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retrospace last won the day on October 29 2020

retrospace had the most liked content!


About retrospace

  • Birthday 07/20/1981

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  1. Thanks for explanation. Nice job!!! And thank you to share these with the community.
  2. Noob question: What is this for? and How do you make what you are offering work? Could you please explain it to me? It's a sincere question
  3. Thank you for all the effort and work you put into finishing this incredible project. One question, just out of curiosity. Is it possible to convert these settings to Retroarch?
  4. can you set your plugin to MelonDS Emulator too? It´s a great emulador for Nintendo DS, but I couldnt found setting for MelonDS yet. Thanks for your job, it´s really amazing!!!
  5. you can use as a Dynamic Wallpaper on retroarch for each system.
  6. RETROSPACE OS - Nintendo Switch´s Retroarch Dynamic Wallpaper View File Hi Guys, I would like to share my Dynamic Wallpaper that I created for use on the Nintendo Switch. It can also be used on other platforms where Retroarch is accepted. Hope you like it Special thanks to @viking and @niglurion to share they media to us, then I can create these Dynamic Wallpaper and share with you Guys. Submitter retrospace Submitted 10/17/2023 Category Platform Bezels/Overlays  
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Hi Guys, I would like to share my Dynamic Wallpaper that I created for use on the Nintendo Switch. It can also be used on other platforms where Retroarch is accepted. Hope you like it Special thanks to @viking and @niglurion to share they media to us, then I can create these Dynamic Wallpaper and share with you Guys.
  8. RETROSPACE OS - Dynamic Wallpaper Retroarch. View File Hi Guys, I would like to share my Dynamic Wallpaper that I created for use on the Nintendo Switch. It can also be used on other platforms where Retroarch is accepted. Hope you like it Special thanks to @viking and @Dan Patrick to share they media to us, then I can create these Dynamic Wallpaper and share with you Guys. Submitter retrospace Submitted 10/17/2023 Category Platform Bezels/Overlays  
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Hi Guys, I would like to share my Dynamic Wallpaper that I created for use on the Nintendo Switch. It can also be used on other platforms where Retroarch is accepted. Hope you like it Special thanks to @viking and @Dan Patrick to share they media to us, then I can create these Dynamic Wallpaper and share with you Guys.
  10. oh man, sorry for my delay. I lost the template , tried to found , no success. trully sorry man.
  11. noob question; I saw your post on updated files, but there´s no description about what was changed/updated. My english is WIP , so mayber you did it, but I cound´t found. can you explain please? Thanks
  12. Thank you for you explanation. I´ve search for your first link but can´t found. Are you talking about BigFade Startup Theme?
  13. I know the Start Screen themes (BigFade theme) that support videos. I already made the switch to my platform videos. The point is, I wanted the platforms' LoadScreen videos to run in FullScreen when running a game. For example: This one from Atari that is in the post, When running Pitfall, this video would run in full screen showing that the game is loading, without information, just the video as if it were the Start Screen. I don't know if I made myself clear now.
  14. I know about this, But I´m saying that could be good only a loadingscreen video when loding a game, without the Start Theme, with informations, and the splashscreen playing togheter. I mean, only the fullscreen of a loadingScreen with Splashcreen video . Sorry my english is WIP. @Cauptain can you help me to explain better? Thanks
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