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Very new to this as I just purchased a license yesterday.   I was following along with the tutorials and got a bit lost.  So I did the following.  First I have a lot of mame roms from a retropie image that I have.  No clue what version they are but I believer there is a standard rom version they use?   Well when I set up Launchbox following the tutorial it recommended mame which gave me a link to download the most recent version .196.  However most of my roms show up as not working.  So I acquired a .196 romset and tried those but it still had many issues.  That is when I found out about romvault application and I was able to "fix" the set.   

However some games like Donkey Kong, which is my go-to rom for testing new emulators, still shows as "This game has known issues..." upon start up when I load it using Mame64.

So my questions are.  A) is it fixable (the rom) so it doesn't have "known issues" or is this the way it is?    B) can I tell mame to ignore this warning?  C)  CAn I tell Launchbox to ignore this warning transparently?   or D) is there another emulator I should use instead?  Retroarch?  Or one of the mame#### versions?   I think on my raspberry using emulation station it likes advanced mame for many roms.   

So what do you suggest?  Or how can I fix it?




No the known issues are in MAME itself and no rom version is going to fix that it just means the emulation isn't perfect is all. To ignore the warning you need a no nag version of MAME that someone has compiled. LB has no control over the warning. If you use the RA version of MAME it may not show the warning I use the stand alone version so I don't know how RA handles that but I can't remember ever seeing the warnings pop up there.

Here is a version of the no nag version that one of our users uploaded.

2 minutes ago, Charco said:

We use the acronym RA for RetroArch on the forums here. 

Oh of course. Makes sense.  

Follow up question to everyone.  I was watching a tutorial where mame is used but also rocketlauncher is used to .. well... launch mame.  

Why is Rocketlauncher something worthwhile to add between mame and launchbox?  I don't see the benefit.  


If I tell you it is totally unnecessary I might have like 10 RLer users posting about how great it is but I'll just say I don't use it although it does have some more powerful backend and cosmetic features LB doesn't support but I find no compelling reason to use it for my setup.

1 minute ago, DOS76 said:

If I tell you it is totally unnecessary I might have like 10 RLer users posting about how great it is but I'll just say I don't use it although it does have some more powerful backend and cosmetic features LB doesn't support but I find no compelling reason to use it for my setup.

Gotcha.   I'll see if I can dig up some of those cosmetic features and see if they are a reason for me to use it as well.  


Thank you all! 

Posted (edited)

Fade screen and bezels. A lot of people say retroarch does bezels, but I don't use that and have never liked it. So I stick with RL for bezels. There's so many amazing sets out there. Just have to turn it on and put the files in the right folder. I got another user here going with a full bezel set in about 20 minutes. Half of which was just chatting while in teamviewer 

Edited by damageinc86

It  is definitely going to be a taste thing. A few months a go I finally dabbled in RocketLauncher and though it can be a pain, once you get the basics it is not too bad. Several things likes fade screens, bezels, and pause screens are a major reason many use RL. For me personally I removed it from my set-up. I do recommend giving it a try, be patient first learning and do not let it frustrate you too much it actually is not to bad. Retroarch bezels are a breeze if you find RL is not your thing. Be mindful as @neil9000 said we only have a small handful of users on this forum that respond to help question about RocketLauncher, so if you seek help be a bit patient. 


No it doesn't offer them at this time some are going to be added like the pause screen but bezel support is something that doesn't seem likely will be implemented.

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