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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Yeah, the confusion that people are running into when coming from Hyperspin or possibily some other frontends is that LaunchBox does not yet extract ROMs from archives before launching them. Hyperspin will do that, so whether or not the actual emulator will support the zip/7z/rar files, it still works. With LaunchBox, zip/7z/rar files will only work if the emulator itself supports it. I'll be adding this feature to LaunchBox soon.
  2. Hi @pjburnhill, this has actually been fixed in the latest beta. You can check the option to upgrade to beta releases in the LaunchBox Options menu.
  3. Hi @pjburnhill, there are separate settings in Big Box for controllers than in LaunchBox, so I'm guessing that's the issue. Look for controller options in Big Box. :)
  4. Sure, absolutely. LaunchBox does collect clear logos for games, which is basically the same thing that Hyperspin uses. Hopefully I can play around with using them in a similar interface at some point here soon. :)
  5. Yeah, that's the thing. .NET tab controls and as far as I know the native Windows tab controls don't provide any way to set a keyboard shortcut to go to a particular tab.
  6. Hi @fishman, the emulator exiting controls are not perfect, but they do work for most emulators. There are still a few problematic emulators, however, that we're looking to fix. That said, you can come up with your own AutoHotkey scripts for each emulator to fix any issues if you need to and want to figure that out. :)
  7. Yes, I'm hoping it's not too far off for Big Box. I plan to open it up slowly, however. The first thing I'm looking to add is a box art list mode that is more like LaunchBox.
  8. Hi @DOS76, I just checked and unfortunately I don't think there is. From what I can tell it doesn't seem like that is a typical navigation feature for Windows. We could add something for it, though, of course; feel free to add it to the issues list. :)
  9. Thank you Gazoo! By wheel art do you mean logos like in the wheel in Hyperspin?
  10. Hmm, thanks. Probably a glitch that I need to report to the Simple:Press people.
  11. Sorry if I was bit short, @marcowy. Thanks for understanding and dealing with my unfortunate lack of time.
  12. Lol...not quite sure how to respond to that. Obviously lots of different files go into those zip packages, from images to game files, etc. My point is exactly that it is not worth the effort to try and figure out how to create one of the packages manually. Since you keep pressing me, I guess I will have to come right out and say it. No, I do not have time to research and then explain exactly how everything in those packages work. My apologies, but time spent on stuff like that only takes away from development time. I'm always happy to answer specific questions, but you're asking me to help you with a specific situation that would likely take hours to figure out. That, and you've been needlessly pushing me in this thread by putting words in my mouth and making accusations for no reason. Unfortunately my patience has run out.
  13. Hi NewYears, we'll definitely be focusing on different views for Big Box first, but I can see that as a possibility for LaunchBox as well eventually. That probably won't be any time soon, though, admittedly.
  14. Hehehehehehe, thanks @DOS76. @SentaiBraid, I would NEVER!!!! ;)
  15. Thank you for notifying me of this @NewYears1978, that's really great. I'll be doing a giveaway with him soon. @DOS76 the artwork and videos don't need to be named exactly the same, there is logic to handle slightly different titles, but it's not overly advanced at this point. @NewYears1978 since November 1st, upgrades are only included for one year. I updated the site with ample time in advance of that. Anyone who purchased before that date is grandfathered and will continue to receive updates forever. Keep in mind that you will be able to *use* your license forever, regardless. It's only updates that are restricted. It's certainly not a fun change to make, but I consulted with my business guys and it's become clear that if LaunchBox wants to stick around for a long time, it's a necessary change. I will be adding an option soon to "upgrade" to a forever license for $30, or purchase a brand new forever license for $50. In addition, you'll be able to renew for an additional year for $10 when the upgrades are up.
  16. Yes, I read your message, and yes, I wrote the import and export processes. What I'm saying is it will be difficult for you to build a package manually to be imported. LaunchBox may expect that there be other files in the zip file other than the LaunchBox.xml file. It's also important to note that all the file paths are changed during the export process. So I'm saying it's possible but not recommended, because it will be annoyingly difficult.
  17. Hi @marcowy, sorry I missed that. I'm sure it's possible, but probably difficult to figure out the exact format that it needs to be. That would probably be quite a struggle. You could create a normal exported package to compare it against though.
  18. NewYears1978, I think I told you already via email, but you can check the box to update to beta releases in the Options menu in LaunchBox. New beta is finally out. EmuMovies no longer downloads extra front, back, or clear logo images by default, which should in most cases eliminate the duplicate images messages on saving individual games. The import processes have been updated to include the EmuMovies downloads as well. And finally a few bugs were fixed. Here's the full change log for 5.6 up to this point: - New Feature: MAME ROMs can now be filtered on import to skip clones, prefer certain regions, and/or skip hacks, prototypes, or bootleg games - New Feature: EmuMovies images, manuals, and video downloads are now integrated into LaunchBox imports and metadata/images/media downloading - Improvement: Added delete operations to regularly clean up LaunchBox.xml files that are placed in the temporary folder - Improvement: Up and down navigation now still works when Recent or Favorite boxes are highlighted in the main Big Box view (was confusing before) - Improvement: Additional licensing information is now available under Help > About > Premium, including upgrades availability - Fixed: Big Box option to turn off sorting favorited items first wasn't working in some situations - Fixed: The updated Add/Edit Emulator dialog had some significant presentation issues with the Spanish, French, and Brazilian Portuguese translations - Fixed: Threading conflicts were occasionally occurring after save operations due to the new threading performance improvements - Fixed: Check boxes in Big Box were not displaying for custom and old-school Windows themes - Fixed: The French translation setup was crashing if prerequisites were required - Fixed: Big Box now shows up properly in the task bar
  19. Agreed, Stimpy. I tend to throw/give away too much and regret it later just because I don't want the extra clutter. I'd be happy to live in just my office if I didn't need the rest of my house for my kids. Then I wouldn't have to clean it. ;)
  20. Hi @newyears1978, feel free to add this to the issues list and vote it up. I don't think it's there yet, but it might be.
  21. Weird. I just ran a test; I ran LaunchBox both over a network drive, and just a standard network path, and the box art showed up just fine. I ran it over my wireless network, so it was pretty slow, but it did work fine and the box art all showed up. So I'm at a loss. Maybe try a different network path to see if it makes any difference?
  22. Thanks guys. I actually have the task bar thing fixed, I just haven't put out the beta for it yet. I doubt it will make a difference, but who knows. I'm guessing it has more to do with DirectX, but that's just a guess.
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