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  1. Is incorrect scores a thing in many games? Still annoyed by the wrong scores being reported for tempest hw rev 3 version.
  2. Hmm so community leaderboard uses hi2text but why am I getting wrong scores? Ingame my score is not that high. Around 90k. Is the parsing off to the community leaderboard?
  3. Yeah I dont know what has happend with what being presented on my end.
  4. @jayjay @JoeViking245 How can we look over the hiscores for Tempest? They are not correct. Im at top and I only have +90k score. Is it something on launchbox end of the integration or is it hi2text that need to look it over?
  5. Is'nt dip switches scanned in the cfg? So basicly you could have some games with presets for more fun hard modes to be allowed. So should be possible to allow hard mode if its based on scanning the cfg and accept certain dip switches for certain games with allowed dip switch cases? But I would like to know why I have 950k+ hiscore on tempest. My current hiscore is creeping up to 100k and right now it seems its not updating the hiscore again. Will have to figure that out.
  6. I got incorrect high score on tempest. Shows me having 950k rofl. My real score for now hovers around 78k. I had trouble getting hiscores to work though after it first worked but then I wanted to to try hard mode with no bonus and only 5 lives etc. Then hiscores stopped working and I kept reading here and learned it was about dip switches, I deleted those lines in the cfg so it became blank and the hiscores were uploading again. But why the 950k score? Where is that comming from? Also, is it possible to have some games with perticulara dip switches activated? Some games probably would be more fun with hard mode etc etc. Would be nice to have same kind of feeling of playing hard mode as Twin Galaxies listed it as. https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/tempest
  7. All you who wants less scratches and less glare. Just open up the game zip and extract the png file in there and edit it to be less reflective and erase some glares. Its not that hard. Time consuming if you need to do it for all games and their diffrent bezels. Oh well. At least you have the option!
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