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  1. Try checking te video file name in Launchbox\videos\Sony Playstation , sometimes Launchbox adds the UUID to the filename of the media, if that is the case, rename de file to just the game title, keeping the underscores if there is any.
  2. There's a way to have a default image that will be displayed when there's no specific one for the game, I don't remember exactly where is that option and I l'm not at home right now to check, but it must be in the platform options
  3. That info you see when you press the home button Is an app that comes with Windows, I think it's called xbox bar o something like that (I don't remember and besides my Windows Is in spanish so the mame will be diferent from yours maybe), try to find it and disable the home button function there, you should then be able to use it. In my case I could map it in Launchbox and retroarch but not in Bigbox for some reason. Once you regain the use of the home button you can uninstall that app if you want.
  4. Yesterday I made a mass metadata update for a part of my collection, I selected the option to replace existing metadata because I wanted all the new data that has been corrected in the database the last couple of years by the community. The problem is that, when the title changes, all the media I had now doesn't match with the new title so all those games end up without media associated. I know where the files are and how to edit a game to drag and drop the files,but they are too many games. I know that when I manually edit a single game and I change the title all the media is automatically renamed but, there is a way to mass update the metadata and that the media files get renamed to the new title? Or at least to update all the metadata but no the title? Thank you
  5. Thank you! Awesome and increíble work.
  6. jophran

    The Covid Game!

    lol! great little game.
  7. Here Is explained how overrides work. I didn't try it myself but it's well explained I think https://docs.libretro.com/guides/overrides/
  8. Sorry I didn't answer before, I did made the exit ahk work with my script but I don't remember how because now I'm using @freeflyer454 script now, it does works better than mine.
  9. Hi, did you checked the switch under the controller? the one that selects direct input or xinput? Maybe Is a dumb answer but sometimes my son changes it without me knowing and left me puzzled when the xontroller starts behaving strange.
  10. Ohhh, great!, I didn't even tested the new tool in fear of losing something, my backup drive died and don't have a full LB backup as I like to have.
  11. @Jason Carr, maybe it would be a nice option to have that the process would move the media somewhere instead of deleting it, so we hace the chance to check them and manually delete them afterwards.
  12. https://docs.libretro.com/library/flycast/ rar It's not supported, only zip AND chd.
  13. Hi, I use the program Bulk Rename Utility. It has a ton of options.
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