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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. 11.4-beta-1 is out now to fix a few issues with certain themes, and fix the crashing upon returning from games that some users were experiencing. Depending on how this beta goes, we may put out an official fix release tomorrow, so your feedback is appreciated.
  2. We have not added that as of yet, though there may be a plugin that does it. The main problem with playing YouTube videos in LaunchBox or Big Box is that it kind of has to be a hack, because YouTube does not want you downloading or streaming the videos outside of their official apps. Because of that, I'm not sure if we'll be tackling that or not.
  3. Yup, sorry for the trouble. I have a fixed beta uploading now.
  4. @dominikabra I don't know of a solution for that currently, but I do see the issue. We would need to allow different .conf files for additional apps.
  5. When things happen out of the blue like that, it's most often caused by Windows updates, sadly, or something of that nature. Maybe check to see if you have any driver updates available?
  6. @Bermudas Just tested MDK 2 and downloaded all the media without issues. I'm not sure why it would be timing out. Maybe try it again today?
  7. Yes, you should be able to use either the .NET Framework or .NET Core.
  8. Apparently .NET Core has some issues still with System.Speech. I didn't see that one coming. Here's a couple of links that may help: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/30991 https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/blogs/using-systemspeech-with-net-core-30 The first link has a port of System.Speech on Github that supposedly works.
  9. @Armhunter I have not seen that. What type of controller are you using?
  10. @Bernard Bernoulli When you edit the games, are the ROM paths correct?
  11. You would need to copy the Default theme to a new theme, and then modify the XAML files. Shouldn't be too difficult, but would require a bit of learning to get it done.
  12. @Elhora Your best bet is to keep everything together all on one drive, sans for the game/ROM files. Generally, the media and LaunchBox installation can be easily kept under the size of relatively inexpensive SSDs. Then you can place your game/ROM files on a different, slower drive (or even over the network), and there won't be much of a performance difference that way. So it sounds like you just need to move your LaunchBox installation to an SSD, sans for the games, and then change the game folder paths in LaunchBox separately for each platform under Tools > Change ROMs for Path for Selected Games.
  13. Hi @Garydwh, what platform(s) are you getting that on? Is it happening every time? Can you zip up and PM your LaunchBox\Data folder so I can review?
  14. Hi viking, they are playlists. The new cab images look awesome!
  15. Check your Image Group drop down at the top of the LaunchBox interface, and make sure it's set to Boxes.
  16. I've updated the script in the first post of this topic with the above fix. It's working for me.
  17. @The_Keeper86 Try running these commands: wget http://aka.ms/vs/16/release/vc_redist.x64.exe WINEPREFIX=~/LaunchBox wine ./vc_redist.x64.exe /passive /norestart WINEPREFIX=~/LaunchBox wine ./LaunchBox-11.3-Setup.exe /DIR=C:\LaunchBox /SILENT I think that will fix it. I'm gonna update the script with that in a second here.
  18. Where in the process are you getting those errors? The second one (http one) means that it's trying to download a pre-requisite that should have already been installed.
  19. Ah, I see. Might be a bug in the startup process because of the duplicate apps running for a short period. I can't reproduce it myself though. If you can get me the exact error message, that might help.
  20. Wow, I have never seen that before. Sorry for the late reply here, first time seeing this thread. It must be somehow specific to certain machines, yes, because I've never run into it. Do either of you have anything interesting or out of the ordinary on those machines that could be causing it? Hopefully we can figure out how to reproduce it and get it fixed, but we'll need to be able to find some common ground first.
  21. The good news is that LaunchBox does its best to use relative paths wherever possible. So unless you override it, as long as everything is on the same drive, it should work to relocate it all, yes.
  22. Actually no, that's not true lol. It had to do with the .NET Core upgrade.
  23. Yes, I honestly wish I had a solution for you. Unfortunately I spent 3 days searching for a solution that did not involve the folder symlinks during development, but there just wasn't any other options. You may be able to manually create the necessary symlinks, but I'm not sure if that's possible over a network drive. Certain themes may also not require the symlinks, and most themes can be upgraded to not require the symlinks in the future. If you're willing to restructure, I can recommend FreeFileSync as an alternative. You can keep your files in your network share and sync them to your various machines (though of course that requires more hard drive space). I find it extremely convenient though because I can always easily undo any changes and re-sync.
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