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Everything posted by CadetStimpy

  1. I had heard about that, but hadn't read the entire story - thanks for the Link. It actually surprises me those Torrent Sites stay up as long as they do. It just seems as if it would be so easy to track them down. I didn't think you could do squat on the Internet without it being logged somewhere. Even if you're runnin' something like PeerBlock, it seems you're still traceable, if they look hard enough. FWIW, I don't have a Facebook account, and I'm keeping it that way.
  2. There's a small lake (Prospect) in the amazing park I live near. There's a shit-load of gangster lookin' folks that hang-out there. I snapped a shot of Moe (a really nice guy) with his Ride (sporting 26" wheels) this morning. His girlfriend was over at a nearby picnic table token' on a joint :
  3. $299 for the 500GB model, $349 for a 1TB, and a "limited edition" 2TB model will be $399. (Click on the Pic)
  4. Hmmm..., the Link I provided seems to be down (for now, anyway). If you're interested, here's a Link to the YouTube video.
  5. Old Man's Journey All I know is so far, it's a game about life, loss, and hope (and I like the artwork!).
  6. How could I have forgotten a Ken Block video? (Driving starts about a minute in). This one's a bit older, but I always liked it. The new ones are really crazy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TshFWSsrn8
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ao_uAb6Jkw News story here. Source code available to Developers, too.
  8. Only $60! 30 games built-in Smaller than original HDMI capable Click here for more.
  9. (Click on Pic) Argh! I've been usin' Firefox (Netscape in the beginning) since it fit on 1 diskette, and I will try to use a Microsoft alternative whenever possible. Since they released Windows 3.1 (I think it was) with IE 'embedded', despite the Courts telling them not to, I've hated 'em. They figured they could really 'torpedo' Netscape, if IE was built into the OS. Who would bother installing a different Browser? Back then, most Users didn't know how to, anyway. It was worth it to them to take a fine. Oh, ya, remember this from pre-Windows (aka DOS ) days: Following a successful lawsuit by Stac Electronics regarding demonstrated patent infringement, Microsoft released MS-DOS 6.21 without DoubleSpace. A court injunction also prevented any further distribution of the previous versions of MS-DOS that included DoubleSpace. I think I started to hate 'em after that, and then the Netscape thing made it official.
  10. I never heard of 'em (until now), but they have a lot to do with Game Development. Yesterday, the company released updated stats conveying that over 5.5 million developers have registered themselves on the Unity platform. By comparison, Unity’s closest competitor, Epic Games, recently announced their Unreal Engine is sporting 2 million registered users. Apparently, there's lots of free stuff for Game Developers, too. Sounds potentially useful for Mr. Brad (if he's not already using it).
  11. Kirsten Marie said Jason and I have been friends for about 10 years. He was looking for someone to take care of customer service and marketing and he thought of me. So really, I am just extremely blessed. :) You've known Super-Jason for a decade? Cool! Well, I suspect Jason made a wise decision bringing you onboard, and none of us will be disappointed with the value you'll undoubtly add to the Forum community and the Product's continued success. In an unrelated Topic, since you have Moderator Mojo, Kirsten, could you gimme a few Stats (maybe even a simple graph) on Forum Member growth since conception? I was recently noticing there's a thousand more members than there were just two months ago, so it's seems growth may be approaching expotenital proportions. Yippee! (Dang-it, the spell checker hasn't been working for me for weeks, so please excuse any spelling errors).
  12. DOS76 said Sad part is that my movie collection is smaller than my porn. I'm really slacking on building it up. I was noticing that. As first I thought you may have had the most of that, since it was at the top of the list, but then I realized it was just an alphabethical thing.
  13. DOS76 said Backups are essential. You got that right! Back in my Newbie days of running RAID configurations, this happened to me: I was under the impression my RAID setup would "save me", but due to a bum-steer from the Support guy on the phone, I ended-up losing a bunch of data (that may have been irretrievable by then, anyway). After a couple of weeks of crying, whining, and trying to figure-out how to recover the data, I became quite diligent at doing Backups. The tools I was using at the time didn't recover things in much of an organized manner. Nothing had an original file name (just long, cryptic names), so it was almost worse then having nothing at all. My motto at the time bacame, "If you lose all your data without Backups, it's all over, except for the cryin'!" Now I regularly B/U my Docs, Email, game progress, of course, and rebuild stuff - I try to be mostly 'portable', in that I have mostly current versions of my installation software, so I can do a pretty complete Rebuild without the Network (Microsoft Patches notwithstanding). About the only thing I have in the Cloud now (aside from those Guides I've been throwin' onto MediaFire), is my Master Password File. Perhaps I should put more up there. I believe Google alone gives ya 15GB for free.
  14. SentaiBrad said Also, HEY! Jason is a lot better looking than myself. xD But, I can easily one-up ya on not bein' as pretty as the next guy. Remember my Crash & Burn photo from last year? I was runner-up to "National Champion of Ugly" that month. [Insert laughing here] I came a little too close to crashin' on my Mountain Bike today when I was ridin' down an outdoor stairway. It sucks when ya can't do the stuff that used to be easy, such as finding your way home. [Insert laughing here, too]
  15. If I win a big Lottery, I'll buy that $100K Video Game collection on eBay for "LaunchBox", among many other lavish gifts!
  16. Good day, Kirsten! This is an odd Topic for me, in that there are NO 'Smileys' to pick from, and there's NO "Upload Files" button, either??? Is this Moderator trickery? But, anyway, welcome to the best resource a Gamer could have, Kirsten. Yippee, finally someone good-lookin' on the Team! No offense Jason and Brad. [Insert Smiley Face here]. As I'm sure you're already aware, this is a great Forum. Jason and Brad are awesome, as are the contributors. I'm curious, how did you find the job, if you don't mind me asking...? I'm sure you have some crazy tech skills. You'll use 'em plenty to keep-up with Jason and Brad!
  17. This guy builds some really sweet lookin' stuff!
  18. You're welcome, Jason! Money well spent, I'd say.
  19. Did You Know Gaming?
  20. It has been done! P.S. I gotta get over and welcome Kirsten. Sorry I've been so lame in that department, Kirsten.
  21. DOS76 said I have 4 of them Shit! Hey, Derek, weren't you one of those guys is a Topic way back that had a bunch of those Hard-Drive screenshots (as Brad has in the 1st Post), and you had like drives C-Z? It's not a bad lookin' little box, either. I bet it looks cool with 4 of those lined-up, side-by-side.
  22. Well, as it turned-out, my intended recipient isn't as much of a Gamer as I thought. But, I still wanna get one to help support one of the best programs ever! So, I'll send ya $50 and you can offer it up in the next contest you have, or whatever. Is that doable?
  23. SentaiBrad said Now I get to transfer my emulators folder over to it. xD Over 1.1 million ROM's?
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