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Your Friendly A.I Overlord

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Everything posted by Your Friendly A.I Overlord

  1. When JoyToKey is running, you can open it by right clicking on the tray icon > Open main window.
  2. First, in JoyToKey you don't have to autorun a profile with an associated application. Ofcourse you could, but for just one game it is not necessary. In the script the line: Run, "D:\EMULATORI\GIOCHI per PC\Contra Evolution HD\Contra Evolution\JoyToKey_en\JoyToKey.exe" Contra HD.cfg already starts JoyToKey and loads the profile you made for your game. If you just add JoyToKey directly as an Additional App, then JoyToKey won't close after you close your game and keeps running. With a script you can automatically close JoyToKey when you close your game. To add a script as an additional to your game, first create a new text file on a location you desire. For example in your JoyToKey folder. Copy and paste the script to your text file and save it. Give it a name. In my case: JoyToKey_Cyberia_II.ahk but make sure you save the text file with an .ahk extension. Then add the .ahk script as an additional app: 1) Give your additional app a name. 2) In the Application Path field select the AutoHotKey.exe in your \LaunchBox\ThirdParty\AutoHotkey folder. 3) In the Application Command-Line Parameters field enter the path and the name of the .ahk file you just created and use quotes (") at the beginning and end. 4) Check the box with "Automatically Run Before Main Application".
  3. Edit the following script with your own paths and names: Here\your\path\to\JoyToKey.exe = the location of JoyToKey.exe JoyToKeyGameConfig.cfg = the name of the JoyToKey config file you made for your game. (JoyToKey config files are located in the Documents folder > JoyToKey.) Game.exe = the name of the executable of your game. Add this script as an Additional App to your game and tick: "Automatically Run Before Main Application". If you don't know how to do that, let me know. To close JoyToKey correctly after the game is closed, in the JoyToKey Settings > Preferences > Minimize section, make sure that only "Start JoyToKey in a minimized mode" is checked. (The other 2 options must be unchecked.) #NoEnv #SingleInstance Run, "Here\your\path\to\JoyToKey.exe" JoyToKeyGameConfig.cfg Process, Wait, Game.exe Process, WaitClose, Game.exe WinClose, ahk_exe JoyToKey.exe ExitApp
  4. In LaunchBox add the following script as an additional app to Let's Go Island and tick "Automatically Run Before Main Application". #NoEnv SetTitleMatchMode, 2 WinWait, Let's Go Island ahk_class TeknoParrot - Let's Go Island WinSet, Style, -0xC40000, Let's Go Island DllCall("SetMenu", uint, WinExist(), uint, 0) WinMove, Let's Go Island,, 0, 0, %A_ScreenWidth%, %A_ScreenHeight% ExitApp *Edit* I forgot to mention: Launch the game in windowed mode. The script makes it go fullscreen.
  5. In recent builds yuzu added command-line support for going fullscreen. If you add -f -g to your command-line parameters yuzu goes fullscreen automatically. But, as I said, you must be on a recent build of yuzu. *Edit* I just want to add: ofcourse you can keep using scripts for going fullscreen, but a command-line parameter is always going to be more reliable.
  6. For me, in comments with "Code Tags", the code shows as black text on a gray background making it hard to read.
  7. I would like to add that what you consider "worst quality ever and diminute size" is a bit subjective. If you look through the eyes of 2021 at a screenshot of a game of which the native resolution is 320x240, it seems low res, but in fact is accurate. It is what it is. Same with newer games. If you render for example a PS1 game in 4K you get used to that 4K look. Than a screenshot at native res seems low res but is accurate. But sometimes you come across a screenshot that is a heavily compressed .jpg. That bothers me because if you blow that up to a big screen, the compression artifacts become really noticeable. Then either you look for a better screenshot or better yet, fire up the game and hit Win + Print Screen and you have a high quality .png screenshot. Also LaunchBox offers OBS integration. But as far a the quality of the screenshot in the database, it could be far worse. With 10's of thousands of games there are bound to be some low quality images.
  8. Button 11 = Guide button on Xbox controllers. Below I will post a script. In your LaunchBox folder go to the AutoHotKey folder: \LaunchBox\ThirdParty\AutoHotkey. There create a new text file. Copy and paste the script into the new text file. Save your text file as AutoHotkey.ahk (ahk extension). Double click AutoHotkey.exe and press your Guide button. $vk07:: Run, notepad.exe WinWaitActive, ahk_exe notepad.exe WinSet, AlwaysOnTop,on , Send On Xbox controllers button 11 is the Guide Button. If you want to know more about button mapping: Pinned on the top of the Noobs section of the LaunchBox forum is a thread about AutoHotKey scripts. On page 25 there is a conversation about button mapping. Run, https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/39811-auto-hotkey-scripts/?do=findComment&comment=372432 ExitApp *Note* After you have tested the script, you should probably remove it from the AutoHotkey folder!
