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Posts posted by flatuswalrus

  1. @Jason Carr I certainly don’t expect magic except for if I ever travel back in time to my tenth birthday party then I want a magician hired for the occasion because I never had one before.

    sometimes it is just nice to know the reason why things are happening and your investigating achieved that and is appreciated.

    Only out of curiosity, is there much chance the LB and Emu end up catching up to each other with available media or is one usually a lot more ‘supplied’ than the other? I think I’ll just run the cleanup tool every once in a while as that’s certainly not the end of the world.

    • Like 1
  2. To be honest, I am surprised this has not been raised more. I have mentioned this before but for the life of me I cannot remember where I posted it and who replied, as I got an answer. I recall someone telling me that it is basically just what happens.

    I too had multiple images for the same game. Sometimes up to seven images of the same image (named XXXX1, XXXX2 and so on as the OP stated) as that is how many times I had LB update media. It should not download the same thing again as far as I am concerned but it does:

    image.thumb.png.0483788fd6923cdf32bdb02fcd1b64f3.pngIf you will notice above in my Arcade Box - 3D there are multiple images of the same game. There used to be a lot more but then the clean-up-images feature was implemented and it did get rid of duplicates. Though, then I updated media to scan and download anything I had missing that may have been added to the database and once again the multiple images started appearing. I chose to only add media to fields that were missing ones but it still downloads images for games that already have images. This does take up a lot of space, especially people with many thousands of games. The clean up feature is great but really should not be needed too much outside of this issue.

    @Lordmonkus Have you not had the same thing happen on your setup as shown above?

    This does not ruin LB for me at all and I do not spend time getting angry at it but it would be nice if it did not do it in the first place regardless of there being a clean up tool/feature or not.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, dragon57 said:

    If you run my command without any edits from the Images directory, it should work fine. I have tested it here repeatedly.

    How bloody silly of me, thank you so much. It sure did work. Thank you very much for your help, it is much appreciated. I tried to get my head around learning how to do it before asking but my aptitude/understanding for this kind of stuff has not quite clicked yet.

    EDIT: I should have stipulated so my bad but I wanted the images to appear in the folder that 1.jpg is so I can easily cut them to paste somewhere else. I tried searching for ".jpg" in the images folder but about 27k images show up, I tried sorting by date but unfortunately I will have to pull them out of each folder manually. Silly me for not saying that.

    EDIT 2: I just manually grabbed them from each folder which only took about 5 minutes. Thanks again.

  4. Hi all, just wondering if there was any individuals who may be able to help me. I wish to copy the image titled 1.jpg in the folder shown below and name it to match all of the folders:


    I had a batch file I used previously to copy an image and name it the same as a bunch of .wad files I had:

    for %%a in ("G:\Doom\*") do (copy "C:\Users\Dane\Pictures\Doom.jpg" "G:\Doom\%%~na.png")

    I have tried to bastardize it but without success. Does anyone know how to change it to suit what I wish to do with it now? Thank you.

  5. Did you make that arcade control panel yourself or buy it? What is the drink on the floor? Is that a pen or soldering-iron near the drink and either way what is it doing there? Does the strip lighting provide relief for your eyes whilst looking at the TVs if the room light is off or do they strain your eyes but you put up with it because it looks cool? What are the black round things above the control panel on the second shelf?

    I have many questions, and I demand you answer them all!

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Lordmonkus said:

    I have no idea what the ratio would be but I wouldn't say it's much different than in the past, there really is a lot of garbage games in the past as well.

    Yes of course. There were many times my porcket money would get spent renting a game from the video store only to be greatly disappointed.

    1 hour ago, Lordmonkus said:

    Like many games, there is a difficulty adjustment, try playing it on death march difficulty. If you want challenging try out some games like the Souls series or Nioh some time.

    Nioh looks pretty cool, I might look into giving it a go on Windows.

    1 hour ago, Lordmonkus said:

    That's very true of course but just because we have a lot of 3rd person open world games such as The Witcher 3 there are a ton of old school types of games as well. Try out something like Nex Machina or Dead Cells some time, great old school vibe games that can be quite challenging.

