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Everything posted by Sbaby

  1. ok great thanks, this new script that adds the backup would seem to work, what do you think? Script : ;;---------------"Automatic Synchronization + MCD File Backup Between Two Folders"--------------- ; Full path to 7z.exe, if necessary sevenZip := "M:\Giochi\Utility\Launchbox\ThirdParty\7-Zip\7z.exe" ; Set the main folders and backup folders sourceFolder1 := "C:\\temp\\prova sync\\1" backupFolder1 := "C:\\temp\\prova sync\\1\\_backup" sourceFolder2 := "C:\\temp\\prova sync\\2" backupFolder2 := "C:\\temp\\prova sync\\2\\_backup" ; Create backup folders if they do not exist FileCreateDir, %backupFolder1% FileCreateDir, %backupFolder2% ; Generate a timestamp for the backup file names FormatTime, timestamp, , yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss ; Create backup of .mcd files in the first folder backupFile1 := backupFolder1 "\Backup_MCD_" timestamp ".zip" RunWait, % sevenZip " a -tzip """ backupFile1 """ """ sourceFolder1 "\*.mcd""" ; Create backup of .mcd files in the second folder backupFile2 := backupFolder2 "\Backup_MCD_" timestamp ".zip" RunWait, % sevenZip " a -tzip """ backupFile2 """ """ sourceFolder2 "\*.mcd""" ; Keep only the last 5 backups in the first folder LimitBackupFiles(backupFolder1, 5) ; Keep only the last 5 backups in the second folder LimitBackupFiles(backupFolder2, 5) ; Function to limit backup files to a maximum number LimitBackupFiles(folder, maxFiles) { FileList := [] Loop, Files, %folder%\*.zip { FileList.Push({Name: A_LoopFileFullPath, Time: A_LoopFileTimeCreated}) } FileList.Sort("Time") Loop, % FileList.MaxIndex() - maxFiles { FileDelete, % FileList[A_Index].Name } } ; Loop through all .mcd files in the source folder Loop, Files, %sourceFolder1%\*.mcd, F { ; Get the name of the current file (without the path) fileName := A_LoopFileName ; Get the full path of the file in the target folder targetFile := sourceFolder2 "\" fileName ; If the file already exists in the target folder, compare modification dates if (FileExist(targetFile)) { ; Get the modification date of the source and target files FileGetTime, sourceTime, %A_LoopFileFullPath%, M FileGetTime, targetTime, %targetFile%, M ; If the file in the source folder is more recent, copy it to the target folder if (sourceTime > targetTime) { FileCopy, %A_LoopFileFullPath%, %targetFile%, 1 } } else { ; If the file does not exist in the target folder, copy it FileCopy, %A_LoopFileFullPath%, %targetFile% } } Description : Path to 7z.exe: Make sure the path is correct. If 7z.exe is not in the system PATH, you must specify the full path. Backup folder creation: The script automatically creates backup folders if they do not already exist. Synchronization and backup: .mcd files are synchronized and compressed into time-stamped zipper archives. Only the last 5 backup files are kept to avoid filling too much space.
  2. with which command line do i create the zipper with autohotkey ? can't find it
  3. the game should point to eboot.bin Edit file "ShadPS4Folder\user\config.toml" with a text editor [General] Fullscreen = true [GPU] screenWidth = 1920 screenHeight = 1080 ---------------------------------------- Update Here 👇26/11/2024
  4. thanks nice idea, i will try it and then tell you ☺️
  5. Hi, Your post regarding the password reminded me that I too would need a similar feature. Unfortunately, I have no skills in creating plugins, but I recently discovered the 30-second timeout of “Additional Apps” set to “Wait For Exit”. Because of this, I created a script, still rather crude, for password entry. I will preface this by saying that I developed it in one evening, so I did not take care of the graphical aspect and there may be typos. The script starts a GUI in which you can enter the password. If the password is wrong, you can keep trying again within the 30-second timeout managed by LaunchBox. If you enter the correct password, the script closes and the game starts. If, on the other hand, the 30 seconds elapse without entering the correct password, the game (in this case MAME) starts for two seconds and then closes immediately without displaying anything as we directly interrupt the loading of MAME. If you need to calibrate the situation try configuring the script to 27 or 28 seconds I would appreciate your advice on output variables, because it would be ideal for MAME not to start at all if the time expires. I also tried to implement a graphical timeout, but unfortunately I could not get it to work as I wanted. For the time being, there is a tooltip that shows the countdown positioned where you have your mouse; it is not very pretty, but whatever. These may seem like my current knowledge, but ChatGPT has helped me so much and I am aware that there is room for improvement. For example I would like to implement that the script automatically detect your monitor resolution and adapt the lettering and password box to your screen, I haven't tried with