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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. Yea the metadata needs to be fixed for the e, but that is a limitation of the scraper not LaunchBox or the Database. The scraper is very particular. I don't quite know what to say, if you're using RetroArch (mGBA core) or mGBA, both the emulators and core updated, then It should work.
  2. Atari ST is a bit harder to work with, but it looks like Hatari is the recommended emulator. No clue if anything for Steem has changed, but: http://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Atari_ST
  3. So many more games, less time. I'm not even 30 yet and I feel it.
  4. I didn't actually go, though that would have been awesome. I just saw the live streams. It's the same difference as going really, but I didn't get sick from all the other people. I didn't take too much away for my game, it's really hard to do in a setting like this, but I am always learning about things like that.
  5. You could also try a different folder other than your user folder that it defaults to, sometimes that can be an issue. Even though speeds wont be great, if you have an external hard drive you can also try that. On regular Hard Drives it's generally not a good idea to put demanding applications like games, LaunchBox, or editing software on your main drive (as an example). If you check out Task Manager, with just your OS running you can see the disk usage going crazy. LaunchBox wants to use your disk usage and cpu, especially during boot and especially when it's caching game images. If there isn't enough read / write speed to go around, it will just take longer. Like I sand Zombeaver said, it should still launch though, even if it says not responding.
  6. I would find the region free BIOS patch or a pre-compiled version. It may be buggy, so test it out with each region for a bit first, but it exists. And @Zombeaver's right Derek, generally not. They can make games region free sometimes if they know how to so that way you can also put the rom on a cart / disc for your real console.
  7. The plugin is in Beta and not completely ready, but it's being worked on.
  8. When you imported your Arcade games, it should have popped up with a special MAME importer with checkboxes and region selectors. If you left it at default it should be about 1k games, where as there are 4k games otherwise. That is a more popular game and there should be art for it, though not every game does yet. When you right click and edit the game is it associated to a LaunchBox Games Database ID in the top right if the edit page? It should be a blue link there if it is and should lead to the Database. If there is art there then it didn't download for some reason. If there is no page, that means we don't have it for some reason, and for some reason neither did EmuMovies. If it does have a LaunchBox Games ID but no images, you can download that specific games art in the edit screen, or bulk download them again with the Tools -> Download Metadata and Images after you Ctrl + A all of your Arcade games.
  9. Alright then! Maybe it got corrupted somehow. Glad it was a simple fix though.
  10. Yep that's the same error, thank you for checking that first. Before you make any changes to your LaunchBox XML make the back up first, I don't know whats going to happen. If this fails, there are exe's from previous LaunchBox updates in the update folder. Sort them by date and try them until you get back to LB 6.3 (they're also not named right). You can install this right on top of your current LaunchBox install and all your settings and games will remain intact. Your images may be screwed up since you made the transition to the Beta, but if you have a backup of your image folder just replace the updated one with the backup and restart LB.
  11. Try changing your language first, changing the font might still keep things broken if the item even exists. We have had odd behavior with just our Translated packages, so I'd like to make sure it's not that first.
  12. That's a font error. Have you recently installed or changed fonts for your system or LaunchBox? Either Calibri Bold is not installed on your system, or you chose bold for something and it's not applicable. Also, can you try changing your lanaugage for LaunchBox and see if you still get the same error? If you need to roll back your LaunchBox.xml (this is where all of your settings are stored), you can open the backups folder, sort by date and try replacing your LaunchBox.xml with the latest one and keep going back till it works. If you are comfortable with XML editing in Notepad++ and you find the lines in the XML refered to Calibri, Bold or the Language you chose and changing it to another one then you can try editing that to see if then it loads. Make sure you make a backup of your current XML regardless of what you try and do.
  13. I didn't need all that, but thank you it is helpful. Unfortunetly, your CPU, RAM and maybe your Hard Drive (I can't tell, but if it's an internal 2.5" drive, it's probably SATA3 5400RPM) seem to be what's holding this back. It should STILL launch though, so I am confused. Did you install LaunchBox in it's default location? Do you happen to AV Software opened while you are trying to open LB?
