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Everything posted by klepp0906
yes this happens to me fairly often. it seems to keep previous entries selected a bit more robustly than it used to.
yea id prefer an option to have titles displayed without covering the bottom of the picture if a "full time" title display was to return. (edit: just reading, jason veto'd that so black bar it is) The old system you could also center the titles as well, whereas here they are all justified left. A similar option to center them for the new system would be great. Maybe even the option to display the title on mouseover as another improvement/refinement as opposed to having to select each game to see it. Also perhaps a means to remove the "black" and have just the title appear, with a font outline. (sounds nice in theory but would have to see it) or a means to make the black bar more transparent would be nice. mostly love it, just a few more options surrounding titles and its a win. on the flip side, its forcing me to update artwork like a savage now ?
probably a caveat which appears due to my using of default boxarts for titles without available media then
now if we could only get the awesome new sharp edged/rounded cornered images but while retaining the displaying of font ? some platforms are gonna make it a bit harder to find games and if box art is missing you dont know what the game is till you click on it. overall, awesome though. Thanks for all the hard work ❤️
that one seems to be the ticket. Sinceeeeeere thank you. Drove me nuts and I was always stuck operating with concessions in one area or another. Now i dont have to ❤️
same with launchbox. if i end the game with focus on another window, launchbox itself doesnt have focus after the shutdown screen. half way there. if we can get each of those to effectively grab lb/bb after the initial focus is changed back to the startup screen that would be splendid.
well, the new version allows the shutdown screen to fire and does so without flicker, but it never takes back control of bigbox.
yep, just testing now. got some nasty flicker Will try the new version
i appreciate that very much. your a super large asset to the community ❤️
also discovered that the current means im using to partially make this function CoordMode, Mouse, Screen MouseClick , Left, 3640, 2160 Sleep, 6500 CoordMode, Mouse, Screen MouseClick , Left, 3640, 2160 is okay for bigbox, but when using launchbox it ends up clicking the "2nd" time on my taskbar which actually takes focus away from launchbox and prevents controller usage. The irony is the first click isnt necessary with launchbox, only bigbox. Actually the whole script isnt necessary for LB only BB. Any means to make the script only run for BB mode? i tried changing the coords which of course worked, but then resulted with the cursor moving to said position which I had hoped to keep hidden. Assumed the CoordMode functioned differently than MouseMove and perhaps was seen as a behind the scenes/phantom click without putting the cursor in said coordinates. Apparently I was wrong. Such a pain lol. hunting for the happy medium on this one. I was hoping I would just have to ensure that I return focus to the emulator before closing, but thats evidently not enough.
yea just tried with discord, same result. fails with anything that has focus on 2nd display. when it succeeds i get RegainFocus.ahk Launchbox Game Startup any way to make it always return to that irrespective of whatever has focus previously? Whether i close a game when i have something on my 2nd monitor focused, or i "Had" something on it focused, but returned focus to BB, it will fail. only way it will not, is if focus starts and stays with BB the entire time. Best I can tell, doesnt seem to happen with LB only BB.
yea, thats pretty much the issue. I could tell it was the case by looking at my taskbar as i have it displayed on my non-primary monitor and you can see whats highlighted etc. that pops up over a black screen and of course the minute i click back in the BB area the shutdown screen then displays.
excellent. thats where ill start then. And thats plenty of help im in no hurry at this point and todays my off day so win! the dll isnt a big deal, was just curious if it was something ill need to keep in place going forward. will report back with my findings in a few. thanks again.
I appreciate the reply very much. I think the first issue could be circumvented with a manual setting to designate which exe to use, the second scenario I didnt think of. That being said, a processclose ahk script usually shuts anything down instantly. At that point it would become a requirement for people and both those things together equal more manual configuration, something im sure they try to limit. Lesser of the evils i imagine. as for your suggestion, goes a little above my head. I'm not a programmer, just a user. If you get time and care to explain it to me better - id appreciate it. best i can tell that fetches the active window title, but im unsure how that would help? Does it log the window title? is this to track all the windows i use outside of bb? that same script would be followed with winactivate, wintitle then or something? this would still require the dll and thus require to be named RegainFocus.ahk? Thanks for your time and help with this. I cant even explain how many hours ive wasted trying to find ways to get these shutdown screens working locally and remotely.
yep, apparently way late to the party but this would be a nice script to have
ok - i think i have it. took some mucking with depending if i ended the process with retroarch having focus on monitor 1, or my browser having focus on monitor 2. still remains to be seen if it works remotely and id certainly love to know why this focus issue suddenly became a thing, but at least I have a satisfactory workaround for now. So thank you very much for that. is CoordMode, Mouse, Screen MouseClick , Left, 3640, 2160 Sleep, 6500 CoordMode, Mouse, Screen MouseClick , Left, 3640, 2160 the right way to get the double click? Its working, unsure if theres a more concise way to do it. multi monitors, forever the pita. if bb tracked the exe's closing instead of the active window, i imagine it might alleviate this but the fact that isnt the way it functions means theres likely a good reason for it being so. no way to do this without a dll i presume?
