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Everything posted by Sbaby

  1. I have exactly the same settings as yours but to me straight doesn't throws WORKS : If moving UP (Left stick Up) and throwing UP/RIGHT (Right stick Up-Right), it throws to the upper-right. NOT WORK : If moving UP (Left stick Up) and throwing UP (Right stick Up), it throws up. I'm using ps4 controller with DS4 Windows, but I just tried it with an original XBOX360 controller, even with the latter it doesn't shoot anything, not even diagonally. I assure that the joypads work fine with every game why is all this happening to me? 😵‍💫 😵‍💫 😵‍💫 😵‍💫 😵‍💫 😵‍💫 😵‍💫 😵‍💫 😵‍💫 😵‍💫 😵‍💫
  2. Have you tried the game KRULL? In the second level. If I set the buttons to fire, they fire correctly up, down, left and right, and if I press two buttons together they fire correctly diagonally. However, I would like to set the fire on the right analogue stick of the xbox360 controller, I set it exactly as you do but it only shoots diagonally. Basically it should be an 8-way joystick, but instead it only does 4 directions diagonally. It doesn't shoot straight, how can I solve this problem? For example if I move UP, it shoots UP/RIGHT instead it should shoot UP 😓
  3. @dugan26 Hi, In my opinion, you would have done sooner to rename the letter of the new roms unit as that of the old one.
  4. before it was not working, now it is up
  5. Very good, thank you. I'm glad it was helpful. I can tell you that over time I have also added other things to mame startup besides sound_volume_view. In particular this : it reinforces the issue of annoying sound and forces launchbox and bigbox to always stay minimized when mame is active, to do this i suggest you this script made by me and ai , the descriptions are in italian but i think you understand Make sure the CLASS of the mame window is 'MAME', it may be different depending on the version of MAME you own, if it is different, open the script with a text editor and edit it MAME-Script_min_max.ahk and this : https://www.dcmembers.com/skrommel/download/singleinstance/ Inserting mame.exe avoids multiple instances of mame. You can also use it with other emulators, put it in the Launchbox start-up applications ---- ps. Launchbox already performs these operations natively, you have to go in the general options and put the flag on MINIMIZE LAUNCHBOX WHEN LAUNCHING GAMES, but I chose my script because it ensures that it always remains minimized and not only at startup, moreover for other emulators the behaviour is different and unfortunately Launchbox has the option only global for all ☺️
  6. It's been happening to me for as long as i can remember, but i should try a fast nvme ssd
  7. Sbaby

    Platform Icons

    some were actually playlists with the option to be displayed in the platform categories so Launchbox was right, while others were default platforms (not mine), e.g. Sega Naomi was not seen, I had to make a copy in the other folders
  8. Sbaby

    Platform Icons

    I solved by putting the icons in the playlists folder, it is very strange because they are platforms and categories and yet I am forced to put the icons in the playlists folder 🤔
  9. I would like to display the platform in bigbox with games, but prevent all these games from being displayed in 'All games' and in 'Game Discovery Center', how can I do this? In particular, I describe my problem here :
  10. I have always adopted this practice, but now I find myself in a problematic situation due to the multitude of available mods, each of which has several versions. Using additional applications or managing 'versions' is impractical. Often, it is necessary to create a dedicated port platform. As an example, I created the GZDOOM platform with 300 games inside that are actually mods. Each of them contains videos, pictures and descriptions, similar to real games. Although this solution is excellent, the Game Discovery Centre is confusing due to the overabundance of mods. Furthermore, even in BigBox, by selecting 'All games', mods are mixed in with the games, creating an unpleasant experience. In my opinion, there should at least be an option to clearly identify that they are mods, allowing them to be displayed in BigBox and Game Discovery Center, but hiding them in the 'All Games' category. In practice, there should be an opposite option to the current one: currently, it is possible to hide platforms in BigBox, but the games are still displayed in 'All Games'. An ideal solution would be an option that allows the platform to be displayed, but allows mods to be hidden in the 'All Games' section. In other words, only GZDOOM should be visible in the 'All games' section, indicating that it is a unique game. Access to mods should take place afterwards, avoiding the confusion generated by their equal display with other games.
  11. for games on a platform, is there a way to sort them by platform? At the moment if I sort games by title it is inherited on all platforms, but I would like to sort games on one platform by title and for the others sort by date added.
  12. When I quit the game While, the graphical error (P1=...) only occurs with the joypad, with the arcade it seems correct Why does two-player work with virtua tennis 4 and not with fighting games? With fighting games I only see one player even if I have two controllers connected
  13. Sbaby

