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Everything posted by Zayd47

  1. Got it,I will stick to it but since retroarch have multiple core for those various games,For example i wanted to play fbn game itself should i use retroarch core or standalone fbn?
  2. One more question,I see that FBN seems to play even nes roms?Is it multiple rom even console supported? FBN also have standalone i see,Should i choose in retroarch better?
  3. Whoa...Thank You for this master,You must be legend of many games 😅
  4. Thank You for the explanation brother,In other thing is what's final burn neo?Im sorry for the question.
  5. Can i use mame that available in retroarch provided?Or should i use the standalone one? In retroarch if im not mistaken,Mame core has two type on which i do not know what to choose.Hope someone can help me out. Thank You
  6. Already fixed by downloading everything and follow your instructions.Thank You! Awesome work mate
  7. Hi,i was looking for NAOMI guide but i haven't see it in the first post.Can some provide me for the tutorial..?
  8. Thanks but im having many issue with sm3 games.Laggy graphics and some games unplayable. i5 with 16gb ram/NVidia GTX 960M. No idea why.
  9. i did that but it wont come out,Also the cover box also wrongly downloaded.
  10. Thank You,Silly me i didn't see that option.So sorry. But im have another problem adding the game with same name. Its mame Double Dragon.The rom name is different but it has the same name and it wont add the game.
  11. Hello community people, I'm having some issue here with my LB,It start to freeze every 1-2 second.This issue happen after i bind my retroachievements acc.How do i fix this?
  12. Hello to all community people. I have a question regarding mame roms. Let say i already have a bunch of mame games already in my list and i wanted to add some more,Sometime the name of rom makes me confused and i forgot,So i have to added the entire mame folder again,Is there any method or any way that how could i add more new mame roms into the platform instead of entire rom folder again? Thank You
  13. Hello,Is there any tutorial for this to make it work..?a video or something..?
  14. Thanks man,But im sooo new into this retro thing although i have played in console since i was a kid,But anyway whats hyperspin? 😅
  15. Mind if i ask what's .xml for?
  16. Zayd47


    Ahh so this only available for premium users i see. 😅
  17. What a lovely set! Thank You OP! 🤩
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