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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. Jason Carr said Nice. If you build it, they will come. We need to update this. "If you create a lot of content, they will come." xD Now... im still waiting.
  2. Jason Carr said Ha, is that even *in* installation notes anywhere? Do we even *have* installation notes? ;) So easy to miss you don't even know. :P
  3. whitoxx said Thanks for your reply but have you tried this? I think it is not that simple. If you can do it, please kindly quote an example for me. Thanks. I've never used it before Yea it might not be that easy, or it could be that easy. My point was really to experiment.
  4. whitoxx said Does anybody using Launchbox to run Taito Type X and X2 games? If yes, would you advise how to set it up? Thanks in advance! I've never used it before, but just treat it like anything else. Add it to your list of emulators, specify the platform and set it as default. Import your games for that system. Lets the import process go and just launch the games. If it doesn't work, try and see if there are command like arguments for the emulator and play around with them.
  5. finagle69 said Fair enough. I just like things to be a tad more minimal, more in line with what I actually call them IRL. I thank you for your help in this, though. Great little tool you guys have here. Question: Are the Beta versions open for any registered user to try/use? Or is it for a designated group of folks? Thanks again! I don't think its designated anymore. In the LaunchBox options there should be a check box to allow LB to see the beta updates. When you update and the dialogue pops up, give LB some time to close before continuing it or it will say it can't access specific files. Also, and Alias system would be kind of nice. I could minimize the left sidebar so maybe I can open the right sidebar and keep the same amount of titles shown for my show RNG.
  6. finagle69 said FIXED IT: If you look at this screen grab, you'll notice I changed all my Platform names to be something more friendly and shorter (like Nintendo instead of Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)). I also changed 'Sony Playstation' to 'Playstation 1'. On a hunch, I changed it to 'Playstation 1' in the emu manager, and sure enough, that makes it hook correctly. Strange, as I don't think I changed any of the others. Edit: Maybe as a feature suggestion for a Beta version would be the inclusion of Platform Aliases for this very reason! Well we tried to keep it to the defaults because thats what the sites used and imported. I should have noticed it :P
  7. finagle69 said Are there other PS1 cores for RA? If so, what are they called? I don't see any in the latest core pack that jump out at me as PS1 cores. I have ePSXe as well, but I don't think RA shaders will work with it. At least, I don't know how to if they are. They might not be RA specific shaders, but it does have shader support. Other PS1 cores don't seem to be in the latest (I have it as well) but looking back at an older pack I see several, thought I can't confirm their compatability and performance. pcsx_rearmed_interpreter_libretro pcsx_rearmed_libretro pcsx_rearmed_libretro_neon I am just wondering if its that specific core or any PS1 cores because we know you can switch to others. Dumb question, but all your BIOS and etc are setup correctly?
  8. finagle69 said Right. For me, LB forces the changing of cores just fine from NES, SNES, N64, GBA, Genesis without any problems at all. But if from any of those cores, I then try to play a PS1 game, that's when the issues start. The following are the info boxes for PSX. That's strange... nothing seems off. You can load PS1 games just fine out of LaunchBox? Can you try one of the other PS1 cores? Not that you need to stick with it, but just to see if it switches. Worse case scenario, grab epsxe 1.9.xx or which ever the latest is. It's pretty nice and you can do shaders with it as well as increase the internal resolution of the games like PCSX2 and Dolphin.
  9. finagle69 said Firstly: Hello! I recently started using LB and loved it so much that I purchased it. :) I'm trying to use RetroArch as much as possible as it's what I'm used to coming from RetroPie, and I have a custom shader I've come to love. I have an issue when trying to launch any PS1 game via the LB browser after playing a game from a different platform (core). Basically, RA will start and be set on the previously used core. If I played using FCEUmm previously, then that's what loads and the PS1 game doesn't play, of course. This happens no matter what platform I try prior to trying a PS1 game. The cores I have installed in RA and appropriately called out in LB are: mupen64plus_libretro.dll fceumm_libretro.dll vba_next_libretro.dll genesis_plus_gx_libretro.dll mednafen_psx_libretro.dll snes9x_next_libretro.dll The workaround I have to follow is to open RA manually, then I can either select core, or open a game from the ROM dir or Game History in RA. After that's done, it seems like RA knows the last core used is med-psx. I can then exit RA, open a PS1 game in LB and it works just fine. I can then open any number of PS1 games without issue. I can also go to any other platform and open their games, no problem. But then if I go back to PS1, the cycle repeats and I have to do the manual RA business. I hope I've stated this clearly enough, and hope that you all might have some insight. Also for reference: RA version: a nightly from less than a week ago, the full download Med-psx core version: from the latest full cores dl in the nightlies section of libretro libretro site has been down the last couple days, so I can't check for any newer versions. Thanks, John. Hm... I can have RetroArch switch cores just fine, but I am not sure about PS1. I can't stand the PS1 core. Can I see a screenshot of your RetroArch edit box? Or rather does it have the proper syntax? -L "cores/core name/" Cores being where its located in the RetroArch root and core name being its specific name. Also, the " " matter as well does the -L not being in it.
