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Everything posted by CadetStimpy

  1. Dune Case (Mini-ITX PC) KickStarter Link P.S. Need more technical specs, though.
  2. Candide Thovex completes the trilogy with the third One of those Days. This is probably the coolest skiing video I've ever seen! Skiing starts about 40" in... Read the sub-titles at the beginning - apparently the French Police are after this guy! The longer it goes, the crazier it gets! Obviously well planned, but still cool. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1NagZN2kjY
  3. Redbull's involved in the coolest shit! Old Snowmobile Jump Record (57 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DexDu4FDEWM New Snowmobile Jump Record (50 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0-DBMKlil4
  4. DOS76 said Also in retrospect print ads aren't that bad because they are quiet and you can easily ignore them. You got that right! Remember that 'subliminal' stuff, such as naked women outlined in ice cubes in a glass of bourbon? Here's some. Be sure to check-out the last one (#11). P.S. I don't fully agree with this particular list, but some of the picks weren't bad.
  5. DOS76 said The best are the car commercials that talk about how much money you can save by going $30,000 plus in debt oh wait they don't mention that part just the savings. Don't forget, though, if you have an expensive sports car, you'll in-turn, have a super-model for a girlfriend. And, if you drink Bud, you and all your friends will be young, fit, and really good-looking.
  6. SentaiBrad said 30's to 60's advertising is a treasure trove of awesome and "wow they would never get away with that now days". Here's an example (not likely seen today ) of one popular technique you'll all recognize: The Testimonial/Endorsement (Advertising has 7 basic techniques, as I recall (don't remember most of 'em )). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCMzjJjuxQI
  7. DOS76 said Happy birthday indeed. This game is the epitome of gaming nostalgia for me. Yah, The Legend of Zelda is to Video Games as what The Wizard of Oz is to movies. There's even this :
  8. DOS76 said Also this drive could be like a Jedi Holicron (from the expanded universe novels and comics) In the real world they would be insane for keeping long term familial archives for generations. Crap, Derek, you're right. Has anyone else noticed how so much Sci-Fi ends-up becoming a reality? (I admire accurate visionaries).
  9. DOS76 said Its crazy how an animal as foolish and as flawed as man is stupid and off the charts brilliant all at the same time. I agree, it's a huge disparity in intellect, that's for sure. I wonder if dolphins have geniuses and idiots. I would think so. Speaking of stupid... This 'chart' is not Politically Correct, but was acceptable, back then (BTW, I hate PCness - waaay too many adult whining babies in the world ), and it could come in handy at some trivia event.
  10. DOS76 said Wow so you were playing with these things before they even came home Yup, and punch cards, as you referenced, too. Working as a 'Computer Operator' on the night shift at the headquarters of a large grocery store chain, we used them. One night my co-worker was carrying 4 trays of cards over to where they'd be processed, and he tripped and dropped the trays. There were literally thousands of cards (the trays were about 3 feet long, packed with cards from end-to-end). That sucked, putting the cards back in order. Yah, they had to be in order. Oh, did I mention 'Paper Tape' on a PDP-11/70 mainframe? I had access to all the 'chad/chaff' anyone could ever want.
  11. Tomorrow is the 30th Birthday of The Legend of Zelda! (I enjoyed the author's article).
  12. I very recently became aware of ISP Peering, even though it's been around for many years. (Dang, I need to have a more "inquiring mind" (remember those ads for the National Inquirer?)). This particular story (a bit dated) focuses on Netflix, but it's interesting stuff regarding your 'Internet Speed', among other things.
  13. DOS76 said I still want the data storage that will last a billion years that is such a sick concept and oh yeah its 360TB and called a Superman Crystal what! I'm still having a nerdgasm over that article. I know! When I first started working in the computer industry with Digital Equipment Corporation (1970's) I saw Core Memory Boards. Each little metal 'donut' on the board represented only one bit. Holy crap, we've come a long way!
  14. Tacoma (with humanoid characters) Hey, the makers of the game are based in my hometown.
  15. DOS76 said At least with the Windows Machine you get Windows 10, 2GB of RAM and the pleasure of not finding out what Endless OS is. True! But for $79, I might get it as an over-the-top paperweight.
  16. HaHaHa! Shit, you two (Jason & Brad) are probably geniuses, but the AMD geniuses may outnumber you. P.S. Hopefully Brad will find a new job soon.
  17. Endless Mini PC ($79!) Not very powerful, but for 79 bucks, what do you expect?
  18. DOS76 said When can I get one and how much will it cost? I dunno, but I want one, too!
  19. WRC in the Winter - Outside View (21-second duration) WRC in the Winter - Inside View (16-second duration) (I love WRC)!
  20. MotoGP vs Indy Car (1.5-minute duration) (I love MotoGP)!
  21. Hard Abs (36-second duration) P.S. Be sure to watch the "Grand Finale"!
  22. Data Storage in the 5th Dimension (I'm not kidding). Using nano-structured glass, scientists from the Optoelectronics Research Centre at the University of Southampton have developed the recording and retrieval processes of five dimensional (5D) digital data by femtosecond laser writing. Highlights: The data will last 13.8 billion years at 374°F (190°C) and virtually forever at room temperature. Thermal stability up to 1832°F (1000°C). 360TB/Disc Data Capacity
  23. DOS76 said Its in the mail let me know if it doesn't come. Does anyone else want one I'll send one to all LaunchBox users who reply but don't hold your breathe waiting for because you may suffocate. Thanks, but please hurry, Derek, I can't breath!
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