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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. You can easily get a program like http://file-folder-ren.sourceforge.net/ and remove the -01 and -02 if they exist. The ultimate solution to this is our tiered image system, because if you do this your LaunchBox install will now assume your screenshots are actually Box Art, and there isn't anything we could do to fix that. You'd have to move the Screenshots back to the screenshot folder then redownload front box art when you need to, but that's a pain. Really, all of this is, that's why I say the true solution is tiered images. There is a ticket on the BitBucket with decent votes and people keep requesting this functionality. I believe Jason wants to implement something like this after our big image restructuring, but I don't have a time frame.
  2. I don't think they're necessarily out of date, but the RetroPi is Linux based and so the drivers are different, so the internal codes for what each button is is completely different. It's a good visual for RetroPi users who have to manually edit configs to get things to work (it's a bit more laborious on these set ups), but I think wrong for RetroArch on any other system.
  3. You can add games with multiple disks, it just wont be clean. You'd either have to rename a bunch of Disks (and redownload the same art because once you start changing game names the art will dissociate it's self), or enable the file name in the Game Details bar in the options and read which is Disk 1, which is Disk 2 etc. I use this to keep track of what disk is what without having to rename a bunch of files and redownload media. You can also use the Additional Apps feature, but that is 1 by 1. You Import all Disk 1's, then edit them and add the other disks via additional apps. It's a pain in the butt to do it like this, but this is currently the only way to make adding multiple discs or disks clean. For ease of use, and so you don't have to fiddle with it forever, I still think enabling the File Name option in the Game Details setting is the best. You still need to save state and swap disks regardless of your choice, if it even works here.
  4. Ah!! Ok, the save-less thing I didn't know about, what explains a lot. I thought you were trying to add WHD format games. Per multiple disks, no there really isn't an easy way to add them as 1 file. It is something that we have been heavily requested, but it was always from a clean up stand point and less of a functional stand point. I say that, because in most other emulators you can make a save state and load up the second disc, load the save state and it generally continues on it's marry way. I have don this in the past, but it was a while ago. I am unsure if any Amiga emulator is like this, and you may need to rename the save file to match the second, third, fourth, what ever diskette, but it should technically work. I don't remember renaming saves... but I could be wrong. I did have to do that for BS Legend of Zelda Ancient Stone Tablets, but that was completely different.
  5. Double check your Associated Platform name and make sure it matches the name of your platform on the left hand side of LaunchBox. If you imported Sega CD as "Sega CD" (default name) then make sure the associated platform has the name like this as well. If you did use an alternate name for Sega CD, change the name in the associated platform. Also, make sure the proper core name is in use for the Default Command Line parameters.
  6. Reset your controls to default, there should be a set to default option for controls.
  7. Do you mean the new sections?
  8. Yes PBP's are supported and work flawlessly, at least playing and launching wise. I haven't specifically tested out disc switching yet. It's supposed to auto-switch, but if I recall RA also has a hotkey for disc switching, so I would also assume that would work if so.
  9. Besides the Audit tool in something like MAMEUI? Not specifically, and I don't know if that will tell you missing games as much as just missing dependencies. If you have a recent MAME Split pack you should be good to go.
  10. What do you mean how to import multiple Amiga games? Are WHD files not 1 file? I haven't messed around with them yet, but even if they aren't 1 file it's still super easy to do. If it's 1 file, just add folder, if it's multiple files and you need to pick out the file you need then use add files and the windows search function. Click add files and navigate it to your Amiga rom directory. I assume the file extension for these files is .whd (it's just an example if it's wrong), so put "*.whd" in the windows search and it should filter out everything from the current folder you were in and all of it's sub folders. Click a game in the list, Ctrl + A then click add. Should work from there. If the files are not named properly but are in a bunch of folders with the proper name, on the last page click the box "Use folder name", so that it will use that instead of the file name. I haven't started in on WHD games yet, but that is the plan soon, so if I am wrong about anything let me know.