  10. Hippyshake said Thanks, Brad. I should have actually read the installation notes. :P It's ok, its easy to miss.
  11. Hippyshake said When trying LaunchBox this morning, I received the "Some files could not be created" pop-up. with the suggestion to reboot Winodze and restart LB....which repeats the request once I've done those things. :) Is there a way I can save what I've imported so far, do a clean install, and transfer back those files to the proper directories (/Games and /Images, for example)? EDIT: Oddly enough, this only seems to happen with my initial copy of LB; my "testing" version updated just fine. Both are in /MyDocuments and called LaunchBox and LaunchBox2. When you update LaunchBox the installer will pop up, you have to wait for LaunchBox to completely close. It can sometimes take several seconds for it to fully close depending on your library. Once LB is out of Task Manager you can go ahead and continue the update.
  12. Kriven said DOS76: Have you tried using Calibre for your comic book collection? It greatly resembles LaunchBox from a visual standpoint, and does feature batch importing and the ability to draw a cover from the first image in a .cbr/.cbz file. I personally use ComicRack.
  13. Jason Carr said Hey guys, yeah, TGDB being down really sucks, it's pretty discouraging. I wouldn't call them a "necessary evil" though lol, I really appreciate them for everything they've done. LaunchBox could not be what it is today without them. That said, I am looking to ultimately replace it with our own system, if anyone isn't already aware. Thankfully, TGDB's license allows us to re-use the data. So I am planning to build a new system that won't suffer from this down time, and also allows users to contribute (upload) from within LaunchBox itself. This is currently what I am most excited about regarding the future of LaunchBox. In the mean time, though, I really hope TGDB comes back up soon. I used necessary evil as a term, not that they are literally evil. Wikipedia is the same thing until we can get our own infastructure up.
  14. n4tive said Its been down intermittently since yesterday, today has been down all day today. I think its a good idea to have a local db, though I'm aware how much work goes into it (plus the development of launchbox). I think it could be another feature for premium launchbox. We already have this feature. It's been there for months.
  15. ps4isthefuture said Jason and the Launch Box Community, I know everyone that uses LB is most likely aware that thegamesdb has been going through moving their site to a new server over the last month. There had been a little down time and now it's down hard. I'm not sure your guys' ties to them but depending on the nature of the reasoning and amount of time for them to become operational (if they can), maybe a backup (or replacement) should be implemented. I am in no way placing blame on the guys working on thegamesdb project, they all have normal jobs too and this is an extra project for them also. I have the utmost respect for their work and their efforts to solve their current issues. However saying that, the DB being down is crippling the main feature in LB. And if they cannot resolve their issues soon I fear it could unintentionally harm the great reputation that is building for Launch Box. At least there should be a redundancy built-in if one DB is non-operational. To Jason and the Launch Box Community, thank you for listening to my concern. Also thank you for the Launch Box program! Edit: Ok just checked and now they are back up and running. But it still might be a good idea to have a redundancy built into the app. Thanks everyone! We don't have any affiliation with them. They offer their data up for free with a CC License and they offer an API, or at the very least, an easy way to obtain it. Their site has been having issues for the past week. As far as redudancy goes, we do. LocalDB is a GDB backup that Jason started to perform several months ago. He updates it a lot, but... the more time goes on the more and more creating our own database becomes prutinent. I've been working hard on trying to get a default emulator in LaunchBox for almost every console and when the time comes for us to create our own database, we'll be there moderating and populating it. We've tried to contact them several times, they either dont want to be contacted or just flat out ignored us... or both. So, as far as were concerned, they're currently a necessary 'evil' and I use that lightly. Turn of phrase of mostly. They're down time only goes to strengthen a resolve for our own dedicated database.
  16. DOS76 said I was playing around today with getting both CPS3 and Crystal Systems emulator working (which I did) that is when I noticed that Crystal didn't have an icon on the taskbar so I searched for an image and they didn't seem to have one so I decided to create my own. I used the above method but for some reason it added the icon to the .exe but it doesn't show on the taskbar. This is the first time I tried this and it didn't work so I guess it only works sometimes. I made the icon by grabbing an image of a crystal, downloading a font called crystalline, word, snipping tool and the above mentioned ConvertICO.com. Did you attach the image to the shortcut or the exe in its folder?
