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Everything posted by DerSchlachter

  1. That's right, but if there's no light on the buttons, LED Blinky won't recognize the game. In my experience, you then insert this into the color.ini, or create the appropriate colors for the corresponding buttons in the backend of LED Blinky. Hence my question, in which game nothing lights up?
  2. What game is it and is ist in the colors.ini?
  3. Create your own Platform, easy! My Banner Mediafiles:
  4. Edit Startpost: Big Update by @weestuarty PS Vita Inside Update by weestuarty.zip
  5. Hi, my colors.ini is in the LEDBlinky folder, but that doesn't really matter. You have to select the colors.ini in the LEDBlinky options.
  6. Download this https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/19021-pl_pinball-fx-media-files-for-pinup-including-import-tables/
  7. Sorry für die späte Antwort, ich musste das schöne Wetter in Good Old Germany geniessen, ist ja bei uns selten *lach. Die MotU Kassetten sind alle Handarbeit, ich hatte vorher sehr üble Scans, ein Kumpel hat dann die jetzigen Cover Scans im Netz gefunden. Front, Spine und Back zusammen, da war es dann ein leichtes die mit PS auseinander zuschneiden. Zu den TKKG und drei ???: Das wird schwer das Ausgangsmaterial zu finden. Ich hab mal 45 gegoogelt, weil es auch für mich ganz interessant ist 🙂 Kassetten scans sind aber wirklich rar. Hier findest du zumindest ein Kompendium, aber ohne Cover. Auf Reddit habe ich noch etwas zu den Covern gefunden, aber dies sind rekonstruierte Cover im CD Format. Da bleibt fast nur noch (bis jetzt) die Google Bilder Suche (die drei Fragezeichen MC) . Das gleiche gilt für die TKKG folgen.....
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Something more special, here for the German community, but potentially interesting for creating your own local radio plays. The download includes my Masters of the Universe radio play graphics such as Banner Fanart - Background Disc Clear Logo Cart - Front Box - Spine Box - Front Box - Back Box - 3D* includes also my platform as xml, text document for all the episodes. *Unfortunately, the 3D cassette view is not really a 3D box. Unfortunately I don't have a mockup for Photoshop. In Launchbox, however, you can get very close to the original cassette view in the 3D view. Settings Examples Device: Examples Spine: Examples Cover: Examples Back: Examples "3D": Examples Banner: Examples Clear Logo: I created my own cassette for episode 0, which featured the characters He-Man and Skeletor
  9. Masters of the Universe - Hörspiele (radio plays) View File Something more special, here for the German community, but potentially interesting for creating your own local radio plays. The download includes my Masters of the Universe radio play graphics such as Banner Fanart - Background Disc Clear Logo Cart - Front Box - Spine Box - Front Box - Back Box - 3D* includes also my platform as xml, text document for all the episodes. *Unfortunately, the 3D cassette view is not really a 3D box. Unfortunately I don't have a mockup for Photoshop. In Launchbox, however, you can get very close to the original cassette view in the 3D view. Settings Examples Device: Examples Spine: Examples Cover: Examples Back: Examples "3D": Examples Banner: Examples Clear Logo: I created my own cassette for episode 0, which featured the characters He-Man and Skeletor Submitter DerSchlachter Submitted 05/08/2024 Category Platform Media Packs  
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    Very very cool, I love your plugins. I will definitely use this often to see what I have to do with one or two lesser-known arcade games. Also great for fighting games 🥰
  10. this is a dead thread, but it's at the top of google searches and needs to be answered now. <mamelayout version="2"> <element name="1"> <image file="1.png" /> </element> <view name="Lights Out Bezel"> <bezel element="1"> <bounds x="0" y="0" width="3840" height="2160" /> </bezel> <screen index="0"> <bounds x="846" y="356" width="2032" height="1442" /> </screen> </view> <element name="2"> <image file="2.png" /> </element> <view name="Vertical Full Cab View"> <bezel element="2"> <bounds x="0" y="0" width="2160" height="3840" /> </bezel> <screen index="0"> <bounds x="290" y="1645" width="1500" height="1100" /> </screen> </view> </mamelayout>
  11. Maybe someone can help, i want to try the Plugin, but this Gma.System.MouseKeyHook.dll is blocked by Windows, and yes before unzip the file i set the attribute to unblock 😎
  12. @NicoDirkfan try this and maybe this is also nice to know
  13. @Baggio Tested your bat File....Wonderful! Works like a charm!