    Yeah, I have quite a few I would put in this category on my Windows LB like Hollow Knight and Super Meat Boy which I enjoy very much.

    1 hour ago, Lordmonkus said:

    I really do feel like people are cherry picking their favourites from way back when they were kids and forgetting all the trash from back then *cough* Pac-Man Atari 2600 *cough* while at the same time cherry picking the egregious shit from today while ignoring the true gems that we have today. We live in a great time in gaming right now where if you want the large sprawling open words of Breath of the Wild, Witcher 3 or Horizon Zero Dawn we can have them but at the same time we can have modern takes on old school game play such as Nex Machina and Dead Cells (and countless others). Indie devs have never had it so easy to get their games to the market with online distribution and not relying on having a publisher willing to shell out the production costs to get the games to market. If the big name devs and publishers of old aren't giving us what we want there are a ton of great indie devs out there giving us great new games, you just have to look around instead of writing off modern games as trash.

    Yes they do. Same as people saying God must be real because there is too much beauty/symmetry in the universe which is projecting human cognizance onto something that has no cognizance and does not have to give us any answers. They do this whilst ignoring all the chaos/asymmetry. I think that is called selective thinking.

    1 hour ago, Lordmonkus said:

    fuck you Bubsy.

    Speaking of Bubsy, I made this list about four months ago.

  7. I am stuck in the past, I prefer older TV shows, my favorite decades of films are the thirties and forties, there is not a lot of music I like that is post-00's and my 'old-soul' certainly applies to video games also. Regarding TV shows it is easy to say modern TV sucks because of the endless cesspool that is reality-TV. Though, at the same time they say we are in the golden-age of television because there are so many amazing drama-series being made. After all, despite mainly loving really old shows Breaking Bad is one of my favorite shows of all time.

    So, someone enlighten me about modern games. I tend to think older games were better in general but in particular a better challenge. I am not talking about near impossible to beat old games that are difficult because they are crap due to being poorly designed regarding bad controls and the likes, but a good challenge like Donkey Kong. What would be ratio be these days of good and crap? I have watched my sister play The Witcher 3 on PS4 and whilst it looks amazing, immersive and I am sure there are challenging parts it just feels like you breeze through it fairly easily. It is just huge and in depth, it is more like half controlling a movie compared to being a real challenge.

    I suppose one could write an essay on all the differences and there is good and bad to everything in every era and it comes down to individual preference. I am sure too that myself being an individual who is greatly affected by nostalgia that I automatically cling to and view everything from yesteryear as being superior enjoyment-wise, harboring more purity and sincerity.

    P.S. I do not follow any sports, for the most part I hate sports. However, I love sports games! Particularly Golf, Soccer and Hockey.

  8. 9 hours ago, Mr. RetroLust said:

    I fixed it by changing keyboardprovider from 'auto' to 'dinput' in the mame.ini file:

    Controller Companion now works with Mame, let the good times roll good sirs \m/ 

    Sounds like you are well on your way to having it all dandy as candy.

    • Like 1
  9. 7 hours ago, Mr. RetroLust said:

    I wish they would sell those spinners or trackballs on a handy controller, i'm not a handy person in the DIY department.

    If you are not handy it is because you have not properly sunk your teeth in. I bet you could do it if you tried. A lot of things are daunting and intimidating at first but eventually things click and you can do it. I am completely gutting/renovating my house at the moment and I am doing everything myself. Most things I have not done before but I just do a little research, watch some videos and then away I go. I am also going to build my own guitar afterwards for the first time too. When I first got into LaunchBox I didn't know what to do but asked many questions and now for the most part I am confident with it all. There are friendly forums out there for asking questions regarding building a control panel, you could even document the process here in an appropriate thread and ask questions along the way as this is such a friendly and helpful forum, unlike Hyperspin! That's right, I totally went there girlfriend.