  14. My guess would be yes, but we might need to make some changes our selves for the vertical orientation.
  15. How old is your laptop? Where is LaunchBox installed, as in is it on the internal 5400 RPM Drive?
  16. Bulk edit your games by clicking on an Arcade game (make sure you click on your Arcade platform on the left first), then Ctrl + A. Right Click -> Edit. In the Bulk Edit Wizard drop down box select emulator, then select your MAME emulator. Edit MAME and double check the path is correct. Either the pathing is wrong now for some reason, you've updated MAME but not the pathing in LB, or you never edited your games to point towards MAME if you added MAME under a new name. You generally don't have to edit your games emulators if you keep the emulator and use the same name and just edit the path when you update the path to the new version. If you add a new entry for your emulator so you have MAME .173 and MAME .174, then you need to edit the games to use the different emulator.
  17. wasili said A comment on this subject from an amiga/whdload perspective: I don't know how ROM names are mached to game titles for other platforms, but couldn't you add a db attribute "rom name", possibly with multiple entries, that db entries are matched against when you import games? This way amiga enthusiasts could fill in theese fields and problem solved. Yea we thought of doing something like that, but unfortunetly that would require one for each game, and most games don't exist. For special systems like this that have internal Database name conversions we can utilize this in LaunchBox. We already internalize and change the internal MAME names of games over to their real names for scraping purposes (even though there is a bug in there right now for other systems not based in MAME). We can pull something off like that for WHD Games potentially, and it probably updates way less.
  18. Did you try the Windows Games Importer?X If it doesn't work and If you are using exe's instead, go to your Root Mugen folder and use the Windows Search. Search for ".exe". It will show you all of the exe's, then you can drag and drop them in to LaunchBox. Since this still needs to updated, you'd have select MS-DOS as you can use the Bulk Edit feature to removed the entries from trying to use DOSBox. You may also have to edit their platform to something else, I can't remember if this method would also try and call them DOS games. We know that we need to allow better Drag and Drop support for Windows exe's so there would be no workaround.
  19. I don't get what you are meaning. Regardless of size you can add as many shortcuts as you'd like. 10 or 123. It's just that we don't have shortcut importing, and if the Windows game Importer doesn't find your exe's properly you can drag and drop all 123 shortcuts, select MS-DOS. Once importerd, you bulk edit out the option for MS-DOS so it launches without it. We do want to expand the drag and drop function and importer function so that there is an option for Shortcuts. If I didn't understand what you meant @rmilyard then please let me know.
  20. Right now the themeing engine is certainly in Beta, if not an Alpha state. This is one of our bigger features that will hopefully be a long term feature, so we gotta take our time with it. It will get easier in the long run so we can more easily open it up to everyone.
  21. Combining them is easier than Splitting them if that makes sense... in terms of scraping. If they're split we can't assign alternate naming. "Scrape As" in this situation would be best. It works great in both situations, but it shines more if they are split. Combined on the Database just means PC Engine and TurboGrafx-16 reside here, and if you have them split both SHOULD scan the same category. At least that was my explination for a while now. In the end, we are all up for which ever the people want. Combining them was talked about to try and simplify the database, but still allow users to choose how they want to display their games. This conversation also happened well before we had RL support via the plugins. Just know it was never meant to force anyone to how we are doing it, and even if we want to do things differently we still want to go towards what the community wants and not what we want or even what RL does.
