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Posts posted by flatuswalrus

  1. 2 hours ago, DOS76 said:

    I hope you have at least have your data folder backed up its not very large and it will make it easy to restore you LB build if you have a hard drive failure.

    I do not, I like to live life on the edge. Plus, ladies like bad boys. Seriously though, I really should do that. I just have not got around to it (famous last words I know). Thank you for the suggestion good sir.

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  2. I have some PS2 games that consist of two files, which are .mdf and .mds. Which one of those I need to add to LaunchBox for PCSX2?

    Also, I was looking for a list online of compatible file extensions for PCSX2, but I cannot find one. Is it just .iso, .bin and either .mdf or .mds.? Are there any more? I ask because I have about 1.3k games each in separate folders and I do not want to leave any out when searching during importing. Thanks in advance.

  3. That is often a source of frustration unless money is no object, which it is to me. I filled up my 8TB, so tonight even though it hurt I just deleted my NDS, N3DS, PSP, PSP-Minis & MSU-1 titles. Reason is I would not have really played those all that much anyway, except the MSU-1 titles. Though I needed the space for my newly acquired 1,200+ PS2 titles. I guess I had to decide between spending money or deleting games I was not likely to play all that much. I started out trying to obtain every game on every system but it just got out of control so I have been cutting back. I know that probably does not help, but would you possibly go down that route also?

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  4. Out of curiosity has anyone obtained a full PS2 library? I have been trying to get there for a couple of months now and gee it is time consuming. I have not seen a full set available, understandably so due to the size. So I have been acquiring them individually. I have 910 titles thus far but won't add them to LB until I am done. Boy oh boy I look forward to having all of that PS2 goodness!

  5. 7 hours ago, Thanos Reigns said:

    I had 2 8tb drives, one was a backup. Completely lost both and have to start over from scratch. 

    Holy crap, that is devastating. That’s my worst nightmare. There was a big storm here the other night so I turned the computer off and pulled the plug out from the wall. I know you’d do that in a storm anyway but I did it just with the games in mind as they are so precious to me. How did both of yours die?

  6. Just add them as their own platform, during the adding process pick any emulator and then after they’ve been added uncheck the use emulator checkbox in the game options. That’s what I did anyway and it worked.

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  7. My old arcade cabinet was 2 player and had two joysticks with 8 buttons each player, 2 light-guns, 2 spinners, 1 trackball and a keyboard/mouse. It all worked just fine but occasionally the PC would have a spaz-attack and something would need re-configuring. That is bound to happen with PCs, they have a mind of their own at time. I have seen FAR more complicated setups out there that seem to work. I think like everything though the more stuff there is the more chance there is something will go wrong. You just have to be prepared to fault find and fix when stuff decides to play up a bit but I am sure you can get it where it will run smoother than a babies buttocks.

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  8. I have two hard drives that are mirrored for my LB setup as well as two hard drives that are mirrored with my films, shows and music. I double everything because I have too much stuff to lose. It would be far too devastating to lose it all. So, if one of the hard drives for any given media I have fails I would immediately rush out and buy another to back it up again. If the crazy occurrence happens where both failed simultaneously then I'd just kill myself.

  9. 9 hours ago, Dan said:

    Hehe maybe. But doesnt that apply to all ROMs :D

    Yes indeed, I am sure every system's library of ROMs has been downloaded many many times by many people. I guess because these flash games, or at least all together in the one spot aren't all that easy to come across which is why a lot of people are showing interest. When people kept asking for them my brain just had that image of vultures circling around a corpse, waiting and wanting.

  10. 6 hours ago, Dan said:

    Funny logo - but what is the relevance of vultures to flash games? Signifying that they are a dying breed, soon to be devoured by the annals of time? 

    Vultures are scavengers. Everyone wants these flash games and are hovering around just waiting to get their claws on them, haha.

  11. This is much needed. When I first started LB I made a bunch of games hidden because they were missing artwork with the intent of making them visible again when artwork was implemented by either myself or an updated database. I did not know about the list view until now but it is not the easiest way of doing it.