    7 hours ago, Mr. RetroLust said:

    Thanks @Chadmando for Controller Companion, it looks very promising although I have to figure out a lot still and spend some time on it, I started off testing by changing the guide button to keyboard button "Tab" but it doesn't react in Mame while Tab is set to the bindings within mame to show the mame menu, any idea how to set this up? I did turn off all default bindings except for the guide button so maybe i did something wrong in that process. Basically I'd like to use the guide button in the future to hold and then press other buttons to activate things so it will be the exact same button combo's as in retroarch. Any advice or experiences on this program are welcome :)

    You could just change MAME to open the menu with another key if you want to use TAB-key for something else.

    2 hours ago, Mr. RetroLust said:

     @Dane you seem to have had success with this in Mame, any tips?

    It might sound silly but the only thing I have Controller Companion used for regarding MAME is my Hori FC4's home button is set to '4' on the keyboard. The reason is because when I was using the X-Arcade Tankstick the left flipper button was mapped to '4' and it exited out of the emulator. So, I still just have '4' as my universal exit button on everything. If I ever build a 4 player panel (can't imagine I will) I will just change it all around to something else. It will give me something to do and keep me off the streets.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Mr. RetroLust said:

    I have never tried anything like that but it looks quite awkward for trackball games. I imagine only using the thumb would not be as accurate as your palm on a larger trackball.

    As far as controllers go I have owned various controllers, arcade sticks, trackball, spinners and light guns. Out of all of them the most trouble I had was with light guns. They were just so finicky I am not going to ever get any again. That is not to say they never work, I just had little luck and found them frustrating. The spinners from groovygamegear were definitely worth the money.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Mr. RetroLust said:

    It does however have a light rough texture on it, I guess for better grip, it causes to get my thumb too warm at times after moving on it for quite some time, I like smooth finishes better because of the cooling effect. Really feel like a nerd now lol 

    Rough finishes do cause friction and friction does cause heat so it makes sense.

    1 hour ago, Mr. RetroLust said:

    Sweet, well usually Lust don't pay but I might go through the hassle of finding someone with a creditcard closeby if there are no freeware alternatives to the controller companion, wasn't this possible if set to ps4 and map guide button through ds4 software? (I thought about this to try out in the future)

    I have DS4 but to be honest I have never done anything with it except have it on my PC so it is recognizes the Hori FC4. I virtually never ever pay for anything but I made an exception with Controller Companion because I really wanted it. I did try and obtain it illegally first, haha. I am such a tight-wad.

    1 hour ago, Mr. RetroLust said:

    Sweet, well usually Lust don't pay but I might go through the hassle of finding someone with a creditcard closeby

    Just rob an old lady and steal her purse next time you are at the grocery store.

    1 hour ago, Mr. RetroLust said:

    The quickshot and the tank seem to be some real treasures from the past century, they do have that "looks don't matter, tude" ain't they? For some reason my reaction speed is slower with arcade sticks, probably because of the length x time, I do want to buy an arcade/fight stick thing sometime though as I'm really curious how it plays compared to pads but the things are expensive though. I almost bought this one (its a nice thing to look at) but I dont think I should just yet before trying it out first, this is an amazing deal though, have to resist impulses https://www.coolblue.nl/en/second-chance-product/618464

    That looks pretty sweet. I had not seen the Real Arcade Pro N Hayabusa before. For true sexiness though the Real Arcade Pro. 4 Kai gets my vote. I own an X-Arcade Tankstick and like it, I have attached spinners and the 7" Mini-Racer™ Steering Wheels to it. Though if I were to get another arcade stick/panel I would make my own next time. I have always been a joystick dude but after getting the PS4 and FC4 controller I don't even use the X-Arcade anymore, at all. I was thinking about getting the stand alone trackball for the trackball games as there are a handful that are much loved like ShuffleshotShuuz and World Class Bowling. Though once again, I will probably make my own and then sell the Tankstick, probably, maybe.

    • Like 1
  12. 5 hours ago, Mr. RetroLust said:

    I love the feel of the gamepad (symmetrical Fighter Commander 5 version to be clear) the  controller  is added as the 3th controller in windows (cable is long enough so I dont need an extension usb cable), i'll leave it plugged in so nothing will crap on the setup.