  11. No we don't, but this has been requested before. I believe there is a BitBucket ticket for this as well, but not many votes.
  12. Oh yea, we love Pat. We paid for the sponsorship and we love Pat and Ian a lot! I've been a fan of theirs for a long time, and pretty much everyone in that circle of people.
  13. Yea it may not like Windows 8.1. Are you on 32bit or 64bit? How much system RAM do you have? I don't think this thing would take all that much, but I could be wrong.
  14. Excuse me if this has been posted and I missed it from another user: Can someone confirm this for me? Clear your BigBox caches and sit at the wheel view for systems. Every few min are you getting this error? System.OverflowException: Overflow error. at System.Drawing.Graphics.CheckErrorStatus(Int32 status) at System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImage(Image image, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height) at System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImage(Image image, Rectangle rect) at (String , String , Int32 , Int32 , String ) at BigBox.App.CreateThumbnail(String sourcePath, String thumbnailPath, Int32 maxHeight, Int32 maxWidth, String caption) at (Game , String , Int32 , Int32 ) at BigBox.App.CreateThumbnail(Game game, String cacheFilePath, Int32 maxHeight, Int32 maxWidth) at (c__DisplayClass14_0 ) at BigBox.ViewModels.ThumbnailGameViewModel.c__DisplayClass14_0.b__0() at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart() This repeats no matter what. I was created a small image gap-less set up for Demo video's and I can't proceed now. Obviously this needs to get fixed up from Jason, but I wanna know if anyone can replicate this. I copied over my daily / tutorial install without anything but LaunchBox and the required files for it to work. Deleted systems that I didn't want for this install and only copied over the images and video folders I needed for the systems I kept. Had to edit the image and video paths in the XML because they got wrong (and it was relative pathing). Got it Gap-less, opened up BigBox for the video and that error repeats now when its trying to cache. I am wondering if it's a bug because I had to change the image path values... I have no clue. Fisty couldn't re-produce it though.
  15. Sweet! No problem. If you have more questions feel free to ask.
  16. I know I like the themes! I don't think anyone so far has claimed to be great at it, but all 3 have impressed me so far.
  17. Once you have your license e-mailed to you, all you need to do is put the License.xml file in your LaunchBox folder, and that's it. There is no logging in needed. If you have a LaunchBox Games Database account and an EmuMovies account these are optional log ins. Once you've played the License.xml in your LaunchBox folder, restart LB and it should take effect.
  18. It's no problem. Updated the main post with your addition. I also edited your post to specify the difference if that's all right with you. With these 4 themes I am going to go ahead and create the demo video for the channel then!
  19. Ah yea, SPC was what I used (I forgot) but I do remember them running in WMP. WMP is not integrated per se, it still needs to be installed on a users computer, but the libraries and how it operates is what we have in the code. We tell it where to look since WMP is generally an integrated part of Windows it's an easy assumption to make that most users have it installed still. VLC is something that is technically bundled with LB, because their license and code allows for it. There's no VLC exe or anything, but the code that makes video playback work is what we have essentially. I'll do a few tests with these and see what I come up with.
  20. The first link is a Sega themed TV and the second link is a Nintendo themed TV?
  21. Ohhh, you're using the Relative pathing option. If you look in your rom paths when you edit a game, you'll see "..\..\Games\Arcade\". It's still doable. You essentially use Notepad++ to Find "..\..\Games" and replace it with "Z:\Roms". You'll need to check your XML for the exact paths it's using, but that is the gist of it.
  22. If you just delete the roms in your library and then import them like you did before (NES, then SNES etc) and run the import process again, but this time uncheck all of the boxes for media it will just import without downloading then use what you already downloaded for media. This can still easily be done via Notepad++. What was the old path and what is the new path? I just need the path up to the root folder holding all of your system folders and I can tell you easily how to do this. The Notepad++ would be faster than re-importing everything.
  23. No it's fine. It was worth the laugh.
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