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Everything posted by klepp0906
same issue. didnt work when right clicking on the context menu item. Resolved by removing playtimetracker. Unfortunately that leaves me with The system cannot find the file specified App: LaunchBox Version: 10.12-beta-13 Type: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception Site: Boolean StartWithCreateProcess(System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo) Source: System at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo) at PCSX2_Configurator_Next.Core.Utils.SevenZipExtract(String archive, String outputDir) at PCSX2_Configurator_Next.Core.Configurator.ExtractFormattedMemoryCard(IniData baseUiConfig, String memCardFileName) at PCSX2_Configurator_Next.Core.Configurator.CreateUiConfigFile(String targetConfigDir, IGame game) at PCSX2_Configurator_Next.Core.Configurator.CreateConfig(IGame game) at PCSX2_Configurator_Next.Ui.ConfigWindow.CreateConfigBtn_Click(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised) at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args) at System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ButtonBase.OnClick() at System.Windows.Controls.Button.OnClick() at System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ButtonBase.OnMouseLeftButtonUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e) at System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.InvokeHandler(Delegate handler, Object target) at System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs) at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised) at System.Windows.UIElement.ReRaiseEventAs(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args, RoutedEvent newEvent) at System.Windows.UIElement.OnMouseUpThunk(Object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) at System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.InvokeHandler(Delegate handler, Object target) at System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs) at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised) at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args) at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseTrustedEvent(RoutedEventArgs args) at System.Windows.Input.InputManager.ProcessStagingArea() at System.Windows.Input.InputManager.ProcessInput(InputEventArgs input) at System.Windows.Input.InputProviderSite.ReportInput(InputReport inputReport) at System.Windows.Interop.HwndMouseInputProvider.ReportInput(IntPtr hwnd, InputMode mode, Int32 timestamp, RawMouseActions actions, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 wheel) at System.Windows.Interop.HwndMouseInputProvider.FilterMessage(IntPtr hwnd, WindowMessage msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled) at System.Windows.Interop.HwndSource.InputFilterMessage(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled) at MS.Win32.HwndWrapper.WndProc(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled) at MS.Win32.HwndSubclass.DispatcherCallbackOperation(Object o) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler) Recent Log: 8:02:44 AM Imageloader successful: pack://application:,,,/WpfResources/Background.png 8:02:45 AM Imageloader successful: pack://application:,,,/WpfResources/Background.png 8:02:45 AM Music.Prepare Start 8:02:45 AM Music.Kill Start 8:02:45 AM Music.Kill Finished 8:02:45 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Start 8:02:45 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Invoke WPF 8:02:48 AM Music.Pause Start 8:02:48 AM Music.Prepare Start 8:02:48 AM Music.Kill Start 8:02:48 AM Music.Kill Finished 8:02:48 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Start 8:02:48 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Invoke WPF 8:02:50 AM Exception
youre the best. This is literally fundamental to me huge thanks!
@jayjay question for ya bud. launchbox just moved the AHK folder from the root folder to a subfolder called "ThirdParty" curious if this is going to break the dll you provided? I imagine it points TO said folder to call the script, and with the location changing, I have to assume so?
I assume the new high-score features only apply to mame exclusively? (i use FBNeo). I ask as im not seeing any scores in the games details list in LB or BB. Any chance we can get use/importation of FBNeo sets at some point to come along for the ride? I try to keep parity between my LB and my RA and Mame in RA can get quite messy and in general I find FBneo superior in a lot of ways. Even the libretro team recommends it.
yea i think what i tended to do is avoid games that come as "bundles" but if its multiple games on one disc, and it was actually released that way - i count it. Similar to alot of the DS releases, they're 4 in 1 packs but they were all on one cartridge and sold that way so theyre in. i go back n forth a lot but probably not worth the trouble for me to change my mind on one, as then i have to do it for all. Ive put my time in with renaming and gathering matching art for everything (done before i was a LB user, spent aloooot of time on that awfulness) so if i changed my mind id have to cull all "combo games" and their artwork from all platforms, and their shortcuts/playlists too. booo. Im done, contrary to what it seems, id actually like to PLAY my games at some point. Almost there. 2 more platforms to curate/sort and im done. just in time for my first born to start school. i get a bit excited just thinking about it!