  22. For those that missed it, Microsoft had their E3 Xbox Conference a little bit ago, and it was actually a very stellar conference. If people are interested in hearing mine or Jason's thoughts on the conferences, I would not be apposed to making a video about each conference if people are interested. I watched the Kinda Funny rebroadcast, I love these guys and have been following them for years ever since they were with IGN. If you want to watch the unfilitered conferences IGN has the full conferences up on their channel, otherwise these are the KF Re-streams of the conferences. EA's conference was boring. Only thing of note for me was Mass Effect Andromada. Actually fell asleep during the sports segment honestly. Bethsda's was killer. Not perefect, but a great 6, 8 and 14 month cycle of games. They're not announcing games or features that are 3 years out. Fallout 4 VR is the first announcement that is making me interested in VR. The new Fallout 4 DLC looks awesome, Doom expansion, Skyrim Remastered, etc. Prey might be my most anticipated new game, spectacular. Sad it's not Prey 2 anymore, loved the first Prey. Nothing super spectacular, but overall REALLY good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUOOhd-tbVE Microsoft 100% nailed it. The ball is certainly in Sony's court now. Both Microsoft and Sony have marketing nightmares on their hands when it comes to their new iteretive consoles. Note iteretive, not NEW consoles, the same consoles more powerful while not abandoning the older models. Cool games. I still like Sony's exclusives, but Microsoft did good. They had Windows 10 along side every single game demo, even the not exclusive ones. If it's Published or Developed by Microsoft though, it will probably only be available on the Windows Store which is a joke. Games not specifically published or developed by them will probably make it to Steam. If Microsoft did release on Steam though, I would be more happy about the few exclusives I do want to play, because then I can play them on PC instead of wanting to buy the more powerful Xbox One next year. Dead Rising 4, not exlusive, looks amazing. Xbox One S information, with Scorpio info below that: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xbox_One#Xbox_One_S https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnUrKqKnnLo I was frikin bored during the PC Conference, I tuned out immediatly. Day [9] (Sean Plot) is an awesome guy, I like his work, but the conference was bad. KF also doesn't particularly do the computer space, their bread and better is Consoles and specifically Sony. I prefer playing on PC / Steam, but the conference was bad. Ubisoft, my stream didn't load right away. Now live commenting. Missed Just Dance, Wildlands looked really good at first. Looks eerily real, but the second half was BORING. South Park Fractured But Whole, I loved the first game this sequel looks frikin amazing! Combat in South Park is REALLY improved now. The Division expansion I want to play, but I don't have the friends on PS4 to play with and I don't wanna play that alone. I also don't want to play Ubisoft games on PC, UPlay sucks. Eagle Flight looks cool for a Post Apacalyptic VR PVP game... but VR and PVP, no thank you. Still looks interesting, and at least it's a real person demo and not the fake scripted demo like during Wildlands. Star Trek VR, meh. Trials of the Blood Dragon looks REALLY AWESOME. This conference is picking up for me a bit. Trials out now. Assassins Creed movie info.......... now im bored again. Too many ups and downs! Watch Dogs 2, fake hacking of the conference. Cheesy, but interested. Watch Dogs 2 looks way better than the first one. xD For the most part I don't care for this conference. Took WAY too long for the pacing to be this bad. Bethesda and Microsoft was so much more succinct, not like me at all I guess. xD This Watch Dogs 2 thing IS STILL GOING ON. They nailed San Francisco....... BUT THIS CONFERENCE IS STILL GOING ON... Finally one last thing, new IP from French Developers for Ubi new genre. Open World, Action Sports. Go Pro, the game. That was a joke. The games called Steep, GoPro The Game, and it's confusing. Now they're gonna talk FOR LONGER, to tell us what it's about..... FML. STOP UBISOFT... STOP. Ubi, go gome, you're drunk. The game looks interesting, but what I took away from this: "Where do we want to make the setting of this game? *looks out the window* "What about here in the French Alps?!?!?" I also took another thing away from this game, a guy crashed during a flight race and you could hear bones crunch and the guy screem: The perfect analog to this entire conference. xD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTgIyQxnNi0 Live thoughts going again for this one. Sony's Conference starts with a badass Orchestra. For a second I thought an orchestra hacked the E3 stream's. xD "CriticalCid: orchestra stream powered by Watchdogs 2 xD" We come