  17. Duckeenie said No disrespect to yourself or LB but Scarlett Johansson is over-rated in my view. Morena Baccarin is clearly a goddess though :) ... huh?
  18. Jason Carr said Alright, I changed the max upload size to 2 megabytes. It was set really low by default. I'd set it higher but apparently my PHP max upload size is 2 megs, and I don't feel like hunting that down. ;) Per the Edit button, it should allow anyone to Edit, until there has been a reply. It won't let you edit after a reply just because that could disrupt the flow, depending. They set it low probably because they dont want to pay arms and legs for server costs. Any higher and they'll probably want money from you.
  19. Hippyshake said Another observation as I go through the games LB has found: It appears that, as long as a game is in a subdirectory of Windows, it will be identified as a Windows game. I've found some old installs of games from Gog (prior to my purchasing an external HD a few years ago), and the default directory is apparently ..\..\..\..\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\GOG.com\[GAME]. For example, it's identified Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold as a Windows game (it's MS-DOS). The good news: It's picked up the .lnk instead of DOSBox. :) So GOG specifically does something interesting. Some of their games, especially with the old installer, didn't want you to launch game the from inside of the install folder. They put a desktop icon and a start menu folder with some stuff in it. They wanted you to start the game from those two locations pretty much at all times. The only solution would be to reinstall the game in the same directory. You don't lose saves, but its sad. Most of the games got away from it, but some DOS based games still do that.
  20. Hippyshake said It's also found things like DOSShell (MS-DOS 4.01). This is what I meant earlier by having a list of items that LB doesn't scan for. It may be more direct or crude... but it will potentially completely help to eliminate inproper exe's being pick up by games. At least as it stands now.
  21. Jason Carr said Hi Hippyshake, unfortunately I think the Windows search will have to just assume that everything it finds is a Windows game. Obviously GOG's collection is split between both. That's a good point about GOG; I'll see if I can address that, thanks. Can we have a list of excluded .exe names and extensions like when we import DOS games?
  22. Hippyshake said Jason Carr said Take note though that you can just use a separate LaunchBox install, so there's no need to wipe your collection. I'm mostly interested in the games that it doesn't find, but the non-games could certainly prove useful as well. Much appreciated. Thanks for the tip on the separate install! I forgot about LB's portability. I have several thousand games installed, so this will be a few hours. I also have to babysit my grandson at 1pm, so if I'm not done by then there will be some time I won't be able to work on it. The biggest problem so far that I've noticed is that LB tends to grab the DOSBox executable instead of the "Launch [Game Title].lnk" when importing Gog Galaxy games. (Just to satisfy my own curiosity because I can see an argument for both ways: Do you want LB to consider games from Gog as Windows or MS-DOS games?) Personally I prefer them labeled from what Service they came from. For the most part I know what system everything belongs to.
  23. shinra358 said So suppose you are trying to change the emu paths too, is there a way for launchbox to detect the games you already had allocated and it will rejunction the games back to their settings when you rescan for said games? No. It would need to be done with XML editing for now.
  24. shinra358 said If you've already set up your launchbox with games and now want to move the whole thing somewhere else, how can you easily re-allocate everything without doing everything all over again if the games aren't in the launchbox folder? So lets use an example. I did this recently when I needed to consolidate roms. N:\Emulators\ And I moved it to F:\Emulator\ Close LB and open up your XML file with a decent text editor like Notepad++. Ctrl + F and find the replace function. The string of text that needs to be found is "N:\Emulators\" without the quotes, and it would need to be replaced with "F:\Emulator\". If all you are doing is changing Drive letters but the rest of the file structure is staying the same find "N:\" and replace it with "F:\". Make sure you keep the full drive path F:\ so that way a regular N isn't replaced with an F. Oh, and also make sure you use \ and not /. \ Is above enter and below backspace on QWERTY American keyboards.
  25. Jason Carr said Thanks, Hippyshake. I organize my collection that way too (Windows, MS-DOS, etc.), so that's one thing I'd like to see too. Unfortunately, though, we're still somewhat limited by TheGamesDB, as they currently only have PC. I'm hoping that this all will be solved eventually with a new metadata/images system. Can't we do something post scan. Ask the user after its all done if they would like to rename or mass alter something from what was just edited? This could solve the problem. I import GOG games, let them all get found then when its done edit just those games system back to GOG?
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