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Everything posted by oblivioncth

  1. I'm in the same boat actually, other than that I have played a few games here and there as I got some of the setup done ahead of time on another PC and then migrated everything over, but polishing the metadata of my local database of 70,000 plus games is going to be a never ending effort lol XD.
  2. For the first one, this is determined by what is set up in the view for that section of BB and it is currently set to show the Box Art. A new view would need to be made that uses the Clear Logos instead, so while it's feasible to implement if Viking chooses to there is currently no way to change this unless you mod the theme yourself. At some point I'd like to see BB allow for themes to have settings within Views so that entire new views don't need to be created just for small tweaks like this. For the second one, unfortunately yes because at the moment BB only allows for there to be one Games List view per theme and so Viking kept it as the original one which is the light version. He plans to eventually separate out the dark views into their own theme (A dedicated dark version of the theme) to get around this.
  3. Oh lol, I've only used the dark version so I assumed that the font was grey/black in the white views.
  4. Thats strange though, it's supposed to use text for platforms without clear logos. Its almost like you had a logo file that was nothing but transparency.
  5. I haven't looked at it myself yet, but it should just be a simple asset swap or change of color code in the XML for that view.
  6. There's several ways to go about that and I can't be sure of what the best is until I look at the new versions database when it comes out but yes that shouldn't be an issue.
  7. Making an external program to parse the Flashpoint library shouldn't be too bad (again, assuming it doesn't change too much in the next release), so at the very least it can just be a third party app. Making it an actual plugin could be more challenging depending on how those are written, I will have to look into it. Hopping it is at least somewhat intuitive.
  8. All games in Flashpoint are launched using various programs with command line interfaces. Once the version with their new redirector comes out, so I can see if they make major changes to the launch process, I may consider making a plugin like the ScummVM importer plugin that basically just generates a ton of batch files that run the games with the correct commands and also grabs all of the corresponding paths for media. It shouldn't be too bad in theory. The only downside is no pause screen support since the batch will end immediately, but that isnt a huge deal and there isnt really another way (other than a custom executable instead) since multiple exes need to run for Flashpoint to work.
  9. Ah, I can see how you can't even set a different TextGamesView in the options. It isn't a huge deal since generally a very little time is spent on that screen (usually just for a couple seconds before launching the game), so I'm fine waiting until there is a dedicated dark version. I was finally able to try it out otherwise though now that my collection is almost done being set up and do really like it, so I also joined the patreon. It's barely anything because I can't afford much, but wanted to contribute something rather than nothing.
  10. Just to make sure I'm not missing something, there is no dark theme for the Games View yet, correct? As in the menu you get to once you've selected a game and you have the option to Play?
  11. It ended up being set up in a less complicated matter than a I thought and simply doing a Replace All with Notepad++ from the incorrect emulator ID to the correct emulator ID does the trick. This is assuming one has no non-emulator Additional Apps however, but even then you'd just have to apply the same action via a script but checking to make sure it is only done on ones that have Use Emulator set to true. But yes, doing this in app would be nice.
  12. No problem. I did eventually figure that out by just giving it a shot even though there was no documentation suggesting gargoyle had a command line interface. Thanks for getting back to me though.
  13. I'm pretty sure there is no way to do this (which to be frank is a bit insane) so I made a feature request for it (though the bitbucket page doesn't seem to get any attention), but I wanted to see if anyone else figured out a good way to do this. Right now the only way I can see is to write a script to fix this by editing the platform XML directly, which I'm most likely going to do. When you change the default emulator for a platform and LB asks you if you want to apply the change to all games in the platform I assumed it covered EVERYTHING. Well, I just discovered that when you hit yes, it only changes the emulator assigned to all top level items, and does not affect "Additional Apps". While I understand this choice as some people use additional apps for the features namesake and have non-emulator related applications set up in there, this is a HUGE problem for people like myself where all of their "Additional Apps" are just version variants for the same game (i.e. different regions). IMO either there needs to be a "Variants" subsection added that is specifically for game variants and will always update when hitting yes to that prompt when changing the default emulator, and so that Additional Apps can be kept separate and used only for literal additional apps; OR, there needs to be an additional dialogue prompt after hitting yes on the "Do you want to apply this change to all games for this platform?" that asks "Do you also want to apply this change to all additional apps for this platform?" or even "Do you also want to apply this change to all additional apps for this platform that use emulators?". Obviously upon hitting yes the change is also applied to additional apps. I get that this won't be a common issue since most people that use launchbox don't have huge collections, but for those that do this is an app breaking issue. I don't see this being fixed for a long time, if ever, so I'm going to write this script anyways, but I just wanted to see if anyone else has run into this issue and came up with a clever way to fix it.
  14. I wrote a MATLAB script to scan my scummvm ini and create .scummvm files with the short names and have just scanned in those. I'm content with doing this for the time being; however if I do end up switching back due to features in the future I think that approach sounds fine.
