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Posts posted by flatuswalrus

  1. I have mentioned the Hori Fighting Commander Pro lately in another thread here on the forum. Though, instead of hijacking another thread, because this is pertaining to something specific and so if anyone else in the future might search for the same thing I thought I would create a new thread. Anyway, I now have a Hori Fighting Commander Pro and it is amazing! Retroarch whilst requiring manual mapping recognizes it just fine and of course it is a breeze to map in MAME. Though for all other standalone emulators I cannot close the emulator with the Hori Fighting Commander Pro. I have Controller Companion and DS4 on my computer but neither shows the Hori Fighting Commander Pro, at least not automatically. With my PS4 controller I had the home button mapped as "4" on the keyboard through Controller Companion as that is what button closes all my emulators because that was the right flipper button (exit button) on my X-Arcade Tankstick which is what I used at the very beginning of using LaunchBox/BigBox. So does anyone know how to create a profile for the Hori Fighting Commander Pro with DS4 or know how to map buttons any other way for/on it?

  2. 3 hours ago, Lordmonkus said:

    I hope you get it working cause I was planning on buying one of the new models to have as a backup or maybe even 2 of them for my HTPC.

    1. User 1 Device Type: RetroPad w/ Analog
    2. User 1 Analog To Digital Type: Left Analog
    3. User 1 Device Index: Fighting Commander

    I restarted my PC as I hadn't done so for about 2 weeks as I've been downloading the entire GameCube library. Anyway, in RA's input setting under User 1 Input the above settings got it working. The main one that did it was changing the User 1 Analog To Digital Type to Left Analog. I am having to manually map my buttons for each system I play but once it is done it is done and it is no drama compared to the awesomeness of using this controller .Also, coincidentally tonight RA's manual input settings/menu finally clicked in my brain and it is all clear to me like a monk reaching enlightenment. Henceforth I shall fear no RA settings at all. I shall also purchase another Hori Fighting Commander Pro to have as a player 2 controller as they are THE BOMB.

  3. 45 minutes ago, Lordmonkus said:

    As for your mapping issues I don't know what to tell you other than to make sure it's set to PC and if that doesn't work try PS3 and PS4 mode.

    You could just tell me that you love me, it's all I have ever wanted to hear. Other than that, thanks for the reply. I tried all settings but none work though I will continue tinkering and report my findings when I find... them.

  4. On 6/23/2018 at 12:36 PM, Lordmonkus said:

    I can't remember but I seem to recall mapping them myself even though RA does a pretty good job of mapping most of the buttons correctly.

    It really isn't that difficult to remap things though, things have gotten much better than it used to be back in the 1.3.x days. Things are much more logical now and labeled better.

    I ended up purchasing a Hori FC and it arrived today. I have ALWAYS been a  6 button fighter layout guy all my life except the last year I have been using a PS4 controller and am now used to that and it is surprising how hard it is to get used to the fighting layout again. I have always hated the SNES controller layout with the shoulder buttons that went on to influence most console controllers after it. My favorite controller of all time was the 6 button Mega Drive controller, until now. Seriously, the Hori FC is absolutely beautiful! It has that wonderful 6 button layout PLUS the 4 shoulder buttons which are great to program with MAME to use as coin, pause, fast-forward etc. I think I am developing this for it. So, of course it was a breeze to map with MAME. Though, with RA it automatically changed input 1 user to Fighting Commander which is great but only problem is none of the buttons work. I know you said you have manually mapped some buttons with RA but just curious if you have your Hori FC set to PS4, PS3 or PC with the switch on the front of it?

    EDIT: Also, when I attempt to manually map the buttons it does not work. I press enter then the little box displays that says press the button and give you about four seconds or so to press it. Despite the user 1 input saying Fighting Commander it does not respond when mapping in RA. Did you have this problem at all?

  5. ‘Only’ having the top 100 rated for each system is an interesting way to go. I have 70k+ games but that obviously isn’t necessary. I like seeing the way others have their setup done. I have my BigBox the way I like it and it looks completely different to yours, but I really like what you’ve done with it having the backgrounds as the game preview videos. Well done. Did you decide to go with stand-alone emulators because you aren’t a fan of RetroArch?

  6. Regarding the Wii the below actually got it working for me, which is from a post here:

    I was able to get it to work by manually updating NANDRootPath within the Dolphin.ini file in the …\RetroArch\saves\User\Config\ folder.

    I set it to this directory:

    NANDRootPath = C:\Users\Brucey\Documents\Dolphin Emulator\Wii

    It is not perfect as there is sometimes a bit of lag or jumpiness but is for the most part smooth. There are also occasional issues with controls such as Mario Kart Wii worked but New Super Mario Bros. Wii no controls work/are auto mapped. I am trying to get everything to work with RA or MAME despite some standalones being better so I am happy with the result thus far.

