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  1. I'd be curious on if Launchbox took gamesdb information into account, over rom file name. If not, that means I need to rename my ROMs. Any good tools you know of? Preferably something that takes gamesdb ID's into account while renaming the files? I'm thinking of gamesdb as the great equalizer if you haven't noticed.
  2. No pearls of wisdom?
  3. Some of my games aren't showing that games bezels. For example, Super Mario Bros. just shows the system bezel. I checked for the config file for that game, and it isn't there. I had to manually go to the bezel projects github, find the relevant files and put them there manually and rename the config to match my rom. Now it shows up right. So my question is, why didn't Launchbox get this done for me, and how can I fix it for the rest of my games without doing it manually? That game is matched to the proper game ID: https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/6123-super-mario-bros-duck-hunt Thanks
  4. Because I'm feeling OCD, I'm going through my emulators and trying to fill in the various pause menu AHK commands. At the moment, I'm trying to see if I can get RESET menu option working for CEMU. I searched for an existing keyboard shortcut to do this, couldn't find it. So I started playing with forcing the program to close and reopen...however the best I can do is get it to close, cuz I'm a n00b at AHK. Any ideas on what I should try?
  5. Yeah, I haven't had any luck. Where would the logs be to check for problems? The downloader says it downloaded the bezels. As a fun side note, I had written Python to fix all the names in the bezel project for my files. This is so much nicer than my crappy code.
  6. Mostly works great. I found that for my mame games, it doesn't appear to have been setup. I'm setup for Retroarch - mame-libretro in Launchbox. I checked /Retroarch/config and /Retroarch/overlays/GameBezels folders, but I couldn't find anything that looked right. Ideas?
  7. Ok, I looked in the xml files, but I didn't see those lines in your original or the ones I changed. But figured out all I had to do was select all, right click, select refresh selected images.
  8. Hey, hopefully a quick thing. I'm merging this with my current collection, and I've followed the directions I found here. However I need to leave the C64 Dreams folder on another drive for space reasons. To accommodate this, I've edited the platform xml files for the correct path, and so far games and magazines launch just fine. The issue I'm having is that the images aren't showing up in my Launchbox. I copied over the image folders as instructed. Do you know what else I need to change?
  9. Awesome theme! Would you be open to requests for your to-do lists? If so, I'd like to request these: Categories: Developers, Genres, Magazines, Hacks, and Years. For Years, I imagine the Years category, then playlists under that for 1970's, 1980's, etc... Platforms: PSP Mini, GCE Vectrix, Sega Pico, Atari ST, ScumVM, Windows 3x
  10. Awesome set!! I'm working on implementing these now. I see that you have Clear Logos for Collection but no .mp4, unless Playlists goes with this one? I wonder if you'd be open to a request for additional Categories? If so, I'd like to request these: Developers, Genres, Magazines, Hacks, and Years. For Years, I imagine the Years category, then playlists under that for 1970's, 1980's, etc...
  11. Hey All I was searching for an automated way to keep all my emulators up to date. Auto update is annoying when you launch a game, and manually updating things is also annoying. I'm not great at scripting, so I started looking for something that can record clicks to get the general gist of what I want. I found a tool called AutoIT. It has a mouse recorder and programming language to go with it. Made quick work out of automating things like RPCS3, Dolphin, and Citra. However I'm running into a mental block when it comes to things like PCSX2 which require a manual download. On top of this, I can't record with a mouse because the placement of the link is always different. Also it's hard to use the "inetget" function because the name of the file is randomly different every time. example: https://buildbot.orphis.net/pcsx2/index.php?m=dl&rev=v1.7.0-dev-653-g378eccc6e&platform=windows-x86. Has anyone tackled this idea? Anyone experienced with this tool that could help me get this worked out? Before you say to use their forum, I did, and found that they only responded that they don't support "automating games". Thanks all!
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  12. Hey great plugin! Can't wait for your successor. Just wanted to ask, after using it to download the settings, how can I be sure that the custom settings files are even being used when I open the game out of Launchbox? Do I need to reference these files somehow? Thanks!
  13. That is true. I think we can circumvent some of these concerns. For instance, naming can be remedied by just have a standard name that is used, then giving an option within a Launchbox Playlist editor to give a preferred name, or custom art. Just a thought. Thank you for your replies.
  14. Hey, hopefully I'm not suggesting something that already exists. Looking at the Games Database as a simple one stop shop to organize and grab media, I think Playlists should be the same way. I've created loads of Playlists, and just end up hoping that the wording I used might match something when I use the "Download Platform/Playlist Theme Videos" tool. It'd be nice if there was a way to standardize Playlists, so that I can select the Playlist, and then grab the clear logos/art/video files I want. It doesn't even have to auto add games to it, though that'd be awesome, I can do that manually myself. I imagine with something like this, it could be expanded for theme creators in BigBox to facilitate additional art for their themes. Thanks!
  15. Hello, Curious if anyone knew how to grab the NoIntro information in csv file format for each system? I used to be able to do this easily, but it's been a while and I can't find it anymore at https://datomatic.no-intro.org/ Thanks!
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