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Everything posted by christhed

  1. Not sure if it's directly related to the update but I switched some Gamecube ISO to RVZ and rescanned for achievements. During the scanning process I got these errors. They popped up about 3 times each during the process (300 games scanned). The scan seems to have worked.
  2. @jacksonjack I'd like to update it but I don't think it will happen soon. Life is busy right now
  3. Thanks a lot for this FAQ What files should be kept on a SSD ? Will putting all media files on the SSD significantly improve performance ? Also is there a library size that's just too much to handle no matter the PC running it ? I'm at around 35000 titles right now. Should I be giving up on running it smoothly with a library of that size and start trimming it down instead ? *When I say performance I mostly mean stuttering when navigating Big Box. I really don't mind longer loading times.
  4. I tend to collect everything I can get my hand on, then spend some time curating to free up space. Once I have more space available, I start collecting again. Every retro console is in the 1G1R format. I also only keep games that have 3D box image available to make the collection look goooood. I'm at 25 000 games right now. I wish there was a way to easily make a whole collection 1G1R (keeping only 1 release for every game).
  5. Oh wow it's the first time I hear of someone using their mouse like I do lol. Right hand on the sideways mouse that sits on the left side of my desk
  6. I have a pretty standard plain Launchbox setup. The way I like to actually find games to play is to sort by Star Rating. I love how you can set the minimum amount of votes for games to show as rated. I wish games would actually be sorted by rating instead of the rating categories. Being able to filter by rating categories would be great tho. I also like to filter for games that have achievements available. Collecting those makes me more willing to try out random retro games. EDIT: For newer, longer games I also like sorting with HLTB data.
  7. The only two required things to me are improving the graphics as much as possible while keeping the artstyle and changing outdated control schemes. Everything else is just a bonus. Major gamebreaking bugs should be fixed but honestly I don't mind if smaller bugs are just kept as is.
  8. I could see FromSoftware release a Dark Souls collection. I'd certainly pay full price for DS1, DS2 and DS3.
  9. Super Monkey Ball 2 : Some of the best side-content in a game Pokemon Stadium : Nostalgia factor Super Smash Bros Melee: Objectively one of the best party games NHL 14 : Can you tell i'm Canadian ? Conkey's Bad Fur Day : The multiplayer is a blast
  10. Thanks ! I'm so glad someone made an actual plugin for this. Way better than my janky tool lol
  11. Here's my question From my experience Launchbox tends to have performance issues for large collections (managing the collection in Launchbox and animations in Bigbox). Could you explain what's limiting performance like i'm 5 years old ? Is there work being done to improve the experience for degenerates like me who need to have ALL THE GAMES ? Thanks !
  12. That game probably has the best intro level of all time ! Here's my top 5 : Outer Wilds - IMO the best game of all time Super Mario World - Flawless 2D platformer Conker's Bad Fur Day - Most fun I've had in a multiplayer split-screen gamemode Tetris (NES) - It's a classic for a reason Slay the Princess - If you want to give visual novels a shot, this is one you should try
  13. I just tried bezels for the first time last week and i'm not going back. The Bezel Project + Mega Bezel's reflection shaders looks so damn good.
  14. Looks amazing ! It's insane that you fit so many Xbox 360 and PS3 games. I was thinking of making a similarish setup. What size TV is that and how does it feel ? I'm thinking 27 inch would be great for arcade games but too small to sit back with a controller. Any thoughts ?
  15. Any idea on how long it will take to support the .rvz files ? Would it be worth to switch my whole collection to ISOs or not ? Thanks
  16. Welcome ! I'd love to see some official 'Showcases' of plugins, custom themes and other user created content. There's a bunch of cool hidden gems in the forums. It would be pretty great those projects reached a wider audience
  17. Wow this is great! I always had performance issues that we're annoying but not dealbreaking. This just fixed it
  18. I don't see why it wouldn't work but a lot of convenient features are platform based. If everything is in "Kitchen Sink", wouldn't you need to set the emulator manually for each game? I also see the issue of two different games of two different platforms sharing the same name for media assignment. I'm pretty sure it is doable but my lazy ass wouldn't do it
  19. @bundangdon Try deleting the dataset folder and running it with the update dataset option checked. If you want the achievement data, you can keep the 'More Data' folder within the dataset folder and only delete the loose .parquet files. I'm not sure what's going on exaclty but this might work?
  20. @iahawks So you mean that the 100 games listed include games that are actually in your library? The intended use is to export a xlsx with 100 games that you are missing, sorted by a weighted user score. What version of Launchbox are you running? @Irithor It's been a while since I worked on this but I just uploaded a version that works on my end with the latest version of Launchbox. I have around 13000 games and it takes 10 seconds when only the first 3 options are checked. Sorry if that still doesn't work. I don't plan on working on it for at least the next couple of months. Filtering by release type should be pretty easy to do when viewing the output file. Region filtering is something i'll look into the next time I have time to work on this
  21. Great! Is it actually working as it should? I was worried that it would either create an empty excel file or one where every single game in the database would be included. If everything is good I'll upload it as the actual no console version later today. Thanks for testing it out for me
  22. I can't reproduce the error you're getting on my end but I tried something with the new debug version. If that doesn't work i'll have to work on an actual good debugging tool some other day
  23. I uploaded a debug version with a console. Maybe give that a try and let me know if you get any error message in the console
  24. @Daliant I probably messed up when uploading the new dataset. The new version should work now
  25. @Daliant I'm not sure what could be going wrong. What's in your Platforms folder and are you using an older version of Launchbox?
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