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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Depending on how the application was written, you may or may not be able to change the icon in the task bar by editing the EXE in Resource Hacker. There are numerous ways to program that functionality, and not all of them would allow you to change them, unfortunately.
  2. Hi Kriven. Yeah, Duck's right when it comes to Windows games, though there are portable games that would allow for it. Actually a lot of games do allow for it, assuming DirectX and the C++ runtimes are installed, etc. That said, in general it's often not a good idea to move Windows applications around, yeah. The MS-DOS importer does allow you to relocate games upon import, I believe, as well. I would be wary of adding this functionality for Windows games, though.
  3. Wow, that's pretty simple. Okay. Hopefully I can add that soon. What functionality do your plugins add?
  4. The full paths would be awesome, John. No worries. I'm hoping to put the official release early next week.
  5. Hehehehe, sounds a lot like every kid's dream. Beer and video games? ;)
  6. Hi Fluffo, I do have this feature planned. I'll see if I can work it in soon. :)
  7. Just put out another new beta. I tested a bunch of GOG games and tweaked a few things. The importer now favors the links from the game folders for GOG games. It also finds every single GOG game I've tested so far, so that's a win at least. :)
  8. Very cool. Though it's always interesting to me how some lower tech games end up looking better than many of the most high-tech games out there. I played Tomb Raider from 2013 recently and just marveled at the graphics the entire time.
  9. Heh. I rent the whole server, though, so thankfully, I call the shots. Been there, done the whole shared hosting thing. Oh man is that annoying.
  10. Hehehehe. Very cool guys. I was born in 84, so I just barely missed out on a lot of that.
  11. Do we still have the slash issues with posting batch file code in code blocks?
  12. Alright, I changed the max upload size to 2 megabytes. It was set really low by default. I'd set it higher but apparently my PHP max upload size is 2 megs, and I don't feel like hunting that down. ;) Per the Edit button, it should allow anyone to Edit, until there has been a reply. It won't let you edit after a reply just because that could disrupt the flow, depending.
  13. It's probably worth noting that the Windows game search is intended to be "any games installed in Windows" whether they are true Windows games or not. I should probably clarify that in the wizard.
  14. Great, Hippyshake! Thanks for that. I'll look at the results and see what I can fix. My gmail is jasondavidcarr. Per the Edit button, I'll look to see if I can change that, I have an idea. :)
  15. Alright, I have a new beta out. I've improved the Windows search a bit; it should no longer show duplicates, and favors using links instead of direct EXEs. I still have some more testing to do with GOG games, but hopefully that is working well enough. All my Origin games were found, so that's good. Let me know of any other findings. :)
  16. Hi DOS, I believe this is just because when the platform is specified on a game, the default emulator for that platform is automatically assigned. You can change it easily enough, though; you're not restricted to only using that emulator. You can change which emulator is the default for which platform on the Emulator Edit screen, in the grid of platforms.
  17. Hippyshake said Is there no edit button on posts, or am I just missing it? There should be an Edit button in the top right hand corner of the posts, next to Quote and Report. Is it not there for you?
  18. Okay, thanks Martin. I'll see if there's anything I can do to fix it.
  19. That's not to say we can't make it smarter though, like checking to see if it's legitimately Steam or not via other measures. So we'll massage it as best we can.
  20. SentaiBrad said Can we have a list of excluded .exe names and extensions like when we import DOS games? We certainly could, but it would be much less effective in this scenario. For example, there are games called "Steam", so we probably wouldn't want to exclude "Steam". The only reason non-games are showing up is because there are legitimate games with that name.
  21. Hippyshake, for some reason I just caught the stuff about the different drive; missed it the first time. The search uses your Start menu, so I'm guessing you have a bunch of old, bad links either in your Start menu, or in the Windows Games Explorer. Still, that's a good point, I should check to make sure that the files actually exist.
  22. Boom, fixed. The fix will be in the next beta. :)
  23. Good find, scree! I must have introduced that bug when I made the app localizable for 4.7. I'll get it fixed.
  24. Hi Hippyshake, unfortunately I think the Windows search will have to just assume that everything it finds is a Windows game. Obviously GOG's collection is split between both. That's a good point about GOG; I'll see if I can address that, thanks.
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