other resolutions other than 1920x1080 but I really think you will see some unordered objects, so at the moment I recommend full hd . I know you could make a fake emulator to handle this, but it seems like overkill considering I only have three adult games. To use the script, enter in “Target” mame.exe or the executable of the emulator or game you want to protect, and set your password. Next, save the script and add it as the game's “Additional App.” For example, I used it on Poker Ladies. Remember to configure the app so that it starts before the game and waits for it to close. if you have a lot of mature games you have to filter them in launchbox and use "Bulk/Remove Additional Apps" The script is entirely in Italian, and can be edited with any text editor. I would love for someone to take a cue from this to improve it, perhaps turning it into a plugin and adding the ability to enter the password with the joypad through a virtual keyboard. Try it out and let me know what you think. I attach a video of how it runs for me: in the first part I always get the passwords wrong until the script automatically closes and returns to BigBox, instead from minute 0.42 I try it again and type it correct immediately, no need to wait for more seconds, the game executes right away Script (Beta01) PasswordTimerAddApps-MAME.ahk PasswordForGamesBeta_01.mp4 Off Topic : I think it is the only my mame game that does not have a dedicated bezel, do you have one to give me ? 🙉
  6. I'm joining this discussion because I've been experiencing a similar audio issue for years. Sometimes, at game launch or during gameplay, I still hear the BigBox or LaunchBox audio, forcing me to exit and re-enter the game. This issue occurs randomly, regardless of the game or emulator. To manage it, I created an AHK script that mutes BigBox audio when the game starts and unmutes it when the game closes, but it's a tedious and less-than-ideal solution. I've reported this issue several times but haven't received any response. I hope someone has found a more practical fix.
  7. Thank you for the feedback on my script; it was really helpful. You've made me consider the remote possibility of file corruption, which could lead to the deletion of both game saves. Although I regularly perform backups, I'm thinking about adding a function at the start of the script that creates a backup in a zip file for all the MCD files in both folders. What do you think? This way, if the game fails to load the save, I can immediately investigate and see what happened, still having the possibility to recover at least one of the correct saves, since each would be stored in a different zip file. Hopefully, at least one of the two would be intact.
  8. I followed your instructions, but unfortunately, the new emulator doesn't detect the game executable, whereas the internal emulator worked simply by using the game folder without needing the executable. For those using the internal emulator, switching to the new method requires significant effort, as you need to manually find and configure the correct executable for each game. thanks anyway for the support, I was expecting a more user friendly update, but patience ! When support for the internal version is removed, I will adapt and do the work 🙂
  9. I'm not that noob LOL 😁 sorry to say this, but this seems obvious to me, but I don't want to install it from scratch, it is already fully functional with the internal scummvm, why should I uninstall all the games and reinstall them ? I was expecting an update of ScummVm , this is not ! is another way . I can't find any SCUMMVM emulator within the edit emulators, I was expecting it to be taken out of the internal section and put there without the user having to worry about redoing all the games, instead I updated the frontend but everything is exactly the same as before. You're basically telling me that everything has to be redone by the user who will end up with two SCUMMVMs, one internal and one exactly like the other emulators, which doesn't sound like anything new to me. It could have been done even before If the novelty is the ability to update scummvm automatically via plugin then you should make sure that the internal one also has this function . At the moment it does not have it ! If you plan to remove it definitively it would be useful to know so I organize otherwise I keep it like this look at the bottom left
  10. Hi everyone, I haven’t updated to version 13.16 beta yet, but I did upgrade from 13.14 to 13.15, and I don’t see any difference regarding ScummVM. It’s still located in the ThirdParty\ScummVM folder, and there’s no option to update it through a plugin. I had to manually overwrite the previous version to update it. Additionally, I can’t find it in the Emulators section. I was under the impression that the new version would automatically adapt the structure to the new organization. What steps should we, as users, follow to update correctly? Thanks in advance for your help!