  9. If the disc does not play with Xemu you must extract the Data Partition using XDVDMulleter. Follow the steps in this post: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/59105-tutorial-xemu-configuration/?tab=comments#comment-372058
  10. Go to LaunchBox > Tools > Manage Emulators > Sega Model 2 > Running AutoHotKeyScript tab and paste: $Esc:: { WinClose, ahk_exe emulator.exe } This is if you use emulator.exe as the excutable for Sega Model 2 Emulator. If you use the emulator_multicpu.exe executable paste: $Esc:: { WinClose, ahk_exe emulator_multicpu.exe }
  11. GPU scaling is meant to determine how the aspect-ratio should be displayed. Seeing as you have a 4:3 monitor and most TeknoParrot games are 16:9, GPU-scaling can force a correct aspect-ratio. But if you have a digital connection between your pc and your display, then the output resolution (also the desktop resolution) is automatically set to the native resolution of your display. In your case that means your pc is already outputting 1024x768. I have to say, the way TeknoParrot handles resizing can be a bit iffy at times, and then Windows is also involved. But there are ways around it and it has very little to do with the resolution of you display. *Edit* After posting I thought of something i do want to mention. It is quite possible your display is capable of receiving higher resolution signals. But in that case it internally downscales them to 1024x768.
  12. If you are a Nvidia user this setting in the Nvidia control panel *should* do what you want. Note: In the screenshot the toggle "Preform scaling on" is set to Display. It is probably better if you set it to GPU. *Edit* Added link to guide. https://techguided.com/what-is-gpu-scaling/
  13. For people having trouble with TeknoParrot: If you haven't done so already, add your TeknoParrot folder AND your TeknoParrot games folder as an exception to your anti-virus software. Anti-Virus software don't ? TeknoParrot.
  14. Hi, Unfortunately your screen grab does not show much useful information. But I can make 3 suggestions: 1) Shutdown all non essential programs, maybe another program interferes. 2) On this page, check if you have all the dependencies installed: https://teknogods.github.io/downloads.html 3) If the problem persists, download a fresh copy of TeknoParrot and let it update to the latest version. Then add a game to test. TeknoParrot does not have much settings to tweak and I haven't read anywhere about games launching twice, so tbh. other than the things I just mentioned I don.t know.
  15. When I added The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match Final Edition to TeknoParrot, TeknoParrot asked me to remove some files from the game folder. After removing the files the game worked. Daemon Bride also worked for me and after unticking "General - Windowed" in their settings both games did go fullscreen. Battle Fantasia's controls worked for me. In the game's settings in TeknoParrot you must select the input API of your controller. I use a Xbox One controller so I have to set it to Xinput. Chaos Breaker crashed for me with an I\O error. I have not found a solution yet.
  16. LaunchBox relies on naming standards to know which game it is and which metadata to download. Think Mame, No-intro and the like. But for modern games and DLC there is no such naming standard (yet). The best LaunchBox can do is guess. So you have to manually enter the name in LaunchBox when scraping for metadata. Also it is entirely possible that there is no entry yet in the LaunchBox database for DLC or some games. Also DLC should be handled by the emulator. For pc games the DLC is generally incorporated in the main game so for emulators it should be no different. Like with Cemu. You install the DLC in the emulator and is incorporated into the game.
  17. If I may make one more remark? If I add a game to LaunchBox, I do this by right clicking > Add on some empty space in the Platform I want to add the game to. This way the Platform in the Metadata is always what I want it to be.
  18. ? If all LaunchBoxers pull together we can solve all the problems in the world! One at a time. I am sorry, but I haven't got any of those games. But I can download them. But even then it would take awhile before we find a solution.
  19. Did you add the new roms to your existing Super Nintendo roms folder?
  20. Go to LaunchBox > Tools > Scan for Added ROM's
  21. Your TeknoParrot platform, make sure to scrape it as "Arcade". I called my TeknoParrot Platform "Arcade Recent", so I can put all the newer arcade games (Sega LindBergh, RingEgde, RingWide and also other emulators than TeknoParrot) in one Platform. Just scrape them as Arcade.
  22. We better deal with one problem at a time. First let's get TeknoParrot running in LaunchBox. Can you please edit your setting exactly like mine? First add " --profile= " as a command-line parameter and make sure that under the command-line all 3 check-boxes are ticked. Then under the "Associated Platform" tab the Associated Platform name must exactly match with what you have in LaunchBox. Create a BladeStrangers.xml.txt file and add it as the rom file. Select TeknoParrot as the emulator. NO custom command-line.
  23. In LaunchBox, check if you have command-line parameters in the emulator settings tab AND if you have per game custom command-lines. I can imagine, if you have both, that the game launches twice. Although you have posted screenshots, for me it's hard to keep track of what all your relevant settings exactly are. Headrush69 asked you to tick the "Use filename only without file extension or folder path", which you should. But lets take the game Blade Strangers as example. If you import BladeStrangers.xml as your rom, LaunchBox omits the file extension and only passes BladeStrangers to TeknoParrot. I have gotten around this by copying BladeStrangers.xml out of the TeknoParrot folder to another folder and renaming it BladeStrangers.xml.txt and import that .txt file as my rom. Then, if LaunchBox omits the file extension, it still passes BladeStrangers.xml to TeknoParrot. In the emulator settings for TaitoTypeXtra > Associated Platforms tab, check "Associated Platform" name. It must exactly match. You can also try unticking "Default Emulator". To both Lukeyboy67 and legolas119. One advice I can give: As there are several way to configure Launcbox for TeknoParrot, pick a setup guide and do exactly what the guide says. If you combine settings from different guides (different ways of setting up LaunchBox for TeknoParrot) it won't work.
  24. Glad it all worked out! Then I have extremely good news for you. Supermodel does have a .ini file in which you can set the controls quickly! ?
  25. Yes, for Model 2 Emulator you really have to set the controls per game. The Model 2 Emulator is an Arcade emulator and Arcade machines have different control setup depending on the type of game. Model 2 Emulator won't let you set up controls once for all games, like a console emulator would.
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