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marcowy said There is cool possibility in Launchbox to import whole Steam collection, both installed and non-installed games. So if I want to play racing game I can quick arrange my enitre backlog by "racing" genre. It's superb feature which even Steam client is missing. I have over 200 games on GOG. I want to be able to import them without need to install all of them. I know, that GOG has no public profiles yet, but in mentioned service isthereanydeal.com I was able to import my GOG collection easly with https://github.com/ssokolow/itad_importer. I assume tht there are more people who want this feature. Btw do you have any wishlist poll, when I can vote for requests?
I am interested in this feature, and the same with Origin, Desura and Uplay, but as Sentai said, there is no API to work with, maybe in the future, since GOG Galaxy is still in early development. The isthereanydeal GOG games importing approach is interesting, maybe Jason could figure something similar later on.
IMHO the easiest way to implement import from GOG could be done like this: (from completinator.com): "Here you can import the games in your GOG library right into your Completionator collection. Before you start importing, please take a moment to review how this process works: This process will require you to copy and paste your list of GOG games so we can try and process them. Instructions on how to do this are provided below. Completionator will attempt to import all of your GOG games right into your collection here on Completionator. No changes will be made whatsoever to your GOG account / library. It's possible you will have some games in your GOG library that are not on Completionator yet. If this happens, our administrators will be notified and will work to get them loaded! You can run this import as many times as you want, so if we're missing some games right now, you can run it again later. Or if there's a big GOG sale, you can quickly load in all your new games! Completionator will NOT re-import games that are marked as GOG games in your collection already. This import feature is NOT affiliated with CD Projekt or GOG in any way. It has been created simply as an alternative to manually entering your games on Completionator. When you're ready, click on the Start button below! NOTE: In order to load your GOG library into your Completionator collection, you'll need to manually copy and paste your list of GOG games into the textbox below. Please follow the instructions below to do this: GOG Galaxy Note: Due to recent changes to the My Account page on GOG, the import will only work in Chrome. Also, you'll need to perform the import for each "page" of your games. Login to your GOG account (be sure to use the English language option, otherwise, the import will not work! Go to Your Collection on GOG (be sure to use the "List" view) Wait until the entire page has loaded Select everything on that page by using [CTRL+A] or [CMD+A] Copy the selection you made by using [CTRL+C] or [CMD+C] Paste the selection you copied into the textbox below by using [CTRL+V] or [CMD+V] After pasting your GOG games into the textbox, click on the Start button (you will have a chance to review the import before any changes are made!)" EDIT: I tried this and it doesn't work because they are blocking selecting elements on page. But I've installed "Allow copy" addon in Chrome and I was able to copy it. However none games were imported. Anyway, now I have my entire GOG collection in text file. Maybe you could add option to import from txt/csv file? I know that you use xml format for import/export, so maybe I will write program to create such a file from txt list and to complete othere information (like genre) from Steam...
@Jason, is it possible to create (manualy or programaticaly) XML file and import it to LaunchBox via "Tools-Import-LaunchBox zip package" option? I've exported my Steam collection from Launchbox and then copied one game's settings to new LaunchBox.xml file. Then I've changed Title of the game. I've zipped that file and tried to import it - unsuccessfully. I've tried few more changes - remove ID, dates and so on.
  • 2 weeks later...
I wrote simple program to convert txt list of games to xml file by matching it with thegamesdb.net database. The resulting file can be zipped and imported to Launchbox. It can help add non-installed-non-Steam games. I've used it to import my GOG collection (>200 games). It's written in Microsoft VB.NET so it requires .NET Framework 3.5 to be installed first (if you don't have it already). This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the author be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to redistribute it freely. It is free for use. How to use First of all you have to create simple text file with game names. I created my list by CLTR+C/CTRL+V, as I've wrote two post above. Additional step which I didn't mention was to eliminate duplicates, which will appear when you use this method on GOG page. I achieved it this way http://stackoverflow.com/a/17736717. When you've got your text file you can open it in my tool. Then you can type platform in 'Platform' textbox or leave it empty (which means all platforms). This information is used in searching thegamesdb.net. 