  15. The change started with 10.12 beta 1, and right now it's on beta 8 I think? So stable 10.12 should be out soon if you dont want to download the beta.
  16. Yes, however as you can see above the LB based XMLs of Flashpoint no longer work with LB as they've changed too much, and in the next version (or possibly a few) that should be out anytime now, they're ditching them entirely. Flashpoint works by using URLs with their redirector. In theory a batch file or custom command that passes the correct url to the the redirector and pulls the correct images from the Flashpoint structure could work as a plugin. Flashpoint is in a rapid state of change at the moment though so I dont know if it's worth trying to make one now. Keeping it separate for now may be the best bet. Not a giant deal for controller focused setups anyway since you need to bust out your mouse and keyboard to play Flashpoint games anyway, so having to revert out to the desktop is what is expected for those games.
  17. I never looked into it because I got used to the way it is and somewhat prefer it, lol. Sorry I cant help you.
  18. I have no problem setting up something like this, I just had no idea it was an option. Thanks! My only concern is have you noticed this adding any metadata scraping issues since what you're importing is files using the short/internal names instead of the full titles? I imagine LB might not be able to match the titles based on what I've seen with minor differences in ROM names vs what the title of the game is in the LB database. EDIT: Dur, I just remember that LB has the "use folder name for title" option, which would be perfect for this. No problem, it can be tough keeping up with something for a long time that is always changing. Glad you're still interested in this as its definitely a handy tool to have if it works seamlessly with the current LB version. Hope you find your old source.
  19. Sadly this doesn't work well anymore with the latest version that doesn't let you change the ScummVM path because Launchbox moved ScummVM into a subfolder titled "ThirdParty". Even if you move it back to the root directory, every time there is an update for LB it will move it back into that subfolder. So it can be made to work but its quite annoying.
  20. Looking forward to the next update with the DLL fixes as noted in the support thread, but absolutely prioritize your kids/family given the current situation. As a silver lining you could try to think of it as a small break lol.
  21. I think the top image is generally "superior", however I can definitely see how some people would prefer having the physical box as part of the image. Additionally, its always good to have more options for people that want really uniform collections so that they have a greater chance of there being the same form of image within each image type for all of their games. My only complaint in regards to this is that I have seen a number of titles with several variants for each image type (i.e. Box - Front, Box - Rear) but my client often only see's and downloads the first one. It may be that although the website database is fine having multiple images for a title with the same designation that the client itself only pays attention to the first one chronologically, with variants that are marked with a region being the only exception. I'm not sure if others have this issue but if they do then it will unfortunately prevent the usefulness of having these non-region based alternate versions. But yes, I agree with this stipulation in general, the images are different enough to warrant keeping both.
  22. I've started really getting my collection added to Launchbox and even have been submitting as well as moderating a number of changes within the LB database and I love the whole thing. Really great system. My only complaint however is that the systems themselves seemed to be locked down and it isn't clear who edits those. There is a pinned thread on this forum that people have been submitting systems too but it seems to have died out somewhat in recent months/years: A surprising number of systems are still missing banner images and clear logo's, and often images of any kind. Even popular ones like the PSP. I can understand that the systems themselves are more important and the functionality of LB does rely on some standards being met when it comes to their entries in the database. I'm asking if Jason/admins would consider expanding the database functionality so that the community can more directly work towards polishing the platform entries like we can for games. Perhaps it could be that the changes would need much higher approval ratios than games or the changes would have to be manually reviewed by Jason or a moderator, to maintain a higher threshold of quality since the platforms are more critical. I think this would really help with having quality images added for each system and greatly accelerate the documentation of some of the more obscure, but still very official platforms that only had a few dozens releases. Either way I think it would be great if sooner than later (no rush) we could have a better system for this than just "drop details and images in a thread or two and hope eventually they are added". It would also cut down on people reposting redundant media/metadata or people asking for the same platforms to be added over and over.
  23. I know that the client lags behind the website database by a bit, so it may be possible the images I'm seeing are recently added (though unlikely given how many times I've had this happen), but I often find that there are more images available on the website database in the entry for a game than my client suggests are available when I go to "Download Media" when editing the game. For example, with this game my client refuses to see/grab the North America clear logo and front cover: https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/images/72054 I have all regions enabled in the Region Priorities options and NA/USA are both higher than Europe (which my client can see/download). I'm on 10.11, if anyone has any idea why this may be happening.
  24. Sorry to grave dig but I'm looking to do the same thing actually, specifically with Gargoyle. Does Gargoyle have a CLI? I haven't found any documentation for one so I wasn't sure how I'd get the games in the list to actually be loaded when Gargoyle is started through Launchbox. Did you manage to find a way? Perhaps you had to just use a lot of AutoHotkey scripting?
  25. Ah. Hopefully an implementation is eventually utilized that allows the new theme to scroll smoothly that way. Thanks.
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