    Platform Icons

    as you can see from the images I put in the previous post the subcategories Lightgun Games and Applications are in the correct folders but they don't show up. Also various default platforms like naomi are not showing up, they are from launchbox not created by me. i already did f5 and restarted the system
  14. icons absent see here
  15. Sbaby

    Platform Icons

    in 2023 I always used the 'Default Plus' theme I had no problem, I had all the custom icons in the folder\Launchbox\LBThemes\Default Plus\Images\Icons I have now switched to the 'Default' theme I thought of simply copying the folder in the new theme but I noticed that it doesn't work, I tried copying the icons in the 24x24 format in Launchbox\Images\Platform Icons but it doesn't work, what should I do ? You can see that I've added Application and Lightgun Games, but they don't appear in Launchbox, I've also done image regeneration and rebooted but nothing I then noticed that even the pre-existing ones created by you do not all appear, how come? Sega Naomi is not showing up
  16. I know how to make a custom emulator with GZdoom and it's a great idea as far as launching mods, but as far as the database and graphics of the games are concerned, for example Doom is an ms-dos game, the choice is to make millions of additional applications in bat format inside Doom or to make many windows games with all the available mods, in both cases they are not real windows games, they are like Dos emulators with graphics fixes and mods, the perfect platform would be to keep a doom in ms-dos and use the 'VERSIONS' but it's too dispersive to manage. So I was thinking about a Ports platform, although I have to admit that it bothers me even so, it's one thing to have Doom for pc, Doom for Playstation, Doom for Saturn, it's another thing to have the same modded Doom for pc and find it in multiple locations, keep in mind that mods are many
  17. I have overwritten the files of the old version with this new one, i have started the software, i have inserted teknoparrot folder, i have seen the list of games, i have chosen one, i have tried to start it in all ways but nothing happens, nothing works
  18. @JoeViking245 But what if you wanted to make a sub-category of the platform instead? for example i would like to put the ports platform under windows
  19. @stevaside I switched from Daphne to Hypseus some time ago and am doing well, I recommend it https://github.com/DirtBagXon/hypseus-singe
  20. Sbaby


    thank you very much for your answer, I will create a gzdoom emulator with all wads as 'roms'. Since i used to play some fantastic mods for gzdoom until a few years ago, for example Doom Remake Experimental is fantastic : https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=VhrLZPwB_M0 Or i had tried "doom Project Brutality" and also Brutal Doom, they are all mods made with Gzdoom, i was wondering if you knew of any mods or even better way to play or these are still the best ones, my favourite was Doom Remake 4 Experimental Edition, but i haven't updated anymore, do you know of any new ones? I found this thread, fantastic
  21. I have tried it, it works, thank you very much it will be useful to me
  22. I do not own the Madcatz Fightstick Pro, my arcade stick is Qanba
  23. I was editing the message with new information, you can see it now, is it sufficient?
  24. Your work on teknoparrot is fantastic that's exactly why i was asking if you would be able, in the future, when you feel like it, to think of a launchbox plugin that could put a display with the controllers connected, the user link i showed you does this job, unfortunately though it doesn't distinguish xinputs and sees them all the same, so if i have a lightgun xinput and a joypad xinput it creates confusion. This is an example from Batocera, you can see in the top left corner the icons of the two controllers, one is the joypad and the other is the lightgun : Similarly, I have noticed that there are applications that correctly detect the controllers despite the fact that they are both xinput, I give you this example, one is arcadestick qanba in xinput mode, while the other is joypad360 : Windows instead detects both as xbox360 : ----------------- Dll file is intact, I have tried disabling the antivirus but the problem persists. ----------------- This version works 😜 i really appreciate this 👍 one is qanba arcade stick in xinput mode, while the second is Ps4 joypad in Ds4windows mode
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