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Everything posted by t824601

  1. Any know issues, seemns I haven't been able to download any videos in the last few days. Was working fine a few days ago.
  2. Only seen a 4:3 version, going to make one now for Street fighter x tekken Done: https://drive.google.com/file/d/168uL1pNU91f0V-MEzeTI-ctv27WM6I5M/view?usp=sharing
  3. Still is in 2024 if you use lots of scripts with ahk...
  4. Thank you guys, will definitely give this a try!! For the controls and mouse configs is this mainly for controllers? If we have a cab and sinden guns should we just ignore these? Thanks!!
  5. You may not be a professional, but you just created the best icon main wheel list for Launchbox/Hyperspon. Hats of to you, I am replacing all the junk icons I had with these amazing ones :)!
  6. Thank you, these are amazing!
  7. Amazing dude, this is how its done :)!!!
  8. Hi Guys, I've been mainly using Hyperspin for my arcade setup, but found Launchbox and it works amazingly to set up quick collections on my laptop. I almost set up everything I needed, but came into an issue with CHIAKI. I added 2 new sections, Sony Playstation 4 and Sony Playstation 5 and assigned chiaki.exe as rom with no emulator. It loads fine and it does seem to work. The problem I have is it requires clicking on the PS4 or PS5 icon in the box and pressing F11 to go to full screen. Once I start using BIG box I can't do this with just my controller. On Hyperspin I usually use an AHK script to do all that for me. I was able to run a few of those on Launchbox, but they seem to need to be assigned to an emulator. Any way to have Chiaki Launching, selecting the PS4 menu and left clicking on it and pressing F11 automatically, can't seem to find anywhere how to do this. As a bonus, any way to have it right click and send a wake up package, wait 10 seconds and then click on the icon to have the ps4 wake up from sleep mode, wait for it to come back and then launch the connection to it? PS: To those that don't know what Chiak is, its not an emulator, its a software that streams your PS4 or PS5 to your computer so you can play your games from a real PS4/PS5 to any connected device. Found a solution that seems to work, just need to redirect Launchbox to load a compiled AHK file and trick it to think its a rom without an emulator. #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. ;Start program run, "C:\Program Files\Chiaki-PS4\chiaki.exe", "C:\Program Files\Chiaki-PS4" ;Wait for window and click on PS4 sleep, 3000 ControlClick, x125 y202, Chiaki ControlClick, x125 y202, Chiaki sleep, 3000 ControlSend, , "{Enter}", Start Stream sleep, 150 ControlSend, , "{Enter}", Wakeup sleep, 15000 ControlClick, x125 y202, Chiaki ControlClick, x125 y202, Chiaki ControlSend, , {F11}, Chiaki Escape:: Process,Close,Chiaki.exe ExitApp return Thank you!!
  9. Hi, Thanks for replying. I resolved the issue. Ended up the bezel folder had a different rom name than the ones in the xml file. Renamed and all is working perfectly. Thank you!
  10. Hey guys, seems I have an issue with my bezels displaying slightly off screen when using mame games in other wheels. The bezels project work perfectly in mame the mame wheel, but in the mame 4 player wheel the bezels look off screen. This is for the same games that display correctly on the mame wheel. Any settings that need to be applied to other wheels that would use mame games with these bezels? Been trying to fix this, but have been at a loss on what ini to change.
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