yea same issue with the built in critical zone theme. my scaling is set to 150% as im on 4k displays, but changed it to 100 and the problem still presents. scaling/4k has imposed enough that I regret going 4k much more than i should. still doesnt seem to have a hand in this case. TBH even if it did nothing i could do about it cause turning off scaling on a 4k 27" monitor is not gonna happen with these old eyes
shameless "im going to be THAT guy" moment. im in awe of the theme, but have a humble request to shoehorn the sega cd 32x platform into this. i'm a completionist, and see value in keeping parity with the LBDB and its innate platforms, so my choices are pretty much hide the platform, or beg for it to be included over 5 games (6 if your going international i believe lol) no idea how much work is involved so take that into consideration before the offensive begins!
Sort of a feature request regarding .lnk importing
klepp0906 replied to klepp0906's topic in Troubleshooting
found the crux of the issue in case anyone finds this doozy. The game is seen as a launcher by steam when launched through BB/LB. there are only 3 ways around it. 1) enable the overlay for Bigbox. Doing so stops all emulators from giving their individual mappings to BB and your stuck with the blanket bigbox control scheme you'd have to change based on the emulator in use PLUS the wonky scaling/clipping/flickering of the overlay notifications during the menu of bigbox. 2) add all the non steam games you want to play (windows ones) to steam and disable the "allow desktop configuration" box in each shortcut PLUS the redundancy of having those shortcuts in two places. 3) instead of having the default desktop config in your controller mappings for desktop (or disabled as i do) change it to a gamepad binding. However this leaves you with a blanket config for anything you havent disabled "allow desktop during launcher" and if your playing something on the desktop and have steam running in your tray - this can cause double button presses and crazy behavior. I'm gonna end up going with #2, or simply skipping the windows games within launchbox thing for now. The SRM .lnk/exe thing turned out to be something unrelated/exclusive to SRM/steam shortcuts. sure wish I could come up with a more convenient way to stream to tvs but steam has that guy pretty cornered -
was just looking for this myself. Only want to hide in BB not in LB though. An option in platform manager to hide in LB/BB or both would be great.
Sort of a feature request regarding .lnk importing
klepp0906 replied to klepp0906's topic in Troubleshooting
Well, low and behold - I was wrong. This entire argument was based on me discovering it within SRM first. Its very weird. SRM is poised to resolve it due to the simple fact that if you add a .lnk to steam with SRM, open it and note its appearance vs adding the .lnk manually to steam, you simply make SRM add .lnks that look like steams do and voila, all is right in the world. So the minute I had no controls in LB/BB windows games through steam, i presumed that was the same exact case as thats how they were imported to LB. Its a bit different though and perhaps due more to the fact its riding in on something else like i believe you noted. I took one game and added the exe instead of the .lnk to LB. I tried it, still had no controls. The part that completely perplexes me is that if I add BB to steam with SRM (as a .lnk) I cant pass controls to anything, roms or windows games alike. Its no good and what led me to this entire thing to begin with. (I had previously had all my apps/games added by hand 1 by 1 and wanted to start using shortcuts to blast them all in one go.) If i add the .lnk through steam itself (which creates the shortcut identical to if I added the exe) controls pass to perfectly. (but only to roms!) same with non-steam windows games outside of LB/BB. use SRM to add .lnk, no controls. add the exe or .lnk through steam itself (where it gets translated to endpoint) and controls are good. The only thing that wont pass period, regardless of whether .lnk or exe in bigbox is windows games. No idea why all emulators pass. Purely windows games will not pass controls if I launch bigbox with steam, then launch a windows game through BB. Because im sure this has become quite a convoluted mess, here's a quick image that shows how steam sees .lnks added by SRM, vs how steam sees .lnk added using steam itself. In short, until the SRM fix goes in - I have to add everything to steam by hand. Irrespective theres gonna be no playing windows games using BB if im launching it with steam. Alls well though. As i mentioned, LB was always emulation first to me. -
