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Posted (edited)

I have done everything you are describing, and yet this didn't work with Deep Fear and Panzer Dragoon Saga either: (

Also, I might be wrong, but doesn't Mednafen Saturn core not support save-states? In this case the only way to play these games would be to rename either the disk files or the saves...

Edited by darkfalzx

Send the m3u file, the .cue sheets, a screenshot of the folder that contains the disc images, and a screenshot of the launcher tab from the game in your library.

Nothing I can do if I can't see anything.

  • 7 months later...

I think it depends on the game. I'm thinking that some games will take you back to the CD player screen as soon as an eject signal is sent and others don't. I don't know that for sure though. I don't have enough first-hand experience doing it in Mednafen/Beetle Saturn (or a real Saturn) to say. I know it doesn't work this way in Mednafen/Beetle PSX (or on a real PSX), which doesn't reset when the eject button is pressed.

It should also be noted that swapping was literally just implemented (in the Retroarch core) less than a week ago at this point, so you'll need to make sure your core is up to date. I do know that swapping doesn't work correctly in the game Enemy Zero, but this is true even in standalone Mednafen. I know that someone else on the forums got disc swapping to work on the game Lunacy with standalone Mednafen. And based on one of the responses to the tweet below, apparently someone else got it to work with Policenauts.


  • 1 month later...

i downloaded the mednafen_saturn core in retroarch and the 2 bios .bin files , the games i found are either 3 .bin files and 1 .cue , or 1 .bin  and one .cue but nither works when i try to launch them through launchbox they just dont launch what i do wrong i dont know ???? do i have to select default app for oppen cue files the notepad++ cause i curently have vlc ??


did you go to tools manage emulators and edit the RetroArch entry to use the mednefen core under the associated platform I believe by default LB uses the Yabause core.


by default id didnt use any asociated platform i had to creat Sega Saturn and yes i make sure paltform and console names are same , and im sure i have the corect mednafen saturn core in core foldre in retroarch 

i downloaded games from emuparadise il try deferent region maybe europe region is not working 


im downloaded night wariors darkstalkers USA region and the files where .mds so i gues im sticking to the EU regions il download the EU region and try to oppen wth retroarch derectly and let you know !


yeah if something doesn't work in LB your 1st troubleshooting step should be to get it to run in the emulator without LB this helps narrow down what your problems may be


still downloading 

i downloaded Night Wariors: Darkstalekrs revenge, from the isozone as you guys sugested, i tried to oppen it with retroarch first  also as you said , and i selected the .cue file and the Sega Saturn (beetle) core throough retroarch and it doesnt load through retroarch either????


i tried with the yabause core and its just oppen game to a balck screen where retroarch just stuck there and crash :((? I gues i give up on sega saturn all thow i loved this console :((



If you are getting a straight up crash, the bios image is most likely wrong. Make sure you get the exact bios images that are compatible with the Mednafen core - mpr-17933.bin and sega_101.bin, and place them in the system folder of Retroarch. This way you should at least see the emulator fire up.


I went to bed. To check you bios files load the core in RA's UI and then go to Information then core information and it will tell you if you have the proper bios files present.

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