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I was just over on EmuMovies looking for a video that isn't found when scraping I've seen that if there is a naming difference between our DB and EM it won't find info for linked games on EmuMovies. While there I noticed that over on the side that there is a poll for favorite Front-End for 2016 so far only 100 people have voted and LB is in 3rd place with only 10% of the vote so I would like to urge everyone here who has an EmuMovies account (free or paid) to go over and vote for LB while we may not be able to beat out HyperSpin (63%) in the poll I'd like to see us at least overtake GameEX who are at 19%.
I just created an account (free one) and cast my vote for LaunchBox! I checked the results just before I voted, and it read 10.89%. I checked it again right after I voted (and the total votes had incremented just one (me)), and it had jumped to 11.76%! Since the Total Vote count as of this writing is only 102, one vote makes a lot of difference!
Ha I almost didn't post this because I thought maybe people would be like a stupid poll who gives a shit but its good to see people want to support LaunchBox. Now only if I could post don't vote for Trump on the internet and everyone would be interested in listening to me than too.
DOS76 said Now only if I could post don't vote for Trump on the internet and everyone would be interested in listening to me than too.
Dude, why aren't you at the anti-Trump rally in New York? Why lounge around drinking beer, when you could be getting sprayed in the face with Mace because you're being a dick, and after you get arrested, you might be thinkin' the beer at home was a better option. Laugh P.S. I do not mean to imply in any way, that you'd be a violent protester - just jokin' around. Wink
No going to those rallies is probably a quick way to end up on some Govment watchlist. Basically its politics as usual no matter which party is running shit that's why after 8 years the other party usually gets a shot then they suck and after 8 years its back to the other party and they suck so its a never ending cycle of shitty politicians who suck meanwhile the rich keep on running shit regardless. I just feel like Trump could actually be worse than the standard status quo not better just because its something different.
DOS76 said I just feel like Trump could actually be worse than the standard status quo not better just because its something different.
Well, generally speaking, old, rich, white guys look out for each other, so there's no one lookin' out for me, except me. Laugh
Right now we have about 26 votes to 68 votes for Hyper-Spin so while I hope that we can overtake them it is still a David vs Goliath size undertaking.
Yea, Circo (the mod over there) told me to post here... I should have listened. I am glad you guys are fighting for our right to paaaaaaaaaarty.... Sorry Beastie Boys are stuck in my head right now. xD
Love me some License to Ill! I bootlegged that shit back in 87 by putting the cassette in one tape recorder and then placing another one on top of it and pressing record. I've been stealing media way before the internet.
LB is up to 26.71% and has around 39 votes total HS is at 51% with around 75 votes so even with our ad campaign they just keep getting votes Here is a link to EmuMovies if you want to vote for LaunchBox click it and sign up for free or sign in to your existing account and vote. The poll is on the right side of the link page.

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