in to Krato's and the crowd ERUPTS! This game looks super beautiful. It's worth noting there are screens on the right side that show people actually playing, and the orchestra doing a live soundtrack. It sounds and looks beautiful, then Krato's beats the shit out of something 3 times his size. Sad moment with the boy, THEN DRAGONS! Great intro, then, SONY BENDS GAME!!!! Looks beautiful, looks also like Oregon (where I like) and post apoc, sexy. Days Gone is the name of the game, looks awesome. I literally live about 30-45 min from Sony Bend, so I was super excited to see this. Sony is doing some awesome awesome stage show things with their video too- LAST GUARDIAN!!!!! Still looking beautiful AF. Very trepadatious with how this game is going to perform, it's been in development for about 10 years and shown at many E3's. Holy crap this year!!! October 25th, 2016! The crowd in this theatre is totally on board with everything, whooping and happy for every single reveal thus far. Now in to a live (maybe?) gameplay demo of Horizon. We know it just got delayed, but Robot Dino's... yay! Can't tell if this is the demo or the stream, but heavy compression going on, does NOT do this game justice. Game after game after game after game after game. Unlike Ubisoft that talked waaaaay too much, this is firing on all cylinders. Now we're seeing Detroit, looks really interesting. The mouths in this game look very... odd. Can't Unsee. Looks to play out like Heavy Rain with a Groundhod Day scenario, or at least that is the demo! Wow, through the roof replay value. Save states anyone? Oh no, PS4 VR Horror game. *hides* Creepy ass mannequins...? WHAT?!?! THAT SCARRY DEMO WAS RESIDENT EVIL 7..... WHAT, HOLY CRAP. What the fuck is going on with this show! Resident Evil 7, return to true survival horror, and can be played completely in VR. Jan 27th 2017. Playstation VR Price and date announced. $399 on October 13th, 2016. Now we're on an alien planet with some sci fi stuff going on. Game is called Farpoint but nothing else is known but giant spiders and sci fi alien planets. Now we hear R2D2, Star wars VR. Star Wars Battlefront VR X-Wing Missions. Sorry Star Trek. xD Now we hear the Joker. Back to game to game to game. Batman Arkham VR, Octber 2016, PS VR is killing it. This is STILL going ape shit for everything. Now Final Fantasy logo, Final Fantasy Logo and Chocobo music! FF15 Release date, November 2016, and it's in VR. FF 15 VR Expierence. On to another game. Taking place in space, on a space ship, super sci-fi. Don't know what this is yet. Looks interesting though. This Conference so far, IS KILLER. Better so far than Microsofts almost perfect conference. Looks like more VR? Nope, this is the new Call of Duty. Not a CoD fan, but this looks A HELL of a lot better than their shit show of a first trailer. This looks really good actually... and I don't think I've ever said that for a CoD game... wow. Modern Warfare remastered by the looks of it, and the crows oo's. NO WAY, CRASH BANDICOOT MUSIC, FIRST 3 GAMES REMASTERED FOR PS4, AND CRASH IS IN SKYLANDERS ALSO!!!!! No Crash trailer, but More Star Wars! Looks like Lego Star Wars VII. Andrew House to the stage! Orchestra doing their JOB tonight. Awesome music. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON, KOJIMA IN THE HOOOUUUUSSSSE! "Hello everyone, IM BACK!" New game, running in real time. This crowd is going in sane. This game looks, AWESOME! Norman Reedus' face from Walking Dead, back with Kojima, game is Death Stranding. SPIDER-MANS VOICE, BY INSOMNIAC GAMES, NO WAY, IT IS REAL. Sony CAME OUT SWINGING. HOLY CRAP. This is literally an all-star show. I need to breath... wow. Microsoft had the buzz, a great conference, a perfect conference, EXCEPT FOR SONY DID IT BETTER, WHAT!!!! One last announcement? Ends with a Days Gone live demo. This game has A LOT of Zombies on screen at once, wow. This live demo is good, looks very different than other zombie games, and that orchestra IS GOING TO WORK. Sizzle reel with A LOT more games that they didn't show and the ones they did. Literally no mention of Vita, poor little guy, then chants of "Sony Won" rang out! We're out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJM7h1J-QcE Tell me what you guys think about this stuff, and If you want me to put this in video form with maybe some added information and thoughts, let me know!
  23. Yea, that's why I agree there are improvements we can make on it. Bulk Editing, at least, is fairly simple considering. So it does suck to not have the option automatically available if you want, and having to do it for every game. I was thinking, a check box on the Edit Emulator page to show it in the Launch As menu. This way it reduces clutter? The Associated Platforms page would have a lot more importance than it does now though, because that is how it would know where to display the console.
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