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Everything posted by alnyden

  1. How big is the monitor on the arcade machine?! Moving sucks, hang in there Retro!
  2. Gotcha. I can see how moving specific parts would be difficult. Thanks for letting me know!
  3. This is a amazing! Thanks for sharing. I was already using your C64 Dreams list as my C64 favorites in Launchbox, but I'm inspired by the work you put into this, and am trying to port your improvements into my existing system. I've been using CCS64 as my emulator, but am interested in getting it to work in Retroarch. So far so good -- I installed your .cfg file and games seem to be loading properly, screen resolution is correct, etc. (and it's nice to have a working pause menu via Rocketlauncher). I figured out using the * on numlock to access the function menu, etc. The biggest issue I'm having is figuring out how to get your control system working with the joystick. I'm not sure how to import the input remap, etc. Also, where would I put the AHK files, and finally, how to I install Antimicro so it's working properly? Hope this all makes sense. Thanks again! R
  4. Would it be possible to have a view with box art but no cartridge/disk below it? Also, playlist question. I have one playlist (playlist A) that, when viewed in the text view, it changes the background to the platform of the selected game. Which is great! On another platform (Platform B) this doesn't work. I wonder if the difference is playlist A doesn't have a background made for it (so it uses the generic background) but the other does. At any rate, my question is, is there a way to have a playlist of different platform games switch to the background of that platform's game? Hope this makes sense. Thanks! R
  5. Fixed! Thanks for the solution! R
  6. Love the update! Thank you! One question -- I'm curious how the new version should work in a playlist with different platforms. Is there a way that the background would switch depending on the selected game? I feel like that happened before, though I could be wrong. Right now, it picks one platform background to display for all the games in the playlist. EDIT: It does work in some playlists, like "All Games" for example. But not in others. Thanks! R
  7. Thanks for the update -- it's working great and has solved my issues with freezing in playlists! One question -- do you think it would be possible for .flv video files to work properly? They seem to play okay in most other themes. Thanks again! R
  8. Anyone have any luck getting the startup screens to stay up longer on FS-UAE? Played with the settings which don't seem to change anything, which I guess means it's an exclusive full screen issue.
  9. Create a new playlist and then use the auto-populate function in the playlist edit window. Select "Genre = Fighting" and it will populate the playlist with any fighting game regardless of platform, assuming your genre metadata is filled in.
  10. No worries if it's that complicated. I was hoping it would just be changing a number.
  11. I don't remember using the options menu to change, but I'm thinking I must have and forgot about it.
  12. I was wondering, is it possible for me to adjust in the settings files the time the platform/game list stays on the screen before it selects the game or platform? Sometimes it feels too fast and it chooses the game before I'm ready, which means it has to pause to load the next video. Thanks!
  13. FYI, it doesn't reset the associations each time I change the main theme through the pop-up menu. So I'm not sure what caused them to reset before, since that's the only method I use. It would be nice to know exactly when this happens so I can try to avoid it in the future. : ) Also, that would be great if Retro's theme could use only one, looking forward to it!
  14. Thanks for the reply and suggestion to backup the data folder. I still feel this isn't the ideal setup. There are many reasons one might want to change the main theme for a time, either to have some variety, or that themes occasionally break with BigBox updates. (For example, I currently can't use Retrotastic since it's hanging on some playlist categories.) In those cases it's a real pain to re-associate everything. But if others disagree I understand.
  15. Recently I changed my main theme in BigBox and noticed all other platforms & playlists also switched to that theme. @Jason Carr mentioned this was a change that happened at some point though I hadn't noticed it till now. For me, this is a pretty big issue and I'm curious how others feel. I have 60+ platforms & playlists (and granted I use a lot of different themes for individual platforms & playlists) but it will take well over an hour to re-associate each of them with different themes. (Not only do you have to select the theme for each platform/playlist, but cycle through the views till that's correct as well). After doing all that, there's no way I'm going to try out another main theme as I'd have to re-do this busy work each time. And given that several new themes like Coverbox & Unified - Refried are based around different themes for each platform, this is bound to be an issue for many users. Associating different themes for each platform/playlist was one of the most exciting Bigbox updates for me, but this change really undermines the benefits. I'm hoping Jason will consider maintaining platform/theme associations as an option at some point. Either way, I'd like to thank Jason and the many theme creators for all their hard work. It's come such a long way since I purchased BigBox a couple years ago. R
  16. Weird, I'm pretty sure it didn't used to do this, as I've changed the main theme many times without resetting the others. (Also, I changed it in the pop-up box, not the options screen, does that make a difference?) Either way, it seems to me you should be able to change the main theme without re-setting the others, given how long it takes to make all those associations for multiple platforms & playlists. Could it be an option to choose if you want to reset them all? Thanks Jason.
  17. Previously, Big Box remembered which theme I had associated with each platform/playlist. Recently, I switched the main theme to Unified - Refried. Since then, or around that time, all other platforms & playlists have changed to Unified - Refried as well. Big Box has forgotten the previous associations. Hope this makes sense, thanks.
  18. I'm not sure when this happened (this beta or previous release) but BigBox lost all my associations between platforms/playlists and themes.
  19. I've been having an issue where, in certain playlist categories, the display will get stuck. The video still plays but I can't navigate to different selections or back out of the current view. I haven't tested it enough to be sure if it's always the same categories or when exactly it happens, but I thought I'd mention it now in case anyone else is experiencing the same thing. I don't seem to have the same problem in other themes. Thanks!
  20. Thanks for the reply Jason. However, I don't see "Has none of the values" after selecting the Platform field. I DO see it when I select the Genre field. Genre also lists "Has all the values" "has at least one of" and "Has none of the values". Under "Platform" I only see "Is equal to" "Is not equal to" "Contains" and "is empty"
  21. I want to create a playlist where the Genre = Pinball, but the Platform "Is not equal to" Future Pinball AND Pinball Arcade. So I created the following fields in the Playlist "Auto Populate" tab. - Genre = pinball - Platform "Is not equal to" Future Pinball - Platform "Is not equal to" Pinball Arcade. However, this does not work. When I try to exclude both platforms, neither is excluded. If I only exclude ONE of them, then it works. So it seems you can not use "Is not equal to" for more than one platform. Is this by design, or a bug? And is anyone else having this problem? Thanks for any help! R
  22. Thanks for the updates! Did these favorite/playlist icons make it into the new update, or is this something separate? Thanks again Retro!
  23. Does anyone have a Commodore 64 favorites playlist they'd be willing to share? Thanks in advance!
  24. Hey guys. I am really enjoying @Scratcher's game backgrounds, but realized they don't work well with theme videos since they often use the same artwork. I had the idea it would be nice to be able to toggle between gameplay & theme videos with a hotkey, without having to go into the options menu each time. I created a bitbucket ticket with this in mind. Please consider voting here: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/4643/bigbox-request-add-hotkey-to-switch
  25. With the creation of so many incredible Big Box themes, and using different themes for each platform or playlist, I find that some look better using a theme video, while others look much better with a gameplay video. (aka Retrotastic with game backgrounds that use similar artwork to the theme video). To be able to switch quickly between the two, it would be great to have a hotkey that toggles theme vs. gameplay video without having to go in and out of the options menu each time. If you think this feature would be useful, please consider voting for it at the link below: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/4643/bigbox-request-add-hotkey-to-switch
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