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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. I forgot about the additional apps feature! I always forget about it, I don't use it enough. That is totally a good solution in this case though. Maybe not the ideal solution, we can certainly imrpove it, but it works.
  2. Jason Carr said Yes, I think a democratic way of deciding this would be best. Though to be completely honest, the Hyperspin ways are probably *already* the democratic decisions. I am leaning heavily towards switching up the platforms to mostly match Hyperspin's, but if the community disagrees with this decision, of course I won't end up going that route. That said, going forward I am looking to take the strengths of the Hyperspin data approaches and combine them with the ease of use and openness of LaunchBox. So in time, we should have the best of both worlds. This is true too, the talk about Platform splitting and combining happened well before we dealt with RL though, so it just stems from what's best for out Database. If that's using split systems, then so be it.
  3. Derek, you are right. That's maybe the point I was trying to get across? The BitBucket is a testiment to that as is. We don't have anything set in stone.
  4. No, I don't miss any of that. Don't get me wrong, if someone has it already all set up and wants to use LaunchBox, than by all means. We love that people want to choose LB, but we are expanding fast with 1 developer. A lot of people have already told us their concerns, and they don't want to add a second layer on to something that is supposed to be easy. If someone wants to use RL, all the more power to everyone who wants to. I don't begrudge anyone from doing so, but it still isn't required. We were built from the ground up to be self sustaining.
  5. I never said it was set in stone, and yea we might choose to do it that way. In the end, we are more than likely choosing alternate naming for almost every category. So in the end, if you have it split it should scrape all the same. The reason why it's not a good idea to split them now is for scraping. Using a different name might get you some results, but for the most part it wont. So even if we merge them on the Database to keep things more clean, if you seperated them in LB either the scrape as or alternate naming scheme will fix that up and it wont matter what we have on our database in the end.
  6. I just did a MESS and Atari 5200 tutorial on our channel recently. I would say to give that a watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGGhDjx17YA
  7. It's not out of the question for me to make an update to tutorials, I did one for the Atari Consoles recently with Atari 5200. If there is a big enough reason for me to show off others then so be it. So far the Steam Link thing does suck, that is a pretty big feature to have issues with.
  8. Re-import using the Add Files option instead, and use the Windows Search to filter out what you need. Ctrl + A to highlight them and then add. When you do this, choose to download no images so it will add fast. It will also pick up art that was already downloaded. Afterwards you the Clean Up Images option to get rid of the images not needed anymore.
  9. We've been downloading from EmuMovies for a while, and the HyperSpin thing is not at all a thing we've decided on yet. They are the same system. We also haven't decided either way what we are doing yet, but that doesn't change that fact that they are the same.
  10. Should just need to put the new ones where the old ones went and you restart BigBox for them to work. Make sure you don't have them muted in the options is all I can say. I have @AutumnSounds sound effects working great.
  11. It's doable without RocketLauncher, and setting up RL just to do this is more complicated. I haven't chosen MESS in RA becauset it is technically inferior. It's the same deal with some of the other cores in RA, like DS and PSP. That said, I will probably figure out a way for it to happen.
  12. I would consider myself an advanced user and never felt the need to use RocketLauncher. It is not at all required.
  13. SentaiBrad

    Hi LaunchBox

    Glad it's working now for your games! If you have anymore questions feel free to ask them!
  14. DOS76 said The tutorial was a great help got MESS running Atari 5200 full time now way better than the other alternatives I'm thinking of changing emulators for Coleco and Intellivision now too. Thank you Derek, I appreciate it. I was always feareful my Tutorials would have no value for people, but I am happy to know that people love them and wait eagerly for more.
  15. Also, what I meant more with the ticket was it was closed sure, but all tickets can be re-opened. I never removed the ticket as to try and pretend to hide it. Not really an excuse, but we get tons of people posting on the BitBucket anonomously and we almost never get responses from them. I am never opposed to re-opened tickets, but it was never deleted.
  16. Yea true, and I apoligize.t I assumed this was the intended behavior from Jason though. We should handle the error better, yes.
  17. Bedwyr said Especially since the Breakout design influenced development of the II. So wait... is this for the Apple 1 or 2?
  18. Yea that's really odd. I think it must be something funky with that build. I did have that error code before when trying to launch stuff, and only going back to the older RetroArch version fixed it, I waited a little while for a few versions afterwards and it was fine.
  19. Again @wallmachine, the first one was never even deleted and you only made one ticket about it previously.
  20. Of course! No problem. My first tutorial for MESS also has some good info in it as well if you, or anyone else, needs a bit more of an explination.
  21. Yea caching is almost completely CPU Speed and Disk speed. However, that's caching. You may still get more performance on an SSD still, but I am unsure by how much.
  22. I cover a lot of these in the tutorials. Some of them really wont be worth your time, either because all of the games wont be in the right language, there is very little games for some of those, or for systems like the N-Gage there's pretty much no emulation to speak of. A site that can help you out a lot, besides the tutorials, is: http://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Main_Page The main page has a lot of the big stuff on it, and clicking it to go to a systems page will show you lots of info. There are a couple of systems that are not on the front page that you can manually search for too.
  23. Yae to be honest, there are things we can do to alleviate or make things better (like SSD's) but the software is the software at a certain point. We load lots of media and metadata. The speed and age of your CPU, the speed and age of your GPU, the speed of your RAM and then your OS is probably the list of most important things that can play factors in to it. We know for example, that BigBox performs way better on Windows 10 than Vista or 7 due to all the backend stuff they did. Our list is long, but Jason does want to tackle Performance again at some point. It's also worth noting that BigBox also inherently does the same tasks differently than LaunchBox does, so you may find it to be smoother in there if you do decide to upgrade to Premium. If you don't like it we can offer you a refund if it doesn't end up working the way you want.
  24. I have mine set to 4GB personally. And it's the size of your entire library, not the system you are clicking in to. The specfic system could have 1 game or 100, it is based on your entire library. We have been noticing (especially in BigBox) that users have been having better performance in Windows 8 and 10 due to the back end performance upgrades that Windows has received. Obviously im not saying you need to upgrade Windows, but we have seen lower performance. I've also seen AV software do what it wants regardless of Whitelisting. I've personally never had issues with Malwarebytes Antimalware, so much so I purchased it. A user had added LaunchBox Setup and the destination folder to his Whitelist (I don't remember their AV specifically) but only after he turned it off completely did LaunchBox actually install. We had to take Anti Piracy measures, and ever since it's tripped up AV software with lots of false positives and odd behavior. Other than potentially an SSD for your LB install, I am unsure if there is going to be too much more than that. At a certain point without potentially more optimization, which we can always try and do more, the bigger the library the slower LaunchBox will respond. Personally I have over 30k games in my library, and while changing platforms can take a few seconds I never thought of it as a bad thing. That's obviously just me though.
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