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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Ah, I see that. Thanks, toe_head. I'll get it fixed.
  2. Arcade, I can't seem to reproduce this with the latest beta. It pops up a dialog saying "you'll need to specify an emulator..." but if you click No, it should still save with the command line parameters. Does that not work for you?
  3. Hi Martin, all that is planned. I am always working on improving performance, but of course it does get to be a challenge with 10,000+ games. I do have all those items on my list.
  4. Jason Carr


    Absolutely. I can promise that it will not be abandoned. If I ever choose to stop developing it (which I honestly doubt will happen for a very, very long time), I will open source it. So no worries from that front.
  5. Lol, crickets. I just put out 4.4 beta 2. Now with sidebar screenshots and minimize on launch/restore on exit premium options.
  6. Hi shinra, good question. I see this post here that lists out the command line parameters: http://ngemu.com/threads/epsxe-command-line-switches.58935/ However, I don't see anything there about CUE files. :/
  7. Hi Oussama, I'm having a bit of trouble understanding; can you clarify? You're suggesting a new Install button in the bottom bar? Per the favorite options, did you mean custom playlists?
  8. Hi realbout, welcome! I am looking to integrate AutoHotkey shortly, which should allow for these types of customizations.
  9. Hi Arcade, that is a platform-specific setting; what platform(s) are you seeing that with? I'll take a look and see if I can reproduce.
  10. Hi target, Brad's right, I just got done moving, but I'm all moved now and back at it. The DOSBox configuration GUI is still coming, of course, but I do have a lot of other important things to tackle as well, so I can't promise it for the next version. I do see it as an important feature to add, however, so it shouldn't be *too* long.
  11. Jason Carr


    Hi tobs, Brad's right, I just got done moving and I'm on for the first time tonight. Per Github/open sourcing LaunchBox, I've thought long and hard about whether I'd like to go that direction or not. I am still considering it for the long term future, but as for right now, I'm choosing not to release the source code. I have several concerns that are currently in conflict with releasing the source: - Releasing the source for LaunchBox Premium would allow for extremely easy circumvention of the licensing. The funds I'm receiving from purchases are relatively minimal, but they help me to re-coup some of the time I spend that I could be spending on billable projects (I have paying clients that are always competing for my time). - I very much enjoy taking in feedback from the LaunchBox community and implementing new features, but I don't think I would want to manage developers in an open source project. Every open source project needs management, and I don't currently desire to review the code of any number of developers to determine whether or not it deserves to end up in the final product. - As can easily happen with open source projects, I'm concerned about code bloat and feature bloat. I am generally very picky about what I implement in LaunchBox because I don't want to end up with a product that is bloated or confusing to use. Whether this is a legitimate concern or not, I don't know, but it is a genuine concern of mine. Regardless, this is something that I do re-evaluate on a regular basis. We may eventually get to the point where open-sourcing LaunchBox makes sense. Just out of curiosity, did you want to contribute to LaunchBox yourself? Curious about the code? Or were you just looking to get development going a bit quicker? Thanks, Jason
  12. Hi Toast, interesting article. It's funny because I've noticed much of that logic over the years and thought, hmm, that's nice. Yes, I certainly do plan to add options for "The" sorts and similar, when I implement the custom sorting options. Thanks, Jason
  13. Thank you xwing, glad to hear you found a temporary solution. I'll still see if I can make playlists a priority.
  14. Yeah, that's tricky, but it has something to do with wanting "Thief 2" to come after "Thief: The Dark Project", or similar. Granted, yes, the sorting needs more customization options and perhaps some tweaking. In the mean time, you can use the Sort Title field to override the default sort.
  15. You're very right, Toast. I'll look into it. Thanks for all the great feedback.
  16. Jason Carr


    Thank you Param! Glad it's working well for you. Per the banners, you should be able to set another front if you remove the existing one first. I'm not sure if a Steam banner download is feasible, but I'll look to see. Per the spacing, I'll see if I can close that gap. Good idea on the tags; I have some ideas planned for custom fields as well for the premium version. I've added the other items to my list of to dos as well.
  17. I see, good use cases that I didn't realize...thanks. Minimize before launch should be easy to implement so hopefully I can add that soon. The notification icon does take a little more effort, though, so that might not come so quickly.
  18. Hmm, I have a feeling this might be because of certain games changing the screen resolution. I'll do some more testing and see if I can figure out how to fix it.
  19. Ah, I see. I didn't realize we were talking about RAM amounts that small. Sorry for the long and drawn out conversation. I'll send you version 3.6 via email.
  20. Hi xwing, thanks for the purchase! I'm sorry you're disappointed on a few things. Per the title bar, that's the only form of copy protection that I've added; I've chosen to do that instead of crippling the application with DRM, so unfortunately, that has to stay. I would understand if you wanted a refund because of this; I would certainly oblige. Per the filters, it sounds like you're looking for a "playlist" of sorts? That has been discussed and I do have it on my list to implement. I'll look into it and see if I can bump up the priority. Again, thanks for the purchase, and I hope the title bar thing isn't a deal breaker for you. Jason
  21. Hi Duck, just added you to the Trusted Members group, which gives you permission to edit your own posts forever.
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