    How do you like the d-pad as it is one of the significant changes from the last model? I know you cannot compare them because you don't have both, but does it feel solid, responsive and all that jazz?

    5 hours ago, Mr. RetroLust said:

    The dual button mapping in Mame of the first controller plus the now third controller to the same user succeeded indeed, it was a bit complicated to figure out but that was mostly because of the different symbols on the buttons seeing as the F310 has the A,B,X,Y layout and the FC5 uses playstation symbols, also I complicated things further as I am used to a non-default mapping of mame, for instance I use the right stick button (R3) as cancel so it can't be pressed during gameplay as likely, for this controller I use the select button + R2 (the bottom third button).

    I love the thing all in all but again it takes getting used to as with any controller, been a long time holding a megadrive-like controller. I also really like the different turbo functions, just tested out with Parodius and didn't expect being able to let it shoot without pressing the button at all as well, friggin luxurious stuff man! In launchbox I switched on "using all controllers" and it works perfectly to control this as well, now all thats left is retroarch but I don't expect many problems as it's being handled as an x-input 360 controller. Only thing I am a bit sad about is not being able to map the guide button as with the F310 as well, must be the xinput limitation and haven't tried figuring this one out yet. 

    You might not have a need for it but if you need a way to map buttons that react only a certain way in certain applications you can try Controller Companion. It was recommended to me by someone on here. Confusing as hell at first but it can be a life saver and is worth the couple of dollars it is to purchase it depending what your needs are. I mainly use it to utilize the home button to exit out of emulators among other things.


    5 hours ago, Mr. RetroLust said:

    All details aside it takes some getting used to as I've been using dual shock layouts for a long time looking back, one thing I noticed quickly is the return of the burning spot on the top of my thumb (is this what they call a d-pad thumb?) it was back within 10 minutes of play while not having it experienced for a long time! lol I was very heavy into snes and megadrive play back in the early 90s  but I developed that thumb about 26 years ago dude lmao.

    I am glad I never got too accustomed to the modern controllers. That all stemmed from my distaste of the SNES controller layout back in the day. I could get used to it but my brain has become wired to the Mega Drive 6-button layout and arcade panels.

    On a side note, controller wise, the third-party Quickshot Starfighter 3+3 (QS-173) for the Mega Drive is one of my favorite controllers of all time. It is obviously lacking 'extra' buttons compared to the modern stuff but I could otherwise gladly use it on my setup with a USB cable.


    The d-pad is a little small and stiff so takes some getting used to but once you to it is solid as a tank. Speaking of 'a tank', 'The Tank' is also a simple but amazing controller. It is made by Australian company Home Entertainment Suppliers. They have been making them from the 16-bit era for the Mega Drive (which are rare as hens teeth now) to the XBOX 360 and PS3:


    • Thanks 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Mr. RetroLust said:

    I had this pictured one in the mail today, finally I have the time to test it out, will report back later today, it feels and looks great! I read about some problems hooking it up in Retroarch at first? Needed to set it to ps4 in order to work not pc?

    That’s cool, I look forward to hearing how it goes. Yeah you’d think you’d have it set to PC but I recall having to set mine to PS4. I can’t remember if it was necessary or not but I downloaded DS4Windows.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Mr. RetroLust said:

    Damn sweet! then I'll get right on to it, I think this is the way to go then in terms of ease and simplicity; just pick up the controller of choice and you're ready to go :) I do hope however mapping 2 or more controllers to one user won't cause any input lag. Yeah the analog sticks are really handy, also in mame I use it a lot for games like driving or Smash TV! for example or just whenever it feels better than a d-pad, I'm having 2 Logitech F310's setup for a while now which are great as I like the analog sticks better on it then the Dual shock 4 has (dual shock 4 sticks seem to be over-responsive/loose not getting much accuracy out of it) but I don't like the D-pad much on the F310's and feel the constant need for 3 buttons next to each other for many arcade games, since I read that older thread of you and lordmonkus about the hori fc I can't get it out of my head lol I'll go buy the hori fc and wait till 8bitdo ships the snes/famicom colored controllers to my country as they are hard to get here, many seem to be over prized chinese knockoffs.

