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Everything posted by CadetStimpy

  1. Well, it's great for downloading files, especially large ones. (You're whoopin' me bad on the Uploads, though). Check-out the download speed of openSUSE (far right), done for this Topic, just minutes ago.
  2. I can't explain this, as my 'ISP Bundle' hasn't changed (as far as I know), but look how fast it is now compared to the first Post in this Thread. , but ! It just doesn't 'compute' that my service is faster (almost twice on the download), but Xfinity isn't charging me more. I suppose it'll come eventually, and probably sooner than later. (Upload speed is kinda puny, but the Download speeds are crankin')!
  3. I'm currently doin' the OS on an SSD and storage on multiple HDD's. But once you guys buy me that 13TB SSD (Topic #6), I'll move everything to that.
  4. Suffering from Road Rage? This is your answer! (This clip is nearly 5 minutes long, but I was too lazy to find a shorter one that was in HD , but you'll get the idea very early-on, anyway. This clip is a bit older, but still cool!).
  5. And now, for some more unusual 'hardware' and software. Only a minor caution (no really explicit content) on this one, but I'd still not let the kiddies see it. A buddy sent me this earlier today: VirtuaDoll. After a minute, you'll get the idea. But, if you continue to watch (starting about 1'45"), there's a portion of the game where you can go on to save kidnapped goddesses, defeat mythical beasts, and then claim your reward. There's also a free SDK, so you can develop your own fantasies! P.S. Free advice is worth every cent of it, but if you'd be ashamed if your Mom knew about it, then you may not wanna do it!
  6. You're welcome, Sentai Brad! Glad I could be of assistance, even if indirectly.
  7. My ideas are no doubt impractical because of their complexity (and they're kinda lame, too ), but what do you thing of this crazy-ass one?: The LaunchBox logo is the nucleus of an atom with a handful of 'electrons' orbiting it. The 'electrons' are maybe a little-bitty Super Marion, another one is Sonic, etc. But, alas, as Derek pointed-out, the 'electrons' would cause licensing issues.
  8. Perhaps you could do the Merch in a KickStarter fashion? If ya want one, contribute to the 'development/design/manufacture' of it. If enough money is drummed-up, then proceed.
  9. Best of Stefan Pabst's 3D Drawings
  10. Fixstars 13TB 2.5" SSD! The bad news? $1,000/TB, so the drive costs $13,000! Doh! But it would rock to have a slew of those in your case!
  11. This looks interesting... EVGA Full Tower ATX Gaming Case
  12. This is 'older', but it's my favorite Xbox commercial, and one of my favorites, period: Life is Short
  13. Okay, since people in Colorado sometimes think 'differently' (must be the thin air ), I was thinking on these lines (for my first pass): You're looking over the left shoulder (a few feet back and somewhat elevated) of a cartoonish looking person in front of a screen that has BigBox on it, and the top of the Gamer's skull is missing, and instead of a regular brain, it looks like a LaunchBox mini-Rubik's Cube is their brain. And, of course, this Gamer will be wearing a T-shirt with that picture on it, so in theory, you'll get the 'infinitely smaller picture' thing going.
  14. Why is it huge? Go isn't like chess, in that it's more intuitive. The number of Go configurations of the board exceeds the number of atoms in the Universe, so computers can't possibly 'think ahead' of all the possible moves. Anyway, this video was quite interesting, I thought. This is the first time ever a computer program has defeated a professional human player!
  15. I don't play Destiny myself, but it's been in 'Gaming News' a lot, lately. This may be good news. Also, if you go to the Link, ya may wanna scroll down for an unrelated, but interesting enough video, entitled, "Marvel TV: The State of Affairs" (well under 4 minutes).
  16. Mercedes Benz F015: Drivin' the Lounge
  17. The Peak Be sure to watch the stuff that starts around 1’50”. It’s some night-time, time-lapse photography, and it looks pretty cool.
  18. AirPano wins in the "VR/360 Photo" category at the Epson International Pano Awards. These 'photos' are quite impressive! Guess I should look for the 2015 competition.
  19. Danny Macaskill rides The Ridge I've been watching this guy's videos for years, but this one has great cinematography (albeit less stunts), so HD and Full Screen, for sure! He's got groups of other videos, many with more stunts and less scenery. One for great stunts would be Imaginate!
  20. Shift Change at a French Lighthouse (The fun starts about a minute in).
  21. Uncle Drew (Another popular one, so you may have seen it, but if ya watch this one, be sure to watch it to the end).
  22. You've probably seen this one, as it was quite popular, but in case you haven't, Pepsi MAX & Jeff Gordon present: "Test Drive" P.S. For some reason, at about 2 minutes in, the video jumps forward a bit, but it's still watchable.
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