@jayjay I have a few questions for ya about this myself if you dont mind/when you have time. I have been killing myself trying to track down the root of this behavior, and while I wasnt able to make any headway after someodd days of testing, this seemingly has me part way there. So in short, this pertains to the shutdown screens. Theyve been a nightmare. In launchbox all is well. In bigbox, I stream and initially thought that steam or the streaming capture process was the root of the issue. Turns out it happens from bigbox at the pc as well. I close a game via my button combo and Im left with a black screen. Once in awhile, at seemingly random, my shutdown screen will trigger - but its in super slow motion. Takes about 30 seconds before I can see bigbox again and its useable. Turns out, after watching the taskbar on my 2nd monitor it seems to be a focus issue. When the screen is black I can click on it, and immediately get my shutdown screen. This seems to happen due to using my 2nd display for things like walkthroughs and discord intermittently while playing etc. After closing the game, somehow focus seems to often shift over to chrome /boggle. This still doesnt explain why it happens when streaming/playing remotely via steam big picture mode - but its plagued me long enough that at this point i want to move past it. if that means workaround as opposed to root of the issue - so be it. Its certainly newer, as when i began using Bigbox it wasnt a thing but i digress. I figured up your dll and noticed i still got the dead black screen, however after ~8-10 seconds, I got the shutdown screen. So i modified the sleep timer in the ahk script and it began giving me the shutdown screen at such a time that the sleep timer went off. great! problem is, focus is lost again after that. So after my novel - what im really asking is, any way I can make this regain focus a second time?
ive had this issue for quite some time now. if your using an nvidia card check with nvidiaprofileinspector to see under the "other" section if buffer-flipping mode is set to OGL Force Blit ON or OFF. From the behavior your seeing, im going to assume its set to ON. You can try OFF which is in theory better, and should have been the default - but instead of the shutdown screens not showing up, for me it results in them being super slow motion. A screen that should last 5 seconds fades in over the course of about 15, then out over the course of 15. startup and pause are unaffected. No idea whats up w / the shutdown. Still working on it.
Im pretty much out of ideas. Ive tried all i can think of and some. Steam remote play, its a non negotiable, perma part of my gaming life. Since ever, ive never had the ability to stream vulkan. Anything vulkan whether its a windows game, or an emulator using vulkan - same result. Black screen with audio. This all changed when I found out you could force block transfer (copy) buffer method via nvidiaprofileinspector as opposed to using the usual/default (and faster) page-flip method. Suddenly, vulkan streamed flawlessly. Unfortunately it came with caveats like my shutdown screens not working in launchbox, and requiring me to uncheck things like "hide all windows that are not in fullscreen mode" which was nice for a much more smooth startup in some cases. Vulkan has much less overhead. It provides features with some retroarch cores that arent available otherwise. It also allows me to play some ps3 games i enjoy that lock up using opengl. Definitely my preference. Preference is pointless if I cant get it to stream though. Im purely a user, so I have no idea how these thing operate under the hood that would be displaying the behavior im seeing but id be indebted to the point of compensation if I found someone who could get it resolved. anyone have suggestions?
yea ive given it some work since posting in discord, had also tried that. Seems theres just waaay too much variance between games to make this work properly. for example, in witcher 3 alt F4 is disabled entirely lol. unless theres a way to guaranteed force close the running process in a manner that looks clean and works for all games - like you said - might as well use the exit games menu. even found the shutdown screen will work in say, divinity 2, but not in witcher 3. all my ocd wants is uniformity
seeking the answer to this as well. just made a post about it matter a fact.
so it would essentially remove the entry which had its name changed, and rescan/add it as a new entry? Thats better than a full re-scan, but i imagine it will result in a re-match to the database and the hope that it matched properly or knowing what files changed in case it didnt. good to know the destruction can be minimized, still not ideal though. I guess theres probably no way do it outside of that or manual unless LB tracked changes somehow with some kind of index. As thorough and awesome as LB is, cant expect it to do it all i suppose ? gotta stay reasonable. It gets mightily close. Unfortunately a lot of people do still heavily invest in dat updating, i can only hope its for simpler smaller collections or theyre not as concerned about the issues I am, otherwise yuck. fortunately, i dont plan on redoing dats anytime soon as changing names also requires me to change all my artwork names due to retroarch requiring a 1:1 for thumbnails, as does the parser I use to create steam grids. i find myself becoming more and more likely to lean heavier and heavier on LB as time goes on, so I just wanted to know that if i ever was able to forgo the other stuff, and wanted to return to running stuff through dats, id know my options.
So ive largely left the dat scene behind. This is mostly due to the fact I end up compressing or converting to various formats in order to save space sprinkled with the realization that one could spend all their time doing that as dats are updated so frequently it becomes insane. I did begin wondering if that werent the case, or becomes not the case in the future - how one would go about fixing your paths/entries in launchbox? If something like the paths to roms changed, I guess youd just open the platform.xml and do a find/replace with notepad++ right? How would you take care of it if ran a folder through a dat and a couple dozen titles had their names altered? Is a purge and re-scan, or tracking and manually editing the changes one by one your only options?