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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Hi Roland, welcome! Currently, there is not a way to manually arrange the platform list, unfortunately. If you'd like, you can add it and vote for it on our issues list here: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox Per #2, honestly I thought you could do that, but I looked and it appears you can't. It looks like we need more options there as well for specifying which images/videos show up underneath the box art. For #3, I think people typically set up different platforms in that scenario, but what you could do if you want to keep the same platform, is add a second Retroarch emulator (not the files, just the emulator record in LaunchBox), and configure each differently and pick between the two when you're adding games for Sega CD.
  2. I'm not sure; I've only tested it on Windows 10. But maybe there was a driver update, as you alluded to? Other than that, I really have no idea.
  3. Hi @itolson, no progress as of yet. I'm afraid I'm going to need a device to figure it out, and I can't afford that at this point. So honestly not sure how to proceed with it, unless someone wants to loan me a device to play with.
  4. Yeah, the first time I plugged in a shiny new Xbox One controller to test with LaunchBox, I noticed that the axes had changed for the triggers. I had to add an option to disable the trigger-based scrolling because of that. I have no idea what Microsoft's reasoning was for that; it makes zero sense in my book. Oh, and it pisses me off. Did I mention that? ;) It is even more curious that it wasn't always that way. Great, Microsoft. Real Great.
  5. Awesome, glad to know that all works.
  6. Hi @dudechester, yes, that's the issue. I can research it myself eventually but we'll need to search around on the web to figure out what command line parameters are possible.
  7. Ah, yes, that is true. Good point. We do need to warn people for that. I just added it to my list here: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/236/warn-people-about-the-location-of-mame
  8. Yeah, that stupid guide button. I blame Microsoft for botching that one. Getting access to it from anywhere is a huge pain.
  9. Thanks guys, a fix to make this easier is coming. But for now, select the platform in the sidebar, Ctrl + A, delete key.
  10. Hi @garbanzo, I plan to add videos directly into LaunchBox itself soon (in the right-hand sidebar). But I can see opening it externally as well, that makes sense. That'd be really easy to do too. Can you add this to the issues tracker here? http://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox I'm starting to use that more for everything now. :)
  11. Lol, nice name. I don't believe the plugin supports killing and re-opening Kodi, unfortunately. @Syriacn worked on the plugin, so we can ask him if that's possible. CPU should be rather minimal when LaunchBox or Big Box isn't focused. RAM can be on the higher end though in LaunchBox if you configure the RAM cache that way and don't tell it to clear it out before launching games (both of which are options under Tools > Options).
  12. Oh, goodness! I didn't realize you had actually given me a bigger icon lol. Thanks @Lmagnus87!
  13. Thank you @Zombeaver and @DOS76. Thanks for putting all those up to Bitbucket, too, @Zombeaver. I've marked a couple as duplicates over there and also commented on the others. I trust you're getting email notifications when I comment (I hope)? @Lmagnus87, sorry I haven't gotten to that yet. If you would please, could you put it in as an issue over at the Bitbucket link (above)?
  14. I'm with you there; I came down with the flu. I'm hyped up on Ibuprofen, so at least I'm half-way here. ;)
  15. Sure, it certainly could have been a temporary connection issue. Who knows, maybe Gabe Newell accidentally deleted some files. ;)
  16. Hi ALIE, any chance you changed your Steam privacy settings? Also, be 100% sure that you're using the right Steam Custom URL. Steam makes it stupid confusing because it's different from your user name and anything else.
  17. Thank you @Bedwyr, and welcome. Issue #4 is already fixed in the latest beta, I believe. We are just today transitioning to a new bug reporting system here: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox If you get a chance and can put those there, that would be awesome. This way we can track each individual issue and you can get updates when I fix them. We've been taking issues in via the forums and it's just started to take way too much management time to take it all in, and then people never know when I get them fixed. Thanks much!
  18. Hi Bucko, this is possible in a couple ways inside of LaunchBox. For one, you can filter by platform, and then type the genre into the search box, and it will display all of that genre for that platform. You can also filter by platform and then arrange by genre, which is how I typically choose to do double filters. It's easy when they're grouped together like that. That functionality is planned for Big Box, but it's not really there yet.
  19. Hi @tommyp, I can certainly see adding this, but as of right now, unfortunately there is no way to do that. Does it just need to be the ROM file name, basically?
  20. Hehehehe, thanks for all that feedback, @shinra358. I think using Bitbucket there should actually be a really big help. And yes, feel free everyone to vote on the issues in the Bitbucket issues list; I'm still working on getting all my backlog of issues in there. If you see something that isn't in there, of course go ahead and add it as well. I will definitely consider the items that have more votes as priorities. My immediate action is to eliminate the bugs, at least the ones that seem significant.
  21. Sure, hmm. I am planning to fix the taskbar issue very shortly, though I also doubt that that is the issue. I'm guessing it's the Steam overlay that is causing the problem, but really I have no idea at this point.
  22. Ah, I see. That's the reason; most controllers don't have any mouse control at all, and thus the LaunchBox custom mouse cursor is controlled with the left stick. So you're only seeing both cursors there because your controller has an option to control the mouse as well. It makes sense to add an option to disable that. Added it here: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/219/add-option-to-disable-the-launchbox-game
  23. Are you talking about LaunchBox or Big Box?
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