'Source' and 'Status' values are added to XML Launchbox file and can be useful to filter your collection. Next you can choose if all matching should be done 100% automaticaly or semi-auto. When '100% auto (mismatch risk)' checkbox is NOT checked, that you will have to confirm most of matches, but also you will have possibility to choose one of similar titles from thegamesdb.net. In appeared dialog you will have 5 buutons: Yes - confirm match, No - show another match, Rewind - show first match again, Cancel - set this games as not found, and Abort matching - abort this process (usefull when you mistakenly clicked wrong button and want to start from beginning...). I don't recommend checking this option, becacuse it will match some games faultyly. When program will not find any match or you will decide non of found matches are correct ('Cancel' button), it will create game record but with thegamesdb.net=0 and game title = "[not found] NameOfNotFoundedGame", e.g. "[not found] Chronology". Those games will be imported to Launchbox too, but you can easily filter and remove them after import, or edit it manually. When all games are matched you can finally click Save to XML button, which will create Launchbox.xml file in same location when your text file is. Then you have to manually zip this file in Windows or in your favourite zip tool. Zip filename doesn't matter. Now, create backup of your existing LaunchBox database, if you have any games in it already. It's LaunchBox.xml file located in LaunchBox program directory (same as LaunchBox.exe). Next you can import it in LaunchBox: go to Tools->Import->Launchbox ZIP Package... In import dialog browse for that zipped file, choose wheter you want overwrite existing games (it will not overwrite your Steam games as I checked - instead it will create duplicates if you have any same games there). Finally choose filter "Source" or "Status" from menu on the left and select "GOG"/"Imported from GOG" or whatever you have typed in those fields in my exporter. Now you can click on any game once, then select all of them by CTRL+A, and select Tools->Download Metadata and Images. In this wizard uncheck 'Search for game information in the local metadata database' and leave selected 'Search for and download metadata from TheGamesDB.net'. You can also check third option (about Wikipedia). Click Next and choose what kind of images do you want to be downloaded, and then choose "Yes, download and replace all existing metadata"). Wait for download to finish and enjoy your (almost) completed collection :) Any comments welcome.
marcowy said Thank you @CliveBarker for appreciation :) Can you please remove quote from your reply gratitude post? It unnecessary take space and blurs this thread :)
It seems I lost my Edit permissions some days ago, don't know why but I can't edit anything.
TxtToLaunchBoxXML updated to 0.1b Fixed: * "game not found" instead of "[not found] NameOfNotFoundedGame" was added to XML resulting file when user clicked "Cancel (not found)" button on found games dialog
  • 5 months later...
I also really miss this feature... There are some people talking about the GOG API over at gog.com: https://www.gog.com/forum/general/gogcom_api/page1 One of them even wrote a little documentation for it: https://sites.google.com/site/gogdownloader/GOG%20API%20Documentation.pdf So I guess this is doable Wink Also I couldn't find the corresponding issue at bickbucket to vote it up? Anybody has an ID for it?
  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi marcowy, sorry for the late reply (importing 711 games takes time) , your tool helped me A LOT in importing my gog.com collection.

Tried with on of the latest versions and I didn't had any problems. Thanks.

  • 3 months later...

Are there any changes on this front in the last several months? I came to the forums to see if there was already a way to do this (specifically with GOG games, since Steam is now nicely handled) before I started hacking away at it. :-)

  On 2/22/2017 at 4:23 PM, neil9000 said:

Those will get imported when you import windows games, at least my starcraft 2 and diablo 3 did.


Unfortunately my blizzard games arent installed to registry (I just told Battle.net client to locate the game folder without installing them from scratch) and when i try to import windows games, LB detects the Battle.net client link but none of the games however my steam games are also not installed to registry but yet they imported fine with no problems

  On 2/22/2017 at 4:28 PM, Azgorath said:

Unfortunately my blizzard games arent installed to registry (I just told Battle.net client to locate the game folder without installing them from scratch) and when i try to import windows games, LB detects the Battle.net client link but none of the games however my steam games are also not installed to registry but yet they imported fine with no problems


Oh OK, could you not just add them manually? I assume you still have a .exe to launch them from? So all you need to do is use the add button at the bottom right of launchbox, and point it at your .exe.

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