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Everything posted by Daliant

  1. Hello @C-Beats, thanks for your reply. Couldn't people who want to search the entire content (including notes) be given the ability to do so? In the same way that you can deactivate the advanced search, there should be the possibility of searching for a keyword in any field of the database. In this way everyone could use the search to their best convenience. What is the point of having an immense database with countless fields if we cannot later use them to filter, sort, clean, etc... our collections? If you can do this with a simple Excel, why use Launchbox then? On occasion I have said in these forums that my passion for video games goes far beyond playing them. I personally spend a lot more time going through my collection, looking at the manuals, learning the history of each game than I do playing the game itself. I know that there are many other people who, like me, appreciate Launchbox not for being a video game launcher, but for having all its arts and accessories in an organized way. There are plenty of frontends out there that are designed to just click a button and play without worrying about anything else. I think Launchbox is a step up in this regard and in its nature aims to be more than just a game launcher. These kinds of things are what I miss about the little-remembered GameEx. Tom Speirs was a genius at implementing this type of resources in databases and he did wonders with a program that was surely much inferior to Launchbox, but that made those of us who appreciated the exploration of our collections a dream. Some of these options have been implemented in Launchbox over time, such as the view of similar games or ports, but in my opinion (which is surely worthless) it is still far from what GameEx could do in this regard. The truth is, I still use Launchbox because I have not yet discovered another frontend that gives me everything I need in terms of exploring my collection. Most frontends focus on simply launching games. For now, it's time to continue dreaming about the definitive frontend. All the best.
  2. I have several hundred magazines added to a playlist in Launchbox. They are magazines related to video games. I would very much like it if when using the search engine with the word "Sonic" in addition to all the installed versions of the game in my collection appearing, those magazines that talk about the game or that have some type of report would also appear. All the magazines in my collection have a summary of each of them added in the notes section. Can I have any hope that this will become a reality or is it extremely difficult and complex to make the current search engine not focus only on the game title and search in all available sections (company, publisher, year, notes)? The truth is that I cannot understand how today this frontend does not allow you to perform advanced searches, when other frontends with less community and less support do it perfectly. I don't think it's such a crazy idea that it isn't implemented today, honestly. I am convinced that many users have the same need as I do with their magazines and manuals.
  3. Since the retroachievements option was activated again in Bigbox, it is impossible for me to access the details of the achievements since the cloudflare captcha appears and I cannot accept it in any way, since the mouse does not work within Bigbox. How can I accept the Retroachivements captcha from within Bigbox?
  4. Some of us are also hoping for something as simple as making some game lists not appear in attraction mode. I have had to deactivate attraction mode so that games that I don't want to appear or lists of magazines that don't even have videos don't appear. I hope that one day you can choose the list of games you want to appear in this attraction mode.
  5. Unfortunately this is a problem that I believe will never be solved. It seems that BigBox is designed to self-destruct itself little by little. It doesn't matter what theme you use, when you spend more than 15 minutes browsing the menus or entering and exiting a game, BigBox navigation becomes slow and stutters. The only solution is to exit completely and re-enter, but it doesn't take long for the problem to recur. I am clear that it is not a problem with my computer or the drivers, the BigBox system simply has a design flaw in this regard. I use other rom managers on my SteamDeck or Nintendo Switch and none of them have this usability problem. You can spend an entire afternoon browsing the menus and the system continues to work without problems. This is unfortunately impossible with BigBox. Years ago I thought it was a theme problem, but this also happens with the default theme so it is a design problem of the program itself.
  6. Indeed, by resizing the sidebar the problem disappears for that specific game, but it may then appear in a different one.
  7. Indeed, it seems that the problem has been minimized and now the games that cause the dance movement are less, but the problem still persists.
  8. Wonderfull!!!! Let's try it again!!!!
  9. Hello @C-Beats, indeed if you change the size of the sidebar for that specific game the problem is solved, but then the problem is reproduced in other games that did not have this problem before. There is no sidebar size that would fix the issue for the entire set of games. If the size is fixed for a specific game, you will break it for others that did not have the problem before. I know it's somewhat complicated and I'm not sure if it can be solved in any way. I hope that with some time you will find a way to fix this problem since there is no theme with better features than this today in my opinion. Thank you very much for your great work.
  10. After several weeks using this theme as the main theme in my system, it is impossible for me to continue doing it because of the flickering bug. The problem is not so much the flickering of the images in the sidebar, the problem is that while this happens Launchbox stays "locked" for the duration of the flickering, preventing even changing the game in the list. It is a real pity since in my opinion this is today the most complete theme and with the best features of all those that exist. I hope @C-Beats can find a solution to this problem.
  11. Daliant