  7. 8 hours ago, Kondorito said:

    I tried that one and it wasn’t for me. The lines onscreen were too abrasive. Though with my video card, monitor and other factors it could look different on my setup compared to yours or someone else’s. Thank you for the suggestion.

    i ended up trying 3dfx_4x1 and quite liked it, it’s smooth and crisp at the same time.

    im enjoying tinkering to find something nice so I’ll continue to see and play around with it.

  8. 14 hours ago, Zombeaver said:

    lol breakin' out the ol' Langoliers. Nice. Meatballs with chainsaw teeth. Gotta love it.

    So the thing with N64, like PSX, is it's gonna depend on whether or not you're upscaling. If you are, CRT shaders aren't going to look right, because they're designed with native internal resolution in mind. I don't upscale on PSX, but when I do for N64, I just use an antialiasing shader. There's an antialiasing subfolder in shaders - I use the 4x one. It just smoothes it out a bit more. If you want to use a CRT shader/scanlines, you're going to need to use native internal resolution. If I'm using Parallel + AngryLion, I use native resolution and a CRT shader; usually one of my own.

    I have not changed or attempted to alter/play around with N64 resolution but I might actually tinker with it along with a few other mentions of yours to see how they look, thank you.

  9. I use CG geom all the way on both RA and MAME which are my two dominant emulators of love. I am pretty happy with ye ol' geom as it tickles my fickle pickle, but N64 on RA with Mupen64plus even though I am using GLSL it looks like a Langolier is raping the screen with a Vulcan Mind Meld of doom. Does anyone have any corking custom parameters they use with the N64 regarding shaders they'd care to share that make it look more palatable and dandy for my eye candy?

  10. 14 minutes ago, DOS76 said:

    I can tell you MAME importing isn't 100% at all as using the same filters I've seen different results when importing games to them.

    Yeah that's pretty crazy, but it doesn't ruin LB for me. Sometimes I add a system and then "scan" for metadata and media again afterwards, multiple times and every time it adds more even though it is within a time-frame of less than a few hours. Oh well, 'tis the way it is.

  11. I have had trouble with my MAME set in LaunchBox upon upgrading my set from 0.195 to 0.198. I did not use update packs but instead just downloaded the complete 0.198 set. I deleted everything Arcade wise in LaunchBox then reuploaded my newly acquired and complete 0.198 set. After doing so I found that there were lots of my favorite games missing. I had chosen all the same option as I did when adding my 0.195 set. Games like DoDonPachi did not add but were there previously. I was just mucking around with the import wizard and the only way I could get them to be included was chose to force import and import ALL clones (which I did not want to do), or chose to prioritize region as "World". I though when prioritizing a region it would still add games outside that region when the priority region has none. Anyway, I had no problems when adding my 0.195 set months ago but 0.198 for unknown reasons was a pain in the bottom. I certainly wouldn't expect or look down upon LaunchBox and it's staff for not being always up to date with the latest MAME release/database but just out of curiosity, is it?

  12. 7 hours ago, Romfrosk said:

    Will there be interest for me to share my entire collection? Bear in mind that i only have 200Mbit connection

    Thank you for the offer but if anything I have only downsized my collection besides slowly acquiring the larger sets like the Dreamcast, GameCube and PS2 which take forever to download on my internet speed. Glad to hear you are still alive.

  13. 2 hours ago, Dan said:

    And his last words were “Ive download a sh*t ton of games”. Maybe he OD’d :( 

    The flash games download probably pushed him over the edge and as a result his heart gave out whilst on the thunder-box like Presley.

    • Like 1
  14. Where are you @Romfrosk? Have you shuffled off this mortal coil to play tetherball with JonBenét Ramsey in the big blue sky? Or have you moved your family to the Appalachian Mountains to follow your dreams of opening a strip-club for Norwegian sailors disguised as a coy-farm to avoid financial discrepancies with Uncle Sam?

  15. 8 hours ago, DOS76 said:

    Next Wednesday MAME 0.199 comes out so you may just want to wait a few days until then to download the roms but totally up to you.

    I'm already half way through downloading a fresh set of 0.198 ROMs so I'll download that, create a spare copy and update with the 0.199 update pack when it comes out. I will just try something other than ClrMamePro like the method you mentioned.

    8 hours ago, DOS76 said:

    Onto the images LB is only downloading what you tell it to and since it was changed to support more than one cover image due to people insisting on that feature to accommodate games with different covers from different regions that is just something that happens unfortunately.

    Oh okay, I just see the same cover multiple times more than different covers but if it does that due to that reason then it's all good.

    8 hours ago, DOS76 said:

    How did LB delete your Arcade games by the way as I see you've said that in the last few post and did you check the backup folder to see if there was a copy of your Arcade.xml to restore them from. 