  11. AHK script to sync saves between different emulators Hi everyone, I need to sync save files between three instances of Duckstation: Duckstation Standalone, Duckstation Lightgun Edition, and Retroarch (with the dedicated core). I know it's possible to configure a single save folder, and I've already done this for the two standalone versions of Duckstation. However, for Retroarch, I’d prefer to keep the current setup because the save folder contains files from many other emulators and games, and I don't want to create any confusion. So, I'm looking for a script that syncs .mcd files by updating them based on the most recent modification date, without touching any other files or folders. I’ve tried a script suggested by ChatGPT, and it seems to work perfectly, but I’d like to get confirmation from someone more experienced to ensure that this solution is safe and reliable. I set up Duckstation standalone as the default retroarch save method and that is : separate memorycard for each game (title) Additionally, I plan to use similar script to sync saves between Switch emulators like Sudachi, Ryujinx, and the old Yuzu. I’m already familiar with software like FreeFileSync and Syncthing, which I use to sync MAME saves and records between two computers in different locations. However, this time I need a solution that only runs when I launch the game and doesn't stay in memory. I think an AHK script that runs before launching the game might be the ideal solution. Do you think I should insert it either before the game starts or at the exit? maybe yes. Give me your opinion Thanks a lot for your help! Script : ; Set the two folders sourceFolder := "C:\Path\Duckstation\Memcards" targetFolder := "D:\Path\Retroarch\Saves" ; Loop through all .mcd files in the source folder Loop, Files, %sourceFolder%\*.mcd, F { ; Get the name of the current file (without the path) fileName := A_LoopFileName ; Get the full path of the file in the target folder targetFile := targetFolder "\" fileName ; If the file already exists in the target folder, compare modification dates if (FileExist(targetFile)) { ; Get the modification date of the source and target files FileGetTime, sourceTime, %A_LoopFileFullPath%, M FileGetTime, targetTime, %targetFile%, M ; If the file in the source folder is more recent, copy it to the target folder if (sourceTime > targetTime) { FileCopy, %A_LoopFileFullPath%, %targetFile%, 1 } } else { ; If the file does not exist in the target folder, copy it FileCopy, %A_LoopFileFullPath%, %targetFile% } } ; Loop through all .mcd files in the target folder Loop, Files, %targetFolder%\*.mcd, F { ; Get the name of the current file (without the path) fileName := A_LoopFileName ; Get the full path of the file in the source folder sourceFile := sourceFolder "\" fileName ; If the file already exists in the source folder, compare modification dates if (FileExist(sourceFile)) { ; Get the modification date of the target and source files FileGetTime, targetTime, %A_LoopFileFullPath%, M FileGetTime, sourceTime, %sourceFile%, M ; If the file in the target folder is more recent, copy it to the source folder if (targetTime > sourceTime) { FileCopy, %A_LoopFileFullPath%, %sourceFile%, 1 } } else { ; If the file does not exist in the source folder, copy it FileCopy, %A_LoopFileFullPath%, %sourceFile% } }
  12. Hi, Using the Sega Model 2 emulator, I noticed that in the game Virtua Striker 1, after playing a few matches and without ever exiting the game, the audio starts to lag for several seconds. I would like to know if the same problem happens to other users or if it is an isolated case. Also, has anyone found a solution to this inconvenience? I have unsuccessfully searched for answers 🙄
  13. yes, the configuration is correct The 30-second precautionary measure is valid and represents an effective solution. However, the issue arises when a user, like myself, is unaware of this function and develops scripts without including this variable. In my opinion, after the 30 seconds, the application should launch as expected, but it is also necessary to force the closure of the additional application; otherwise, it remains active and can cause in-game issues. Now that I am aware of this function, I will create specific scripts to manage it, but I believe it would be appropriate to include a notification to inform all users. Anyway, I also often use alternative methods with AHK scripts, but in some cases, I prefer to use additional applications. am sorry if I did not choose the correct post. Sorry thanks for the support
  14. I tried searching and found this post. why do add-on apps have a 30 second timeout? and then start my game before the app closes? how can i remove this timeout? I did a simple test by inserting this ahk as an add-on app and setting it to start before the game and waiting for it to exit. space:: msgbox ciao exitapp I started the game and did nothing for 30 seconds, game starts leaving the script active, it doesn't make sense and creates a big confusion with everything, if it has to wait for the app to exit for what reason does it launch ? help me solve this problem please.