Sort of a feature request regarding .lnk importing
klepp0906 replied to klepp0906's topic in Troubleshooting
Yes, this is with non-steam games. Not a steam issue persay. Perhaps its up to interpretation. Same issue happens with SRM as noted. I mean, it can fall on steam for not seeing .lnks properly - but steam itself does. If you add the .lnk to steam, it converts it to the endpoint and no problemo. steam unlikely wont take responsibility for 3rd party software. Considering both SRM & BB will pass controls to the games properly through steam if theyre imported/added with a path to the binary instead of the .lnk (which again, steam converts for you automatically - SRM soon will - having LB have the option to do so is what im asking). As for controls themselves - youd actually be surprised to find (i know I was) how theyre handled (when they work). I expected (like i think your noting) for whatever I launch through BB, to use whatever controls I have assigned to BB. Totally not the case. Let me give an example. I have Cemu added to steam as well. Cemu has a specific binding attached to it for all the wonkyness required due to the gamepad on the wiiu. Whenever i launch a wii u game through BB, it automatically starts using that control scheme. Same for Retroarch. I have special bindings to save state/load state. BAM they start working automatically. Its amazing. That said, Its obviously dependent on me having the emulator added to steam with a binding attached to it. Same would be said about windows games which would be redundant at best. Of course, me personally - in 99% of the windows games I play, steams default control scheme that matches that of an xbox360 gamepad covers it anyhow. -
Sort of a feature request regarding .lnk importing
klepp0906 replied to klepp0906's topic in Troubleshooting
yea, i dont argue its niche. Im compulsive and the minute i discovered LB, i wanted it to be "complete." If i have to pull out my windows stuff it'll pain me. It wouldnt be nearly as much of an issue if I didnt play remote often AND didnt use obscure controllers with some games. With steam i can circumvent needing things like GloSC for the steam controller or DS4windows for the DS4 etc. Steam is huge, the issue will undoubtedly present if anyone is meticulous (or obsessive, you pick!) like me and culls all their games into a specific folder for sorting and tries to drag and drop all those shortcuts to LB to import. Honestly I only came to launchbox for emulation and its never failed me there. It took awhile to get to the point of realizing i can add windows games, let alone discovering the issue with .lnks. Time will tell -
Sort of a feature request regarding .lnk importing
klepp0906 replied to klepp0906's topic in Troubleshooting
i created an issue report on the bitbucket as I dont imagine theres any workaround other than going game by game and importing the exe instead of the shortcut and then renaming each manually. The joys of software and our hobby -
Sort of a feature request regarding .lnk importing
klepp0906 replied to klepp0906's topic in Troubleshooting
nah doesnt have to do with the steam overlay. Dont care about that. Steam support wouldnt be of any help with the overlay. Its something weird with the way it renders vs the way BB renders. I did muck with "THAT" some more and it only happens during the bb menu/before starting a game. If i start a game I can get the overlay in an uncorrupt fashion. still - thats an off topic/unrelated issue as its limited to the menu, and not affected regardless of the path/source file/type of game launched. Could even be theme dependant or some scaling issue (using default and 4k monitor). It has to do with the way shortcuts are perceived by steam. Like i mentioned, you add the shortcut.lnk to steam manually, the resulting steam shortcut doesnt show a path to the .lnk, it shows a path to the binary. I cant ask steam to add the ability to read links as endpoints because it already does. Its 3rd party programs which arent presenting them in the same fashion. I have no idea how hard it is to implement, cant even begin to guess. The SRM devs jumped right on it so that tells me it cant be "too" bad. At the same time, that program is EXCLUSIVELY for adding shortcuts to steam. Whereas this is a minute portion of what LB can be used for. Still, as i mentioned previously - not just for my personal case - id imagine this is something that would benefit all cases by circumventing issues, as i cant think of a case where it would be superior or ideal to present a shortcut as itself and risk issues. A tick box during importation to set paths in that fashion would be all that were needed even if it were chosen to be implemented as an option as opposed to a default. Just figured id throw it out there. For now I cant launch windows games through BB if I want controls to pass through steam. Im ocd, i take pride in my collection. I like it all in one place, otherwise id just remove the platform from BB and add them to Steam. Of course, given priorities like you mentioned - that might be my only out anyhow. -
