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Everything posted by alnyden

  1. Great theme! I seem to have something wrong in my setup though. There's a video playing in the center of the view, but the box on the left is blank. What's supposed to be in the box, and why might it be blank? Thanks for any feedback! R
  2. I think if you allowed other views for the Genres page, people would quickly create pics and vids for them. (And in fact many of them already exist). Once there is the option of different views, there will be more motivation to solve the problem of creating the artwork.
  3. Personally I'd vote for Pinball Arcade. Every table is well designed and the playfield looks good in vertical orientation. (Only negative being it's not easy to launch specific tables directly from BigBox). Future Pinball is a lot more work to setup and I'm not sure it's worth the trouble.
  4. Good to know. In the meantime I'll avoid the game details. Thanks!
  5. Another great theme! I am having an issue with the games details page. When you select a game it shows the games details list. However, if you wait a couple seconds, it goes away (box icon returns on top of it), and then the interface stops working -- you can't navigate games or games details list. (It seems like it's in the games detail but you can't see the options under the graphics). Hope this makes sense.
  6. Any chance of adding Apple II to the Nostolgia platform list?
  7. You don't have to edit the XML, just put the files in the correct folder (Images, Atari 2600, Advert Front) and make sure the name matches that of the game.
  8. Not so fast everyone. He posted his artwork "to be used on retropie systems only." "Lastly, I don't know if or when I"ll return to the community (as a maker, I'm still around helping people)."
  9. @RetroHumanoid has the best collection of Rocketlauncher pause media (artwork, music, videos, magazines, etc.) anywhere, which motivated me to learn the difficult process of setting it up, and was well worth it. Thanks for sharing Retro, and glad to see you back at Launchbox.
  10. @Jason Carr recently commented he did not think it could be implemented with accuracy (there was not sufficient info in the database), and therefore was not added to the last poll.
  11. You can use the audit function in LB and sort by one of the columns which show the # of art files per type.
  12. If you hide games with missing media in Big Box, will they still show up in Launchbox? Thanks, great stuff!
  13. Agreed on the importance of the marquee screen! Mine was only $130 and totally worth it.
  14. Do the "Hide Games Missing Media" options apply to Big Box as well?
  15. I'm using the latest beta. So I guess it will remain a mystery for now. I'll post here if I figure anything out. Thanks again for everybody's help! The LaunchBox Community Forum is always the best.
  16. I deleted them from the folder "Mame - Arcade - Marquee". I don't recall if LB was open or not.
  17. I do have those folders, but they are all empty, so I don't think that's the issue. You don't think it's the cache? Also, if LB had been open when I deleted the files, what would that have done? Thanks again, R
  18. Yes. Mame. Some. It's possible it was open. I can't remember. Only one Launchbox on my PC. Thanks for your help! R
  19. Just tried that but it doesn't seem to have any effect on the Marquee images. What if I delete the cache and re-do the force populate?
  20. I've replaced some of my marquee artwork with higher resolution images. In the process, I deleted the old files. However, when I select the game in Bigbox, I can see BOTH images are still in the system. (It randomly picks one). The only way I can get rid of it is to use the "Edit" function in Launchbox and select "remove image". What I don't understand is, how is it still associated with the game if I've deleted the file? Does it have anything to do with "Populate all images" in Bigbox? Looking for a simple way to get rid of any images not in the "Arcade - Marquee" folder. Thanks! R
  21. Check out http://www.coinopart.com/. You have to make a small donation but they have a very large collection of hi res marquees.
  22. alnyden


    Rocketlauncher has a Launchbox plug-in which scans Launchbox artwork folders for pause menu art so you don't have to duplicate everything in Rocketlauncher folders or change the folder structure. (Wish I'd known about it before I wasted many hours moving artwork lol). Not sure if the plug-in does anything beyond that.
  23. Not sure what you mean by "Check your views".
  24. Love this!
  25. Good to know! Seems it would be a useful feature for the option to only take the highest resolution pic for each category.
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