    I love that wallmount idea! Please share photos or video when you're done setting it up, would also rock with pinball games! \m/

    Good luck and keep us posted on how you find having multiple controllers for each user and what you think oof the ultra sexy Hori FC4, I am sure it will work out okay for you. Because I have not had a whole lot of experience with analogue sticks due to mostly being stuck in the past I cannot compare the PS4 ones to others but now you say that about the over-responsiveness I do agree. Maybe as well it is just because I am not used to them on account of the aforementioned but I do find them a bit loose and thus a bit awkward. For all I know though they are perfect with PS3/PS4 games but I have never played anything more modern than the PS2, the future scares me. If only they made the Hori Horipad 3 Turbo Plus a little wider with a six button face instead of the diamond shaped layout then everyone's problems would be solved and wrapped up into one completely and utterly perfect bundle. We should get a petition going to send to Hori. Screw Christmas, this is now officially a controller discussion thread.

    • Haha 1
  15. 5 hours ago, Mr. RetroLust said:

    What if... (I really hope this can be done in at least mame and retro arch) mapping buttons of 2 different controllers to the same user buttons/actions?

    Yes it can be done, I would just pick a dedicated USB port for each on your PC and not change them around to avoid potential gremlins paying you a visit.

    I might very well do the same thing after I finish renovating my crappy house and then setup LB properly. I already have 2 x PS4 controllers and 1 x Hori FC4, so I just need 1 more Hori FC4 so then both players have the option of using either. Though I am most likely to just get another Hori FC4 and stick to those alone as analogue does not bother me too much because I am more likely to play older stuff. Saying that however, I recently obtained and added 1,310 PS2 games so the PS4 controllers would be neat. It would be fun to have every controller for each system but I favor and crave simplicity first and foremost so I will remain disciplined and resist any temptation to complicate things.

    Speaking of setting things up, the mailman delivered this to me today. Now when I get to wall mounting the TV I can easily flip the TV to portrait for shmups.

    • Thanks 1
  16. 11 hours ago, Mr. RetroLust said:

    I wanted to ask you @Dane and @Lordmonkus about that friggin sweet looking Hori Fighter Commander

    It is definitely the best thing I have purchased for my setup. If it is not the best controller I have ever owned it is pretty damn close to it.

    At first I hated the idea of not having a joystick as I used the X-Arcade Tankstick all the time but as soon as I held that sweet puppy in my hands I was in love. I just find it really comfortable in my hands, very responsive, solid/quality and having the ten buttons plus the other options it gave me everything I needed.

    As for the 8Bitdo SF30 PRO, I have never used one before so cannot comment on it. I think it looks fantastic and if analogue sticks are your number one concern, it along with PS4 controllers (which I own 2) would be your best options. For me, what won me over with the Hori FC4 was the six button layout on the front. I love fighting games so much that it was my number one priority to have that layout. I remember hating the SNES controller back in the day purely because of the button layout regarding fighting games. However whoever grew up with the SNES (I had a Mega Drive) would be completely used to it I am sure.

    If your first priority is analogue and they are a must have go with 8Bitdo SF30 PRO or PS4, if you can live without analogue Hori FC4 is the crème de la crème of all crème de la crèmes.

    I do not unplug and plug in controllers and swap stuff around. If I were to I would just always make sure that you know what USB port you mapped it with as sometimes I have found that can effect it. With MAME map your buttons outside of LB/BB. Just open the emulator on its own, map the buttons via the menu, save and then close. I have found mapping MAME whilst it is open via LB/BB can result in losing the controls. I only really use MAME and Retroarch with the Hori FC4 so keeping things simple helps a lot to avoid gremlins playing with your setup.

    • Thanks 1
  17. I don't give a poop if it isn't Christmas where you are yet but I am in Australia and it is 08:28am Christmas morning, so Merry Christmas all. I look forward to next year setting up LaunchBox properly in the living-room of the house that I am currently renovating which has taken me away from LaunchBox time-wise as of late. I am 37 and made the decision to not breed so Christmas is just another day for me...

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