  14. THX, for the Spine, here is my way to create the spine for many files in a simple way. Create a Folder in which you want to create your spine. In this Folder create a bat to duplicate the Magazine Edge Spine file . @echo off set NUMBER_COPIES=200 for /L %%N IN (1,1,%NUMBER_COPIES%) DO copy magazine_edge.jpg magazine_edge.jpg%%N.png Start bat with your choose of amount, this is what you get. Now of course we have to give the duplicated files the right names. To do this, we go to the directory in which the files are stored. Mark your files, click right Mousbutton an choose copy as Path. Open an Editor and copy the Path. Mark the path for example "R:\LaunchBox\Games\Magazine from the Past\CPC Magazin\ click ctrl+h (find and replace) replace with nothing. Mark the file extension for example .pdf" click ctrl+h (find and replace) replace with nothing. You get the File names now. Save with files as .txt in your work folder. Now, download "Name it your Way (NIYoW)" a small rename tool with an option to rename from a textlist. I'm almost sure that this also works with Bulkrename, unfortunately I haven't figured out how yet. The tool is my favorite when it comes to renaming files. Start NIYoW and import your duplicate files Now add below the rule and set these settings. In the Parameter field choosse the inputfile, with is your created txt file click add, in the Mainmenue click Preview & rename. click rename if everthing is fine, done! So I just created 7000 files and renamed them
  15. check this area please https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/category/226-custom-sidebar-icons/
  16. Hi, first download your artworks for mame ( example: https://www.progettosnaps.net/artworks/artworks_files.php?letter=g) then copy the artwork in your artwork folder in mame example R:\LaunchBox\Emulators\MAME 0,243\artwork
  17. Cover extract from CBR and CBZ Files: Download calibre and install it. After installation import your cbz/cbr files and mark all your files. Then export files in one folder Open your export folder and mark all jpg/png files. IMPORTENT: calibre usually appends the filename with - Unknown You have to rename the files, i use bulkrename for this Import your cbr/cbz files into Launchbox, copy your renamed images into the correct folder and refresh the files in Launchbox. Done! Cover extract from PDF Files: Download Comic Utility Belt and install the Programm. Choose your directory and import your PDF Files. Mark all your files and export the covers. Choose the export folder and copy your PNG/JPG Files and copy them to your Launchbox image folder. Done Important, for me, the export function cbr/cbz doesent work for cbr and cbz files! Thats the reason why i export my cbr/cbz files through calibre
  18. If you have a whole archive of cbr/cbz files, a batch converter like CBRConvert is a good idea. You can convert up to 200 files at once with it...the program can't do more in one go. I will fill the thread with more tips throughout the day, or rather, as I am currently working on my comic and magazine area. https://github.com/dragouf/CbrPdfConverter
  19. btw i love the sort feature by Series per launchbox Good Night Friends...very late in Germany 😃
  20. I think it's cool to meet like-minded people again rofl MEGA. You could deal with the paper back in a timely manner. Create a spine and then batch copy it and rename it in one go...I've done that before! Let's see what can be done at the end of the week!
  21. Thats right! calibre is simple for cbr and cbz Files, Comic Utility is good for PDF Files. If needed i have a bunch of Covers....but the Name convention can make the trouble of import, it is maybe necessary to use the following software NIYoW (Name it Your Way)
  22. I convert the last 2000 Files (extract Cover) then uiploads start. This is my Magazine and Comic Section....starts with a few....ends in a mess 😁😍 My tools cbrconvert Comic Utility Belt calibre Viewer: Sumatra PDF P.S.: Examples of the MESS
  23. I have a lot of German Magazin and a few english Magazin Cover....and 10000+ Comic Cover...if desired, I will upload them
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