox (I don't even use the details bar), disabling video's solved the problem.
  5. Do you use both of them at once, or do you use one or the other?
  6. I don't think so. Maybe somebody else knows?
  7. But for you, maybe the easiest thing to do is this:
  8. You must mount the game folders including the path like this: [autoexec] Mount C "D:\LaunchBox\Games\MS-DOS\Duke Nukem 3D - Atomic Edition (1996)\Duke3DAt\DUKE3D" Imgmount D "D:\LaunchBox\Games\MS-DOS\Duke Nukem 3D - Atomic Edition (1996)\Duke3DAt\cd\KillATonCollection CD1.iso" -t cdrom
  9. You could either rename them or in LaunchBox > Tools > Manage Platforms > N64 change the image location. You have to refresh the images in LaunchBox afterwards.
  10. In BigBox > Options > Image Cache, can you try to refresh or force populate images?
  11. Here another example of a .conf file. This time of Duke Nukem 3D - Atomic Edition (1996) with DUKE3D.EXE as the game's executable.
  12. 1) Make sure your .conf contains the right path to the game folder and/or a cd-rom iso and also contains the games executable or .bat file under [autoexec]. 2) In LaunchBox > Tools > Manage Emulators > Dosbox-x > Edit Emulator tab, did you enter the -conf command-line parameter to load the game's .conf file?
  13. Thanks @Retro808. It works for me too. You learn something every day!
  14. When you start the game in Fullscreen mode, exiting makes the game run in windowded mode. But when you start in Windowed mode, the game exits, but falls back to the gui. And for me script don't work to close the gui after exiting fullscreen or exiting the game. *Edit* I want to add that in the past scripts did work. So I can only conclude something recently changed in Ryujinx.
  15. Running of course.
  16. I already weight in, but I do it again. I know my way around emulation, LaunchBox and AutoHotKey. I tried all sorts of commands and combinations. With the current version of Ryujinx exit scripts don't work. Not even: $Esc:: { Run, Taskkill /f /im Ryujinx.exe } As I said, the game closes, probably due to the escape, but then falls back to it's gui and it doesn't seem to want to close completely. Whatever I try.
  17. I have to agree. It doesn't work for me either. (Ryujinx updated to the latest version and "Show "Comfirm Exit" Dialog" disabled). Alt + F4 works when used with a keyboard, but not in a script. Also WinClose nor Process, Close works. All it does is close the game, but returns Ryujinx to it's menu.
  18. I am sorry. I haven't got both of these games, so I don't know how to fix the glitches.
  19. Yes, that's right. .pkg are installed in rpsc3 onto a virual PS3 harddisk. They are installed in rpcs3\dev_hdd0\game\"your game's serial folder"\USRDIR'. So in my example Braid is installed in: rpcs3\dev_hdd0\game\NPEB00150\USRDIR\
  20. No. First, I made sure that all the .configs had the correct paths in them and pointing to the game folders. Then I made sure all the .conf were named after the game. For example: Descent (1995).conf. Then I imported the folder with the .configs AS the games (roms). I used the rom importer for this, not the MS-DOS game importer, with Dosbox-X as the emulator.
  21. I am not sure what you want to "tell" Dosbox. The only thing Dosbox has to know is the path to your game and/or a cd-rom. You do this in the [autoexec] part of the .conf. For example: [autoexec] # Lines in this section will be run at startup. # You can put your MOUNT lines here. @echo off SET PATH=Z:\ keyb US 437 cd\ mount C "\LaunchBox\Games\MS-DOS\Descent2" Imgmount D "\LaunchBox\Games\MS-DOS\Descent2\cd\DESCENT_II.cue" -t cdrom echo. C: cd\ Z:\config.com -securemode > nul DESCENT2.EXE exit Or do you mean in LaunchBox? If you want to use Dosbox SVN as an alternative to LaunchBox's internal Dosbox, you can use the Bulk Edit Wizard. Select all your Dos games > right click a game > Edit > Next > In the "Field" dropdown menu select: "Custom Dosbox Version EXE Path" and change it to your folder containing Dosbox SVN. If you want change to the .conf files as the rom, I think you have to re-import your games (or manually edit your games to point to the .conf file). But I don't know for sure. I myself had all my .conf files in one folder and I just imported that folder. Also I like to mention that these days the Dosbox Pure core in RetroArch is becoming popular. It allows your games to be played as .zip files and configuring your controls through RetroArch is quite easy.
  22. I don't know if you can replace the internal Dosbox with DOSBox SVN, but you can do this per game: Or if you want to use DOSBox SVN for all your games, add it as an emulator: *Edit* I want to add: if you add Dosbox as an emulator, by putting -conf in the command-line, you can import .conf files as the roms and assuming the .conf file has the correct path to the game, they will load.
  23. First, in rpcs3 look what the game's Playstation serial is. Then you will find the EBOOT.bin in rpcs3\dev_hdd0\game\"your game's serial"\USRDIR.
  24. You say it works if you start RetroArch manually. For testing purposes you could make per core config files and load those with LaunchBox. Just start RetroArch manually, load a core and game. And if everything works, save a core config file. The files are saved in the RetroArch config folder. Then tell LaunchBox to load those core config files when launching a game by adding: -c "config\core_name.cfg" to the platform/core in the "Extra command-Line Parameters" tab in the LaunchBox > Tools > Manage Emulators > RetroArch > Associated Platforms tab. Of course I don't know if it solves your issues, but you could try.
  25. Excuse me if I understand you incorrectly, but haven't you done this:
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