    It has everything you can ask for in a theme. Just fantastic.
  12. Indeed, resizing the sidebar fixes the problem for that specific game but it keeps failing for others. I guess it depends on the size of the text or the rest of the elements that go just below the images. If they do not fit correctly, clipping begins.
  13. I am carrying out more tests and resizing the size of the boxes of the games a bit, the error seems to have disappeared. I guess it is something related to the size of the sidebar.
  14. Hi @C-Beats, I have found a small bug exploring some games in the right sidebar. As can be seen in the following video, when accessing some games the content flashes and the system freezes for a few seconds. I've noticed it happening on all systems and only some games. 2023-08-08 22-27-11.mkv
  15. Daliant


    After trying it I can only say that it is beautiful. My new default theme. Thank you for creating this marvel.
  16. Updated Translation for Spanish Language-es.zip
  17. Hello, would it be possible to translate the texts "View related games" and "View 3D model" into Spanish? These texts have not been translated for a long time. I offer to translate them "View related games" = "Ver Juegos Relacionados" "View 3D model" = "Ver Modelo 3D" Thank you.
  18. I have also noticed the same thing as you, the default theme does not suffer from this lag and I also thought that it would be possible because of the CTC. I guess there must be some reason for this. It is a pity that the experience in Big Box is not smooth. I guess for most people it's more important to start the game than to be able to scroll smoothly through the game list.
  19. Here I show you a short video comparing two BigBox themes and their fluidity when navigating the games. I hope you can see the difference clearly since it is much easier to notice when you are the one who controls the game controller to move the list.
  20. Hi everyone, over the years I've been using Launchbox and BigBox I've tried dozens of themes trying to get the best gaming experience while still being nice to look at. Every time I've had the same problem, I've found a fantastic theme that suited my needs, clean, pretty, but it always ended with slowdowns navigating the game menus. I see that it is a common problem in 99% of the themes that can be downloaded today for BigBox and what I would like to know is if you think that one day this aspect will be improved to allow a completely fluid experience in exploring our collection of games. I don't have the best PC in the world, my features are AMD Ryzen 5 2600X Six-Core Processor 3.60 GHz, 16GB RAM and Nvidia Gforce 1660 Super. I know it's a simple PC, but I understand that it should be more than enough to run a frontend with images and some low-resolution video. My problem mainly is in games list type views. When I go through the different games I notice a lag when going from one game to the next. Sometimes even the sounds it makes when going through the list from one game to another stop listening or even make small jumps if you decide to go between games quickly. I'm sure many of you know what I'm talking about. I want to say that recently I found a theme that (at the moment) is the only one that navigates through the list of games in a totally fluid way, without slowdowns and being able to scroll through the list as fast as you want without problems. The theme in question is called "Stark" and is from the creator @donkeywaffles. As I said, of the dozens of themes I've tried, it's the only one that doesn't slow down in its game list view and allows for totally fluid navigation. The rest of the themes I've tried end up slowing down somehow, especially in game list views with details. My question right now is does this theme have something special that the others don't? and Why can't I have the same smooth experience with the other available themes? I love being able to review the list of my games much more than playing them. For me, Launchbox and BigBox are the way to see my collection, see information about the games, their images, videos and other available media... But the browsing experience is not the best possible right now and I would like to be able to improve it. Do you think I can do something to improve my BigBox browsing experience? Sorry for my long speech, but I needed to tell this for a long time. All the best.
  21. Here is the modified file, in case it helps. BoxesContentView.xaml
  22. @bundangdon I've made a few small changes to the "BoxesContentView.xml" view to prevent game titles from being cut off and look a bit better. Here are the changes: <!-- TITLE REGULAR TEXT --> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Title}" Foreground="{Binding ForegroundBrush}" TextWrapping="Wrap" TextTrimming="None" Margin="{Binding TextMargin}" Grid.Row="1" TextAlignment="{Binding TextAlignment} " MaxHeight="{Binding MaxTextHeight}" /> <!-- SUBLINE REGULAR TEXT --> <TextBlock Visibility="{Binding SublineVisibility}" Text="{Binding Description}" Foreground="{Binding FadedForegroundBrush}" FontSize="12" TextWrapping="NoWrap" TextTrimming="CharacterEllipsis" Margin="0,0,0, 0" Grid.Row="2" TextAlignment="{Binding TextAlignment}" /> Could you consider adding these small changes for future revisions? I think it looks much better this way, really. I'm waiting for your opinion
  23. Thank You!!!!
  24. Hi @bundangdon!!! Are you going to update this theme to include the latest changes in Launchbox version 13.3? Thank you so much.
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