    I chose to Scan for Removed ROMs in LaunchBox and despite my ROM path not being renamed or moved it removed all the games from LaunchBox. Unfortunately I can't give any more info as the scan only took a few seconds so it caught me by surprise. It's okay though because after what happened with the ROMs after ClrMamePro I'd be uploading them to LaunchBox again. I am not mad at LaunchBox though, she is a sassy lass whom I can't stay mad at. She's like the sea, a cruel mistress who is both beautiful and unforgiving simultaneously.

  16. I am never using ClrMamePro again. I said the exact same thing about Retroarch though when I first used it and now I love it, haha. Though, I do not like what has happened to my games as a result of this process. Before with my 0.195 set I had 3,006 games as I did not chose to import fruit games and unplayable games etc etc. Though, after updating to 0.198 and LaunchBox deleting all my Arcade games and re-adding them I opted to import everything except all closes to see and now have about 7,000 games. Despite this is has removed SO many damn games that were favorites of mine to play. Luckily I still have my 434GB 0.198 CHDs in tact but my 0.195 set is altered so I am deleting it and downloading a fresh new 0.198 ROM-set. That is no drama though as it'll take less than two days.

    My MAME was not saving controls after updating from 0.195 to 0.198 which was incredibly frustrating but it seems it was doing that because the folder it was housed in was read only. Once I unchecked that it saved the controls perfectly.

    On a side note, it doesn't do it for videos thankfully but why the heck does LaunchBox download two or sometimes even three images for each game? It is annoying as that takes up space. Is it because it is downloading the same front cover for one game for example from both databases even though it technically shouldn't? After my 0.198 set finished and I re-add my arcade games to LaunchBox AGAIN I'll delete all the images and download them again as like I said there are three images for some games which is just silly.

  17. 7 hours ago, DOS76 said:

    I'm not really sure but the fact that it dictates where your chd files go and will either move them if you let it or list them missing if they aren't in the folder is one of the reasons that using the program wasn't for me.

    My 0.198 CHD set had 516 folders. After using ClrMamePro it put 477 in my MAME ROM folder and left 221 behind making a total of 698 after the process. I guess it renamed some going by what it deemed necessary going by the ROM names. I just hope it is all correct. I won't be able to test them though for another day as it will take a day or two to add all my Arcade games after LaunchBox kindly decided to remove them all for me. So I'll keep my fingers crossed it's all good.

    To update MAME itself to the latest I downloaded it and copied it into my older version's folder and replaced/overwrote whatever it said was replaceable/over-writable. I believe that is what is recommended? Or just get rid of the old and start fresh with the new version? Reason I did the first mentioned was no not lose any settings. It saved by shader settings which is good but the cfg\default.cfg was empty.

  18. I downloaded a complete CHD set and went through the process in the original post. I updates from 0.195 to 0.198. After it was all done it had moved all but a few files from each update pack I had obtained so that worked I assume. Anyway, I had my CHD files in a seperate folder and after this was done it had moved most of them into the folder that my MAME ROMs are in. Was it supposed to do that? If so, it is no drama as they are still in folders instead of zip files so easily distinguishable.

    Also, afterwards in LaunchBox I went to: Tools > Scan for Removed ROMs. Then it removed all 3006 of my arcade games in LaunchBox even though their file path had not changed. Needless to say I am now having to add them all again. Does anyone know why this happened?

    EDIT: The CHDs that have been moved into my Arcade ROMs folder are 438GB and 100GB remained in the original CHD folder. DOes that mean the 100GB can be deleted as they are not going to been needed?

  19. 7 minutes ago, Lordmonkus said:

    I can't remember but I seem to recall mapping them myself even though RA does a pretty good job of mapping most of the buttons correctly.

    It really isn't that difficult to remap things though, things have gotten much better than it used to be back in the 1.3.x days. Things are much more logical now and labeled better.

    At the very least I'd get them for MAME because of all the wonderful fighting games. It is so user-friendly and easy to map buttons on anything with MAME. It is so easy I could probably plug a packet of biscuits into my PC and configure it with MAME. I did just take another look at the input menu for RA and it does look better than what it was. I will pull the trigger (pun intended) and give the Hori FC a go as they look really amazing, thanks.

  20. On 6/8/2018 at 3:25 PM, Lordmonkus said:

    The Hori FC is just such a great controller and far better overall than any non analog stick controller to the point I would much rather use it than any standard d-pad controller ever made, including the might SNES or Saturn controller.

    Does Retroarch handle it just fine in regards to auto-config? As in, do the R1 and R2 buttons on the front face of the controller get automatically used for Z and C on a 6-button Genesis controller for fighting games or have you had to map the buttons manually yourself? Just wondering because if Retroarch handles it without having to config anything I will get some. I love Retroarch but the one thing I truly HATE about it is the convoluted menu/system/method for mapping buttons manually.

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