  15. Hi 🤗 Tomb Raider Arcade is one of the few games that you can also use standalone without teknoparrot, i used demulshooter's guide and it worked great, go here : https://github.com/argonlefou/DemulShooter/wiki/Adrenaline-Amusement-Arcade#tomb-raider-arcade
  16. Thank you for answering me . I solved a problem with some emulators using lightgun by noticing that the automatic profile change from joypad to mouse was triggered when I accessed the pause menu. I solved it by keeping an equal profile. In other areas I have not yet solved the problem as I also noticed that the problem never occurs if I use programs like Moonlight or Parsec, which made me realize that probably my multi-monitor configuration causes problems with Launchbox and Bigbox. To play games, I activate only one monitor-sometimes I use the one on my desk and sometimes the TV connected via HDMI. I think Windows doesn't handle this well and doesn't properly pass certain properties to the new monitor when switching via WIN-P. In fact, if I activate a monitor, reboot the PC and then play, I have far fewer problems than if I activate the monitor and play without rebooting. This is frustrating because I often switch between the desktop monitor and the TV. Despite starting Launchbox after switching monitors, the problems persist. I also notice this with the lightgun software, which sometimes does not detect the new monitor and requires a software restart. I think the resolution change between games and the pause menu detects screen frequencies, screen name, and other parameters that are sometimes compromised.
  17. whatever I put inside the vc3 subfolder doesn't work, I've tried everything
  18. After starting the game with the bezel working and the arcade.ini and arcade.png files, I examined the log file and noticed that the plugin looks for a folder named “vc3.” As a result, I tried putting both the vc3.png and vc3.ini files in the same root folder and in a subfolder called “ vc3,” but unfortunately it still does not work. log_arcadepng_and_ini.txt log vc3png_e_ini.txt log_vc3png_e_ini_subfolder.txt
  19. Emulator : cxbxr-ldr Rom : vc3.xbe Plugin Folder : ../Launchbox/Plugins/BezelLauncher/Bezels/Arcade Files : the files are two : ini and png, and they are always the same, simply I did a little bit of testing by renaming them Arcade.ini Arcade.png (It works perfectly) Arcade.ini Virtua Cop3.png (Does not work) Virtua Cop 3.ini Virtua Cop3.png (Does not work) vc3.ini vc3.png (Does not work) not yet at the moment
  20. Do you guys know anything? I just wanted feedback to see if it's my problem or if it's really Demulshooter blocking the pause menu input 🥹
  21. No 😁...I meant that the only problem I have in the game is with the plugin not hooking, and actually you are right because using autohotkey it can't figure out which executable to use, it would be very interesting to implement in the plugin the ability to choose which exe to use. For example in my case the fake emulator is autohotkey but the real emulator is cxbxr-ldr.exe anyway i tried also in normal emulator mode (without autohotkey) and the bezel is displayed only if i rename virtua cop 3.png in arcade.png , this way it works perfectly. I cannot in any way use other names like Virtua Cop 3.png, vcop3.png, vc3.png, idnumber.png or ahkrom name. I also tried renaming the identical arcade.ini file with the png file name but it does not work. it is a mystery
  22. - Cxbx-Reloaded enabled in the bezel launcher under Arcade with the same parameters as other emulators that work with the plugin. - setting.ini = FullScreen = false - The folder \Launchbox\Plugins\BezelLauncher\Bezels\Arcade contains only arcade.ini Pong.png and Virtua Cop 3.png. Pong works, it is another emulator Virtua Cop 3 with Cxbx does not work, I also tried calling it Arcade.png, vcop3.png, 40456.png a and even with the ahk filename I launch it with RUN_VCOP3.AHK Actually the emulator configured in launchbox is a fake/emulator and it's autohotkey, which goes to launch the ahk rom that prepares me demulshooter and everything that is needed for proper game startup with lightgun, the plugin detects this emulator and I configured it exactly like the others. Everything works great except the bezel Thanks for the help
  23. hi, do you know anything about the bezel plugin and Flycast standalone and Cxbx-Reloaded ? i can't get them to work 😒
  24. For some pc games I prefer to use demulshooter to activate the 2 players with lightgun. All good except that I noticed the LB/BB menu pause doesn't work, it seems that DS takes access to all inputs including the pause button, is there any way to make it work ? If I start the game without demulshooter the pause works Thanks...
  25. I'm answering myself and it can serve everyone, I noticed that they are updating the new versions of touchmote and finally there is support for IR auto calibration for the joypad, it is very useful to be able to use it with games that use demulshooter, finally they are all perfect... and even with mame now you only need to put the deadzone to 0. If you decide to try these modified versions you will have to reset the joystick saturation value closer to the default between 0.80 and 0.85 Here the discussion : https://github.com/simphax/Touchmote/issues/65 download the recompiled versions of the last few days, I am trying this one, and I can say that compared to before, the calibration now of the joypad is automatically equal to the mouse, great https://www.mediafire.com/file/d9icw5s4finz94k/Tmote+x64+Rotation+July24+v6.rar/file
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