I imagine this is going to be a feature request, unless someone reading has a workaround I havent thought of. Basically I used launchbox to import a bunch of non steam games I have in various places on my pc. I hobcobbled shortcuts from each game and placed them in a single folder which allowed me to drag/drop all the .lnk into LB. Otherwise it would be a 1x1 endeavor. Unfortunately this presents a bit of an issue. I use BB through steam for BPM/remote play. Games imported via .lnk dont get controls passed via steam. I just ran into the exact same issue with SRM which resulted in the feature having to be added. If you import a SRM shortcut by pointing to the .lnk and then point to that same exact .lnk manually via steams "add a non-steam game" button, the resulting steam shortcut looks entirely different. The steam route follows the .lnk to its endpoint and your shortcut is the same as if you had navigated to, and added the .exe itself. The SRM route, like LB - simply flicks the .lnk which cucks steams API. Unsure if theres a feasible solution im overlooking, or if this is something I'd need to take up with Jason to request an option to treat shortcuts like their endpoint. At first glance, i'd think this would be the ideal way it should function - aka I cant think of any drawbacks to it being so. Of course one could very well exist, even the SRM dev said he was going to put it in as an option as opposed to the default just in case.
gotcha. thank you for the insight. A necessary evil we'll call it. Doesnt always happen, and only at certain speeds is it more prevalent, but figured id mention it nonetheless.
not sure if anyone else is seeing this, or if its related to the LB beta, but when mouse scrolling upward it seems to want to jump back against itself. One would think it was a mouse thing - but it doesnt happen anywhere else (discord, browser, steam etc).
Interesting! Thank you for mentioning this. I was just about to say my install is broke then. Even though this isnt exactly what i meant, I didnt know it existed nonetheless. it appears that in order for the titles to begin showing on mouseover, you have to keep the first game you mouseover moused-over for a few seconds until it pops up, after that the rest are instantaneous. i never stayed over the initial title long enough without selecting it or moving on for this to appear. Though these are more like tooltips. I was thinking the black overlays at the bottom. Still the aforementioned settings seem to have no bearing on the tooltips. (since theyre centered already thats irrelevant) but id love to have control over centering the text within the black bottom overlay or even optionally omitting its display alltogether now that i know about these tooltips. (i dislike redundancy ;P) Apart from personal tastes, its likely going to cause issues having settings that have no affect on one theme but do on another. I imagine its going to be unavoidable in some cases, but probably best if it can be limited. People wont know if theyre bugged, if its their personal install being corrupt, or if they misunderstand the setting all together. The end result will be forum posts, and support inquiries. Perhaps having only the relevant settings show based on which theme you have selected. Unsure how much work that would be. Just some thoughts.
Of course, will do. Im sure you probably saw, but since you didnt mention it - I feel compelled to re-ask. Any chance you plan on incorporating these guys? I like having my titles centered as opposed to justified left. Another cool option would be the ability to display the titles on mouseover instead of requiring selection since theyre now posited over the covers themselves. This way you can keep the clean look of the new theme, but still see the title a bit easier opposed to potentially having to select. As always, thanks for the amazing work