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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Thanks guys. I actually have the task bar thing fixed, I just haven't put out the beta for it yet. I doubt it will make a difference, but who knows. I'm guessing it has more to do with DirectX, but that's just a guess.
  2. Thanks John. Feel free to hit up the translating LaunchBox thread here: https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/features/translating-launchbox @AFaustini has been doing a great job covering it for us but he may appreciate the help.
  3. Ah, interesting, good to know. I've seen No-Intro around of course but I had no idea that it was any kind of standard. I'm not sure if it would be a perfect fit, but we'll have to have a discussion on it to see if and how we should change things to match.
  4. Well, you can make something play in the background manually by playing it with the little music icon that pops up; that way it won't stop playing when you leave the window or select a different game. However, currently there's no way to automatically play a song in the background when you start it up, or anything like that.
  5. Ah wow, that's pretty cool, especially the gyro stuff. I didn't even realize it had that. I will have to pick one up, just need to wait a bit yet. Just spent too much money on Christmas presents lately. ;) Unfortunately resolving the Steam overlay issues doesn't sound easy. I have no idea why it wouldn't work in the first place so I'm basically grasping at straws. I'll tinker with it and see if I can figure anything out.
  6. Yeah, for sure. I've had quite a few requests on this so it's definitely planned. Feel free to browse the issues list and add anything related that isn't there. One thing you might not be aware of; you actually can add complete soundtracks if you add them as m3u playlists. The only thing is right now there's no way to skip tracks, but the tracks will play in order in LaunchBox. I am hoping to add controls for that stuff soon, that's another thing I want for my personal collection. ;)
  7. Hey guys, I can see the desire to keep your data in a different spot, but from the beginning I've tried to keep LaunchBox portable, which encourages everything to be all in one spot. When you start talking about different drives, that's when the portability starts to break. So the option is there, but honestly I don't really want to encourage users putting things outside the LaunchBox folder, just because it's the cleanest way to use it just to keep everything in there, and move LaunchBox itself if you need to. It doesn't make sense to put LaunchBox with your other apps anyways, because it's portable so it doesn't really even work to put it in Program Files. So unfortunately, that's not likely a feature that will be coming any time soon, just because I'd rather lean towards portability and everything being in one spot. @newyears1978, what is the "conventional naming of the images" that you're referring to? So far I haven't found any kind of a standard, it seems like it's just one big mess and no one can agree on any standards.
  8. Hi @newyears1978, that is a new request that I've never heard before, actually. ;) Typically the box art you download for each game is a different size, so that's a pretty rare scenario where you could view all boxes at the original size. I see what you mean, though. Unfortunately it's probably not going to happen any time soon just because it's not a common request.
  9. Ah, sure. That sucks. I've never built anything with that form factor because I've been afraid of stuff like that. You should Frankenstein it. :)
  10. No worries, @DOS76. I appreciate your help. :)
  11. Awesome, thank you John. Yes, sorry I didn't make that clear enough; the AutoHotkey script should work for all attached controllers, you just can't customize the buttons for each one. :)
  12. Hi @diegogskt, I definitely have plans to add complete customization options for the game details. We started using the issues list here for everything, feel free to vote it up: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/264/allow-customizing-all-game-details-in Thanks!
  13. Good to know, @Bedwyr. I've definitely read more negative feedback on it than positive, so it's good to hear some positives.
  14. Hi @Nickjs, it sounds like LaunchBox is trying to update the LaunchBox.xml file to mark that you played the game, but for some reason the file permissions on that LaunchBox.xml file are disallowing the update. I would check file permissions on the LaunchBox folder. I'm guessing since you copied them over from your hard drive there were some strange permissions that got copied over with it. Know how to work with file permissions?
  15. Cool, thanks for @Dormat. Good solution until we can get around to proper support.
  16. Yes, last I checked/heard, LaunchBox worked fine (though slowly) over a network drive. Try Refresh Images and let us know if you're still seeing the issue. Keep in mind, though, also, that "portable" does not mean "works over a network drive". It means that you can put it on a USB drive or sync it via Dropbox, etc. Still, it should work over a network drive, but performance will not be ideal.
  17. Hi @djint, welcome. Yes, currently the video's audio always overrides any music tracks. I know I have this on my list somewhere to add an option for that, but it probably still needs to be added to the proper issues tracker. Can you add it and vote it up? http://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox Thanks!
  18. Hi @Wildeheart, I'm having trouble visualizing this. Are you talking about filtering between different types of media, like games, movies, etc.?
  19. Hi ALIE, Big Box customizations are indeed fairly limited right now. Big Box is still relatively new. That stuff is definitely coming, but it's not there quite yet. There is lots you can customize as far as animations, and hiding or showing things, but that's about it for now.
  20. marcowy, I am still working on adding my backlog of issues to Bitbucket. However, if you see something that is missing, please feel free to add it and vote it up. :)
  21. In fact there is. It's not as automated as it could be at this point, but you can use the Sort Title field to order things however you want. For example, if you wanted to sort "The Last Blade" under L, you would put "Last Blade" in the Sort Title field.
  22. Hi @marcowy, @SentaiBrad, a quick glance at that looks like it's just scraping web pages to come up with the games lists. That's a step in the right direction, but then we still have no way to find the games on the hard drive, so it's still unfortunately not really possible to magically import your entire uninstalled GOG collection. Per the poll for features, you can now vote on the Bitbucket issues list. I develop straight off of that list, and I will definitely take items with higher votes as priority.
  23. Thank you Wildeheart, I agree that the it gets cumbersome when the list of games is long. I do plan to implement something of that nature to improve the navigation, hopefully soon. Back when we were brainstorming with the community the same strategy for navigation came up, so it sounds like that's probably a good approach. :)
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