  12. 18 minutes ago, harryoke said:

    My "ding-dong" was bitten off years ago (parden the pun). Being a data hoarder means you cannot be selective, if i removed all the SH*t games from my collection i would be left with next to nothing & they would probably fit on a 1gb thumbdrive :D

    Haha, true. It is funny because out of my near 35k games I religiously play two of them and have about fifty in total that I cycle through. Though every once in a while I add one into the regular rotation or focus just on it solely. Games are like films, shows and music as there are far more I dislike than like. I am a self-confess data-hoarder but am trying to kick the habit, it is difficult.

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  13. 19 minutes ago, JamesBond@ge said:

    Haha, I know what you mean but the nihilist in me loves collecting all the shovelware, similar to a 'crab biting my ding dong'. I've been putting together a full USA set (1179) (2TB) of Wii games for the last 3 weeks and my word there is so much shovelware on that system too! I've even gone as far as getting a WiiMote, Dolphin Bar and 8TB drive for the occasion. I've fallen in love with a shitty game called "Chicken Shoot". Such a guilty pleasure :D

    Yeah those kinds of game are pretty funny and amusing. I got the shits tonight and deleted the DS games from LB along with all the metadata and media. I deleted all the European and Japanese stuff (which I do not normally do) but with the DS there was just too much missing metadata and media. I renamed the U.S. stuff to be more tidy and will upload/add it again with better results, hopefully. Sometimes when things get too finicky I find it better to start again.

    That Chicken Shoot looks fun. Do you have any kind of lightgun or are you just using a controller or mouse? I would love all the Wii games. Only thing with the Wii though is I would have to wait until Retroarch gets better compatibility for it as I try to only use MAME and Retroarch for everything. I have 637 Gamecube games and they work pretty good through Retroarch, but not the Wii or WiiWare stuff (which I have 343 titles).

  14. Additional Nostalgia Platform Videos

    View File

    These are some platform videos I have made to fill gaps in my setup that had not previously been done.

    I use Viking's Nostalgia theme, so the videos are in that style. They might not be as great as Viking's quality work but they do the job.

    I like to split some of my systems up into different categories/platforms. As the SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive is my favorite system I have split it up into what you will find here.

    1. Sega Mega Drive (Brazil)
    2. Sega Mega Drive (China)
    3. Sega Mega Drive (Homebrew)
    4. Sega Mega Drive (Japan)
    5. Sega Mega Drive (Prototypes)
    6. Sega Mega Drive (Sega Game Toshokan)
    7. Sega Mega Drive (Sonic Hacks)
    8. Sega Mega Drive (SOR Hacks)
    9. Sega Mega Drive (Translations)
    10. Sega Mega Drive (Unlicensed)

    Here are the rest:

    1. Applied Technology MicroBee
    2. Cybiko Cybiko
    3. Cybiko Xtreme
    4. Doom
    5. Doujin
    6. Fujitsu FM-7
    7. Galaksija
    8. IBM PCjr
    9. Infocom
    10. Interact Family Computer
    11. Microsoft MSX Turbo-R
    12. NEC PC Engine CD
    13. NEC PC-6001
    14. Philips P2000T
    15. Philips Videopac+
    16. PopCap
    17. Sega Master System (Brazil)
    18. Sharp MZ-700
    19. Tangerine Oric
    20. Tatung Einstein TC-01
    21. Thomson MO5
    22. Thomson TO7
    23. Thomson TO8
    24. Videoton TV-Computer
    25. VTech Laser 200

    Sorry about the file sizes as they are bigger than the norm. I did not know how to get them as small as Viking's, but size is not an issue with my computer so I apologize if it is with yours.

    Here are some of the custom logos I have done for the SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive:



  15. On 8/9/2018 at 1:01 AM, harryoke said:

    finally broke the 100,000 games mark after adding full set of decrypted NDS roms :)

    I know that what system may have the worse library of games is subjective but after having sorted through 90% of my NDS ROMs I would like to say it is a FACT that it has THE crappiest library of games out of any system, every! If I was stuck on a desert-island I would rather play a game of let a crab bite my ding-dong than play 'Germany's Next Top Model', 'Cory in the House' or 'Drake & Josh: Talent Showdown' on the NDS. I know there are SOME decent games on it but the system was basically for twelve year old girls and a platform to cash in on crappy reality TV shows.

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